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Gnome 0.99.8 released 94

Sam Vilain writes "Just announced on the GNOME mailing list is GNOME 0.99.8, the "Still Conspicuously Skillful Cow" release. Check out This page for a list of ways to get it and for ftp mirror sites etc. Miguel has obviously been taking lessons from Linus about pre-releases. "
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Gnome 0.99.8 released

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  • Nothing on the webpage about 0.99.8 yet, but I am glad they finally updated the RH installation documentation.
  • is hammered, the mirrors only have .99.7.
    I'm ready to download it, why can't I have it?
  • Posted by OGL:

    Even though it's sure to cause tons of pointless flamewars, I'd prefer for Slashdot to keep reporting on each new release of GNOME and KDE, because I run them both and I need to be on the millisecond-bleeding-edge.

  • ...when GNOME with Enlightenment allows me to minimize windows without losing them forever

    I swear, I'm so tired of minimizing a Netscape window, and losing it so badly that I have to go in with a "kill -9 " to kill Netscape -- just because there doesn't seem to be a way to unminimize any windows with Enlightenment + Gnome.

    As always, if somebody has some obvious suggestion that I didn't pick up from what I once thought was an intuitive interface, please enlighten me.

    Till then, it's KDE 1.1 all the way.

  • Maybe people should just learn to not flame Gnome or KDE and be happy with having both of them in the linux community.. that is.. also an option, which is sorely overlooked.
  • by sigsegv ( 90 )
    i've gotta say, tigert does a great job with the icons. they're all really excellent.

  • Ok.. when you minimize, the icons dont appear by default.. they do not just disappear to nowhere.. you have to get e-conf and have it make an icon by default when you minimize
  • Somebody should write a paper (white or otherwise) about version numbers. The only reason you use version numbers in the first place is to provide more information. Most important is whether there are changes that break compatability, but also the stability of the code and to just note when changes occur, so you don't have to look at the date.

    I see the weirdest fscking numbers (and letters) at freshmeat, and .99 seems to be peculiarly popular, like everyone is caught in some time sink hole that hovers at 1.00.

    Fess up! If it sucks, tell us, and name it accordingly -- .01alpha_sucko.tar.gz


  • Don't use Enlightenment, but use a functional, fast window manager like Window Maker [].
  • Obviously, the one true way to version number is
    .., i.e. 0.6.2 or 2.2.1

    You start with 0.something.something to indicate an alpha, and start incrementing logically. However, you don't _know_ how many alphas you will have. Just as you may not have 9 revisions before the next minor (eg Linux 2.1.129-zillion), you may not have a full set of minors before the next major (Linux 1.3 to 2.0).

    When doing an alpha, you typically jump to 0.99 to indicate you have a near-1.0 product, i.e. has all the core functionality, but needs to be thoroughly tested/polished. It all makes perfect sense.
  • Obviously, the one true way to version number is
    major.minor.revision, i.e. 0.6.2 or 2.2.1

    You start with 0.something.something to indicate an alpha, and start incrementing logically. However, you don't _know_ how many alphas you will have. Just as you may not have 9 revisions before the next minor (eg Linux 2.1.129-zillion), you may not have a full set of minors before the next major (Linux 1.3 to 2.0).

    When doing an alpha, you typically jump to 0.99 to indicate you have a near-1.0 product, i.e. has all the core functionality, but needs to be thoroughly tested/polished. It all makes perfect sense.
  • Ok, I'm a KDE guy, I have it, I like it, it works, end of story. But who can tell me how to use WindowMaker with it. I love KDE's fm and panel, but I love WindowMaker(the only reason I'd hop to Gnome).

    Any help?

    PDG--"I don't like the Prozac, the Prozac likes me"
  • Yes, 0.99.8 is out. If you want to see Miguel's posting about the new version, check at announce-list/1999-February/ ml [].

    James Henstridge (one of the GNOME hackers)

  • ... get KDE 1.1 and be happy ;)
  • He fell out of the tree because they switched to cows instead of primates. Cows do not do well in trees.
  • by four ( 110907 )
    I would hate to be the person who maintains the .deb for gnome :)
    its got to be a lame job keeping up with these guys
  • AFAIK you can do this. At least I can with thew 0.99.7 release. Each window has an entry on the panel (or the taskbar or whatever), which stays there when you minimize the window. Just click on the appropriate part of the task bar to bring a minimized windows "back to life". You can also minimize by midclicking the spot on the taskpar.

    -- Elflord
  • A merger is not very likely as GNOME and KDE have different design internally. KDE is written in C++, and GNOME is written in C with language bindings in mind (ie almost all callbacks pass a user_data argument that makes language bindings much easier).

    On the other hand, interoperability is much more likely (and desirable to both groups).
  • We all enjoy flame wars, but your attempt lacks the subtlety needed to provoke one. I am sorry but you will have to make a less obvious attempt. Maybe remove the MS refugee slur, that makes the comment too obvious or you could include your email address to tempt us.

  • What you do:
    a) recompile the latest Window Maker with KDE support (in the "./Install" script)
    b) edit /opt/kde/bin/startkde (or where ever its located) and change the 'kwm' line to 'wmaker'
    c) if its not already there, put '/opt/kde/bin/startkde' in your ~/.xinitrc (or whatever your distro uses, i remember old slackware didnt like having ~/.xinitrc)
    d) startx and enjoy.

    you MAY want to run WPref's and take out the redundant stuff that KDE and Window Maker will both have, and get each other visually out of each others hair (ie: where minimized icons are located)
  • Test
  • Oh my god, someone mark this date as the first time in history someone other than the core developers managed to get gnome-libs & gnome-core to compile.

    I hate to say it, but even though E is being promoted as the standard gnome wm, it works much better and is much faster with icewm.
  • I personally only want Gnome because there are a *few* apps that I'd quite like to try out. Until GNUstep comes to fruition I will hold off on the harmonised desktop thing. But the list of dependencies that Gnome has is quite staggering. I've never seen an installtion spew out so many libraries. And what happened when I finally got everything compiled? Virtually everything segfaulted. Not even the damn panel would run. It was probably something to do with the way i have my system setup I guess. Anyway, I'm gonna hold off for a while. Downloading all these libraries and compling them for nothing tends to piss me off. Ah well... such is life.
  • Hmm.. you may be onto something there. I have just recently upgraded to glibc2, and have had a few problems. I'll check it out, thanks :)

    Btw, my original statement still holds - there are far too many libraries installed by gnome. Its becoming bloated.
  • My company uses and support both KDE and GNOME.
    I personally will use a KDE environment with the GNOME-Calander and other GNOME applications. I've never had a problem with drag & drop between the two and the seem to play very nicely with each other...

  • Sorry folks, but having an integrated desktop means havings every app conform to that desktop and use its toolkits to provide pervasive interface artifacts. Look at the Mac, for example.

    Since neither KDE or GNOME is ever going to "win" and gain 100% dominance (because the biggest player - Redhat- is behind GNOME, and "everyone but Redhat" supports KDE as it actually works), you will never have apps outside of the "core apps" distributed with the toolkits.

    At this point I don't see much for an experienced unix user who doesn't want to be popping excedrin all the time other than FVWM.

    If you want an integrated desktop with unix (or just posix), you will have to look at places where this has been done from the ground up and is pervasive - Be or MacOSX.

    The situation on linux is a mess and will become even more shameful as time goes on.
  • Use Windowmaker. Problem solved.
  • What? Like glibc 2.1?

    At least gtk 1.1 is labeled as a development version.

    The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.

  • What order should we compile these in?
  • FVWM and GNOME rock. - FVWM2GNOME site get it. use it. be happy. ;)
  • And then there's the version numbering scheme of TeX and metafont, which just helps to point out the silliness of version numbers:

    martind:~/public_html % tex -v
    TeX (Web2C 7.2) 3.14159
    martind:~/public_html % mf -v
    Metafont (Web2C 7.2) 2.718

    Yes, they're approaching $\pi$ and $e$, respectively, as specified in Knuth's original TeX book.
  • Remember when we got to kernel 2.1.99 and everyone thought 2.2.0 was next... hehehehe... Wait a couple weeks and watch the shock when they release Gnome v0.100.0 then v0.101.0 and everyone crys... :-) Just a thought.
  • I just tried this for the calculator, and your right, it is resizable. Howver, using icewm, all dialog boxes that i can remember cannat be resized, and even a tetris game can't be resized (wish it could, its too big at 800x600).
  • Yeah, i know it's flame bait, but listen... it's probably obvious that i like GNOME better, but that's beside the point and i won't even go into any technical aspects of them. The point is this: GNOME has more support than KDE, and people (hell even me) want to go with the desktop that will last. GNOME has the assurance of the GPL, it has the major distros like Redhat and Debian behind them, and by the number of GNOME apps coming out even though GNOME isn't even FINISHED yet and it's still buggy and hard to compile and not well documented, it looks like much more people are developing for GNOME now. Just take a look at freshmeat and count the number of new GNOME (or GTK+ which is already halfway to GNOME) apps vs. the number of new KDE apps. GNOME has won and KDE may not die but it'll never be big like GNOME will be. It doesn't matter who's better in this war.
  • Neither KDE nor GNOME exclude the use of each others applications. They've adopted the same drag and drop protocol. And I believe that most viable window managers will eventually support hints from both kind toolkits (as WM already does). Furthermore, Gtk+ is themeable and KDE will be when Qt 2.0 is released. By the time KDE and GNOME have there next major revisions I'd bet you'll be able to select a theme (or two) that will make it hard to tell which apps are using which toolkit. You'll be able to tell, but the novice user wouldn't even notice.

    As for consistency across the desktop, MS isn't consistent with its use of menus, shortcuts and mouse clicks across the Office applications, much less the set of applications that ship with Windows 9x/NT and from third party vendors. I know, your example was BeOS and Mac, but winning the hearts of MS users wouldn't be to shabby of a start.

    Personally I'm glad there are several Open Source desktop/Window Manager projects (everyone seems to forget about GNUStep and tkDesk), diversity accelerates evolution.

    BTW, DNRH (Debian's Not Red Hat - and they support GNOME).

  • So who's going to stop them from calling the next stable version 2.0, if they want to? And how would using C++ have helped? If you need to redo the interface, you need to redo the interface, no matter what language it is in. Using C++ wouldn't have helped at all.
  • The major 1 is the first fully stable release. Even if the minor is even prior to that point, it makes no difference.

"The pyramid is opening!" "Which one?" "The one with the ever-widening hole in it!" -- The Firesign Theatre
