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Gtk+ and Glib 1.2.0 released 73

FsckYou writes "gtk+ and glib 1.2.0 just got released, so now GNOME can use it instead 1.1.x. " Whole lotta that GNOME stuff getting new versions these days.
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Gtk+ and Glib 1.2.0 released

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    GLIB and GTK+ versions 1.1 had some inconsistancies in their sonames, leading to all kind of weirdness. I deleted some older 1.1.x versions of these libraries and some, but not all, apps failed to work due to not being able to locate the libraries.

    I found that after any major pruning of /usr/local/lib I had to manually run ldd * on /usr/local/bin and others to find which apps were broken, and then recompile them.

    This means that now when any new GLIB or GTK is released the soname with always be the same. Less recompiling!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Anybody interested in posting a summary of new features/improvements? How are the C++ bindings? What about GL support? I heard the Canvas widget is pretty cool but whats it all about? Thanks.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    How do I keep the old GTK and the new GTK working together via rpm
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is list of gimp mirrors, where you can (ussualy) find also gtk.

    Mirror Sites------------




    ftp://ftp.au.gimp.org/pub/gimp/ ftp://gimp.zeta.org.au/




    ftp://gimp.rug.ac.be/ http://gimp.rug.ac.be/ftp/ (web access)









    ftp://SunSITE.sut.ac.jp/pub/archives/packages/gimp /
    http://ring.aist.go.jp/pub/graphics/gimp/ (web access)
    http://ring.asahi-net.or.jp/pub/graphics/gimp/ (web access)
    http://ring.so-net.ne.jp/pub/graphics/gimp/ (web access)
    http://ring.nacsis.ac.jp/pub/graphics/gimp/ (web access)

    ftp://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/tools/X11/ftp.gimp.org /


    ftp://ftp.kappa.ro/pub/mirrors/mirrors-2/ftp.gim p.org/

    ftp://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gimp ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/gnu/gimp/
    http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/gnu/gimp/ (web access)


    http://ayna.hun.edu.tr/ayna/www.gimp.org (web)

    United Kingdom
    ftp://ftp.flirble.org/pub/X/gimp/ ftp://ftp.lmh.ox.ac.uk/pub/linux/

    United States

    ftp://froody.res.cmu.edu/pub/gimp/ ftp://ftp.randomc.com/pub/mirrors/gimp/
    ftp://gimp.chillin.org/pub/gimp.org-mirror/ (down until Sept. 1)
    http://www.ameth.org/gimp/ (web access)
  • Hi,

    Gtk+ is quite nice, but :
    1) Keybindings must be improved much more.
    2) Keep down flickering
    3) Unify the widget properties

    But it is a awesome improvement over 1.0

  • Well said.

    Dont't let the conspiracy buffs get to you
  • Oh my, Linux 2.2 was released just in time for redhat 6.0 as well - it must be a conspiracy.
  • What? Are you still using C++. D+++ is much better.
  • First off, the article is about Gtk, not GNOME.
    You don't need to use or want GNOME to use Gtk.

    Secondly, Gtk-- tracks Gtk development closely.

    And third, there are Gtk bindings for at least a dozen languages, including Free Pascal, ADA, Eiffel, and Python, most of which are far preferable to crufty old C++.

    It should also be pointed out that Motif has been the most used widget set on unix systems, and that is a C toolkit.
  • The summary of new features is right on the front page at www.gtk.org.
  • libgtk.so.2.0.0 would refer to GTK+ 2.0, not 1.2
  • Umm, did you read the article?

  • by Daniel ( 1678 )
    Only for as long as it takes to recompile those programs for 1.2. (which I predict will happen within a week.)

  • Does anyone on the GNOME team realize that most of the world's GUI development is not done in straight C?

    Most people want C++, Java, VB, or Pascal for GUI programming.

    Does anyone on the Linux team realize that most of the world's development is not in Linux?

    Most people want Windows for development.

    See how ridiculous that sounds? Just because something is different doesn't make it bad. While I'll admit that object-oriented languages are far better suited to GUI development, I honestly think the GTK+/GNOME team made the right choice with C. Why? Because it is much easier to develop bindings for other languages, including object-oriented ones, in C. For those who don't believe me, I'd like to point out that the first C++ compilers weren't compilers at all; they "compiled" the code to C and =ran it through a C compiler. Eiffel compilers still do this, and Eiffel is much more object-oriented than C++. The point: yes, programming "straight" GTK isn't as easy, on account of the fact that it's in C. However, it's much more flexible in the area of language bindings.

    Oh, and by the way, you're overestimating the importance of version numbers. Simply because GTK+ is at version 1.2 does not necessarily mean that GTK-- has to be at the same version number, even if it supports version 1.2 (though I do think that this would be a wise decision on the part of the GTK-- team). Version numbers really only mean one thing: that the programmer decided to give the program that number.
  • If you look in the RPM directories, you should find packages called glib10-1.0.6-2 and gtk+10-1.0.6-2 (or something similar). These are the 1.0 versions, and can exist concurrently with the newer versions. If you have a recent version of Redhat, I think you will already have these installed, so you should be able to just upgrade the standard glib and gtk packages.

  • by TomJ ( 4428 )
    Oh, I still have to use it :)

    It's ugly and lacks all those cool features
    you get with OSS counterparts, but it gives me less hassle than to try to install and configure
    stuff by myself -> I get more real work done.

  • There are a number of C++ bindings available. They each have different approachs to wrapping. Gtk-- with the straight wrapper, VDK with a more Borland type wrapper, and wx/Gtk with the wxWindows standard. Depending on how much or how little you wish to see Gtk code, take your pick.

    Gtk-- (which I work on) is currently in beta after a rather long infancy period. We intend to release a 1.0 cut with the next month.

    GL support for Gtk is very good. You can render direcly in a window or in a pixmap. See GtkGLArea [student.oulu.fi] for more details.

    There is even a GL widget in the Gtk-- project. It will be a week or two before it is up to date with the gtk+ 1.2 (basically because it has the largest number of dependencies). If you are interested drop by the GtkGLArea-- [ucdavis.edu] website.

    Gtk-- Contributor

  • Yea!
    This is one more "check" for the RedHat 6.0 wish list!

    I have waiting this 1.2 since far ago.
    Congratulations to the gtk+ team!
  • Or simply delete ~/.gimp-1.1/gtkrc

    It works fine without it, either using the default theme or picking up the theme fom ~/.gtkrc
    Chris Wareham
  • Finally, man you don't know how many applications I could break by trying to install the devel libs, even with the additional stable compatibility libraries. It was starting to make qt look good. Not any more.

    Less to worry about now :)
  • The problem seems to be not so much that the different development versions of Gtk+ weren't compatible with each other (the incompatibilities were well-known as far as I could tell) but that developers of other packages insisted on releasing software that depended on libraries known to be in development. Debian seems to have dealt well with the Gtk+-1.1 incompatibilities, but at the cost of having close to a dozen different versions of the same library in the unstable tree.

    Now that Gtk+-1.2 is out, hopefully everybody will fix those last little incompatibilities, and we can be back to having one active version of the library. *sigh*
  • Do you have to download a new SRPM every time a new one comes out, or is there some way to patch an SRPM?
  • There was an extensive thread about this in
    one of the kernel-lists, apparently. You might be able to dig it up.
  • I went through the documentation to see if this was announced by a banner-trailing airplane, but it wasn't...

    I'd love to play with Gnome when it's stable (haven't touched it since 0.20) but I don't want to affect the Gimp (1.0?), which is my primary app.

    Can I update to 1.2 and keep using my 1.0? Gimp?

    I know there are ways to keep a 1.0? GTK and a later revision on the same machine, but I'm not a bleeding-edge kind of guy. I just want to use a stable Gimp, and I don't want to drop that for Gnome.

    This may be a dopey question, but I'm not ashamed to announce that when it comes to this stuff, I'm just Joe Endluser.

    Jeez. I feel like I've outed myself right on the pages of Slashdot.

    "Give me $20 worth of pudding, or kill me."

  • Is the problem solved?
    I should recompile the GIMP and other GTK based
    programs whenever newer version of GTK/GLIB came

    There are some inconvenience with GTK.
    1. The different so name.
    2. higher versions of GTK/GLIB can't embrace
    lower versions. ( no compatibility, not at
    all though. )

    I wish someday it will be solved completely.
  • One thing I am starting to hate about the binary distributions that are available for GTK programs: Every one I download seems to require a different version of GTK. Prog 1 requires gtk-1.1.11, Prog 2 requires gtk-1.1.13, Prog 3 requires gtk 1.1.14, so in order to get them all to work you need multiple versions of gtk installed. It's better to just go and re-compile the source.

    People, if binary distros and rpm's are ever going to catch on, you have to release programs that are forward- and backward- compatible with different versions of commonly used libs. And I consider gtk and glib commonly used at this point, even if they are development (1.1.x) versions. It's probably a PITA to do this, cause development libs change alot, but sheesh, anyone who has ever tried to install GNOME and any other GTK app in existance from rpm's knows what I mean.

    Until these problems are solved, "use the source, luke" will be the only truly failsafe way to install.
  • Oooh yeah.
    1.3 will rock.
    I heard they'll rewrite the entry and text widgets for unicode BiDi,
    besides, development versions are the best.

  • Red Hat is not Intel, and has done vastly more to aid free software than has a company like TrollTech which had to have its arm twisted to release the QT source under more restrictive terms than GPL.
    If those of us who are presently stuck with Win95/98 at work are ever to get a chance to use Linux in our US corporate workplaces, it will likely be due to the tremendous efforts and integrity of Red Hat Software.

    ...damn' I am strident in the morning!


  • Hmm, there is a nice util hanging around called
    SmartInstall at http://www.iae.nl/users/grimaldo/OpenSoft/
    that keeps a small dbase of all your compiled and installed sources. You can do a install -E foobar
    to clean out installed packages. install -L all
    lists all your efforts. recommendations for all
  • Looks as though the sites have been slashdotted.
    Does anyone have a list of mirror sites they
    could post?


  • This isn't GNOME news. It's GIMP news. CmdrTaco should have used the Wilber the GIMP icon instead. ;-)


"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
