Major Unix flaw emerges?? 138
ZDNN has published an article titled: "Major Unix flaw emerges". It talks about
"a new denial-of-service attack". They also running news special about
Linux world (cute logo) and a poll: will MS squash Linux (guess the results..)
"Security expert" Simson Garfinkel, my ass! (Score:1)
Yup... UNIX-Specific flaw. (Score:1)
600-1500 processes? (Score:1)
Couldn't this just be handled by tcpwrappers (or similar) to close a session after 5 minutes of no traffic? Aside from all the usual firewall, tighten security, etc a half-witted system admin would do.
600-1500 processes? (Score:1)
You miss the point of this article. (Score:1)
To run your fork program you'd have to be a user on that machine, and we all know that's old news. But the ground-breaking discovery here is that outside connections use the same process table. All I can say is, WOW. I may just change my ISP to this guy's company if he's so security concious...
Heh, another cute quote I caught while re-reading it: I can shut down any one of their servers on the Net. A mighty bold statement. We need to immediately restructure the entire Internet to resolve this issue, lest we all die a slow and painful death.
And what's with the bit about it taking 10 hours to accomplish this task? Do one connection a minute for 10 hours to get the 600 entries in a process table? I can already see this guy is an experienced sys admin with programming prowess like this.
My desk has a security flaw (Score:1)
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt! (Score:1)
My friends and I were using this one on each other back in '93! There are 2 nice ways to fix this one. (a) timeout fingers-n-such after a specified amount of time, and (b) limit the number of each process that inetd will fork. Either one alone can be a pain in the neck if done too tightly, but both done lightly can keep a system up for quite a while!
Hint to zdNet: get a clue about your subject (Score:1)
It is rather obvious that the person writing this knows nothing about unix, and is biased against unix. Look at the way they dismiss the few vender quotes they get, the ignorance of what is really going on. This is journism you expect to see in something one step above the national enquier, not something you expect from a creditable news orginization.
Of course this problem was dismissed be those involed. It is not as serious as you are claiming. Far as I can tell you are saying this is caused by the finger program, which most people consider a security hole anyway, certanitly the administrators who care are security have disabled it. Can it be caused by others? Maybe, but it is no worse then the SYN flood attack that is inhearant in the design of TCP.
configurable (Score:1)
When you compile your kernel you can configure how many to allow. The more you allow, the more memory the kernel needs. (real physical memory, and swap both)
For a non-server home machine 600 is pleny of processes. What I want to know is why someone would run a server with a process table that small?
Re:Wow ... what a moron (Score:1)
Wow ... what a moron (Score:1)
yeah - bugtraq & lwn... (Score:1)
LOL (Score:1)
Ever Heard of This New Thing? (Score:1)
It's not hard to set the size of the process table, anyhow, whenever something forks too much you'll get errors, but it won't usually crash a box.
Even NT doesn't always crash in low memory conditions, but good luck getting that memory back!
The Only Major Flaw... (Score:1)
Ever Heard of This New Thing? (Score:1)
We Have a Winnah! (Score:1)
a firewall (Score:1)
even then (Score:1)
If they run a front page article on how great Linux is, it will only show that the popularity of Linux has made it easy to write trash favoring it. Asking a three year old for strategic IT information is more likely to get you useful information than reading anything published by ZDNet.
Typical winmaven brain damage (Score:1)
If you guys can't bleeding SPELL, how can we count on you to CODE?
ZD's poll seems fsck'd (Score:1)
"unix" flaw? (Score:1)
Not that I think NT won't suffer from other similar DoS's - I'm sure it will.
"unix" flaw? (Score:1)
Eh? (Score:1)
This, and what someone said about ZD having 2.2.0 *now*, make me think we're running time machines on our desks (we're predicting the future, it seems)...
This actually is a problem. (Score:1)
DOS attacks like this could cause serious headaches. It's basically impossible to "cut off" a country from the Internet. That means that it would be next to impossible to prevent a mass attack of this sort along with many, many other types of attacks. Net result? It might take 8 hours, but it sure would inconvenience a whole lot of people. This doesn't look like that big a problem, just set some limits, based on the anticipated demands, on how much resource a daemon can take up. We do it for Apache. We should do it for all of these.
My 2c.
Squashed like a bug? (Score:1)
Heheh.. This site is stale... (Score:1)
The latest Linux kernel is now available for download from ZDNet's Software Library.
Another poll to Slashdot. (Score:1)
PS : Flaw ?
Another poll to Slashdot. (Score:1)
Flaw ?
Let's see. You finger a server and don't close the connection then you finger it again. You keep doing this until the servers process tables overload and it goes under.
There is a simple workaround which is to limit how much resources a daemon can eat up.
It takes 10 hours to bring down a server.
When you do it you can easily be traced by the server admin.
Unix vendors have known about this for years and don't even consider it a problem "[...It's like saying the gas in my car could explode]".
RedHat's Market-Droid had never herd of it but dismissed it in the usual manner "[If there is really a problem it will be fixed quickly]".
There are no real exploits, just an app that went haywire on a client PC and brought down one server at an ISP.
Dose anybody else smell FUD aimed at dampening the "problem" called LinuxWorld ?
PS : "[...]" means it was paraphrased.
Two Hours?!?! (Score:1)
Two Hours?!?! (Score:1)
The sad thing is that I get it. (Score:1)
Ah, blissful ignorance, where hast thou gone?
'flaw' (Score:1)
This in turn causes hundreds of thousands of people around the globe who are just as clueless to announce that they agree this is a problem and are horrified by it and something must be done immediately.
...which in turn causes the several thousands or so who actually *do* know what the hell they're doing to have to spend the next few days answering email and phone calls, attending meetings, and sending out faxes to people setting them straight and telling them to calm down, instead of doing their normally useful job tasks. This denies many companies the services of their properly employed security administrators.
Remember, folks, just because it's on a web site, doesn't mean it's not complete and utter bulls**t.
32K or 64K unique PIDs, but limited # of processes (Score:1)
Most Unixes have a 16-bit PID (which gives you 32767 PIDs if they're signed quantities (leaving negative numbers for error values) or 65535 PIDs if they're unsigned). In any case, 0 is not a valid PID, and 1 is left for the special init process (either by convention or by design, I'm sure it depends on which OS you're dealing with).
This does not mean you can have 32K simultaneous processes. Linux's default process table has been 512 or 1024 processes, from what I recall, and it's configurable with a #define if you want more.
Also, in response to another person's comment -- # of processes does not translate into # of users. In fact, typical implementations of a number of common daemons service multiple users with a single process. I believe most MUDs are implemented this way.
Unix has 21st century probs, WinNT has probs today (Score:1)
Sure, Unix has work to do to be stable for the next 100 years. I'll buy that. Heck, we'll all complain about the time_t wraparound that occurs in 2038. "Unix... best if used before: Tue Jan 19 03:14:08 2038 UTC" . Nonetheless, Unix has had 30 years to mature, and most of its major problems have been solved (and new problems, as discovered, are addressed fairly quickly). And we all have another 39 years to brace for Unix's flavor of Y2K problem. ;-)
In contrast, Windows NT is still fairly immature, and is growing new code faster than the old code can be fixed. It already has tons of problems, with new problems being added every day -- even faster than old problems are being fixed. When new problems are found in it, we have to wait for Micros~1 to decide when to fix them -- and usually the decision is a marketing based decision, and nothing more.
So which do you choose? 21st Century Problems, or Problems Today (And Forever)?
PS. I stole someone's 'Micros~1' joke... I like it.
Wow ... what a moron (Score:1)
Interesting... (Score:1)
Hehe. The main use of this NT box is for running WhatsUp and Visio. Scotty is neat but the pitchers it makes ain't as pretty.
600-1500 processes? (Score:1)
To quote include/linux/tasks.h:
#define NR_TASKS 512 /* On x86 Max 4092, or 4090 w/APM configured. */
Another thing: number of /. "users" != number of processes.
Syn flood? (Score:1)
xinetd is what you should use, anyhow... (Score:1)
inetd is a mess in that it never checks the process table. i was hit last week with a DoS attack that failed. why? becuase xinetd was set to deny the IP anyhow nd never forked. just flooded my logs with failures, but hey, my machine survived.
linux inetd is, of course, subject to this issue. so just move to xinetd, already. other inetd replacements can also be used to control the number of daemon processes spawned... and you should use them. unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of implementing firewalls.
i grabbed xinetd from tp://coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/tool/u nix/xinetd/ [purdue.edu] and it works like a champ.
This actually isn't a problem. (Score:1)
Major Windows flaw emerges (Score:1)
ow... my stomach hurts! not that I've ever had this problem on my NEW machine -- it usually lasts about 2 weeks or so without rebooting. well it did. now it's gone into the bit bucket with no regrets...
well, not none -- anyone know where you can get a killer flatscreen that works with Linux? and how about drivers for the Creative Labs PC-DVD Encore?
Yes, there really is a flaw in those lusers! (Score:1)
you'd think they'd make sure their OWN proucts don't crash their OWN products...
how about running NO software? (Score:1)
Please Tell me.... (Score:1)
http://www.zdnet.com/talkback/22 _28402_123746.html [zdnet.com]
What exactly is the 'Microsoft Standard'? Doesn't this person know that Linux has surpassed Windows in almost every catagory? And I personally don't see anything wrong with the Average User giving Linux a whirl. I think it would be good for them.
(P.S.: Pain in using a computer? If you can't take the heat....)
SYN floods are new? (Score:1)
New DOS attack discovered: parking your car in the middle of the road will clog up traffic.
Major Windows flaw emerges (Score:1)
Johnny Doe, a well-known nerd and computer user has told us that any version of Windows can be brought down by a Denial-of-Service attack know as "Normal Use".
"It is too simple", said Doe, "a user would go and start using the machine. It can be done even remotely. In some hours, bingo, there goes Windows south".
Doe said he tried to call Microsoft attention to the problem but failed to get it past the third-shift phone-support supervisor, who told him "And what are the news?".
Since when.... (Score:1)
He who runs fingerd... (Score:1)
Seriously, though, if he's running an internet-accessible system without proc limits or reasonable timeout values, it's his own damn fault.
It takes all of a minute or two to write a process-reaper, fer Gad's sake.
-- Cerebus
What's it take? (Score:1)
I mean... does every troll post have to have some inanity about that F*cking Bill Gates ramming Sh*t down every two bit computer user's throat and a hard whatchamacallit up their *ss's?
Probably not.
The obviously superior OS, and I do mean OS as in "Outdated Software", Win-whatever, runs circles around unix stuff. Yeah, sure.
I mean.. we are talking about windows which runs on today's desktop PC's compared to the unixes which require those large and expensive computing units, right? Can't WE SEE that unix is outdatted?
Probably not.. not with all that sh*t all over the place.
Not only that, but just imagine the benefits of running a truly superior OS like win-something-or-other. You'd never need a UPS(because it wouldn't help you), you wouldn't need an administrator(because anyone can crash it just as easily), you wouldn't need powerful hardware(You'd need EXPENSIVE and VERY VERY Powerful hardware to squeeze ANY performance out of it), and best of all, it's like an STD. Once you've got it, you've pretty much got it for life... and probably where it really hurts.
Now.. compare this to those crufy old useless unix systems. You'll need lot's of backup and UPS's because you'll always have important stuff on those machines. You'd need an administrator who's trained and knowledgable because unix is a software that requires someone who can think behind that keyboard. And you'd better save those pennies, because with only a fraction of the money needed to buy a unix-capable piece of hardware which can outperform win-blows anyday of the week(can't say month since Win-dump won't last that long).
But hey.. go with that unix or linux. Sure as hell won't piss off Billy "boy" gates. But you'll probably make your customers happy. And as any "good"(as defined by MS) knows, that's the LAST thing you should do.
[maybe.. just maybe.. this will get a passing grade. :p]
Btw, the above rant does not represent mine or anyone's(as far as I know) perspective about computers, OS's, and the industry. The characters are fictional and any resemblence to real life individuals would be sad.
- Wing
- Reap the fires of the soul.
- Harvest the passion of life.
Hah. (Score:1)
Yes, there really is a flaw! (Score:1)
genuine single-user operating system? Eh, and I'll
have to stop using the top of my system as a
That's silly. It has nothing to do with Unix. (Score:1)
It affects any poorly implemented daemon. Imagine apache forked a new process for every HTTP request. Heh. Now that would suck. All daemons designed to be run by the inetd should check and see how many of the same are already running or, better, we could hack GNU's inetd to allow the user to set a maximum number of fork'ed processes per service.
Did that once. (Score:1)
Could not click the close buttons fast enough.
Control-Alt-Delete, then selecting shutdown killed them all - eventually.
UNIX is full of 'flaws' (Score:1)
THIS JUST IN --- Ginsu issued a recall of it's best selling kitchin knife. Apparently, you could cut yourself with it.
Leave it to ZDanything to start a panic.
Hoard food and ammo, Y2K is nigh!
"Security expert" Simson Garfinkel, my ass! (Score:1)
In the beginning, there was nothing, and then God said "let there be light" and there was light..
While speaking of canonical texts, let's remember to take them for what you're worth, question our sources, and never let our heroes rest too long on thir laurels. And if they stick their foot in their mouth, let's make sure they know we know.
I wonder how M$NT would stand up to this 'flaw'.
Intelligence * effort (Score:1)
Process table issues (Score:1)
bet you I can fix this faster on my linux box with sources then my NT box without..
Linux probably pretty safe (Score:1)
#define NR_TASKS 512
The real danger is if you are running stuff as root out of inetd. finger seems to have this problem on RedHat. qmail takes the correct approach: Use timeouts on all I/O, run as a user process only, and use tcpserver instead of inetd to limit number of connections. If you are running stuff out of inetd, make sure it at least uses an inactivity timeout.
In any case, finding the attacker is real easy. It's a suicide crack.
Some individual services may be somewhat lame in this respect, but that hardly makes it a UNIX flaw. It's an application problem.
You don't say (Score:1)
"The optional ``max'' suffix (separated from `wait'' or ``nowait'' by a dot) specifies the maximum number of server instances that may be spawned from inetd within an interval of 60 seconds. When omitted, ``max'' defaults to 40."
With a max of 4096 processes, ( I am using a 2.2.x kernel ), a mentioned in a prior reply, it would take well over an hour to complete this kind of attack, but, less if multiple servers are attacked. But is 4096 really the max number? I've seen process ID numbers well over 20000?
ps. why would a "security expert" leave the finger service enabled????????? Heck even I know better..
Just another reason to hate Ziff-Davis (Score:1)
"Robust" internet? (Score:1)
ZD FUD (Score:1)
This'll be hot news next month in Dvorak's Inside Scoop (or whatever it's called) article.
Jason Dufair
"Those who know don't have the words to tell
Toll Grade: C-- (Score:1)
newly announced windows bug (Score:1)
This actually is a problem. (Score:1)
But then what happens in the year 292277267641??? (Score:1)
people, it's conner mccloud of the clan mcloud!!
there can be only one!!
ahh, shit. i've fell to the level of total nerd!
But then what happens in the year 292277267641??? (Score:1)
Typical /.'er hypocracy (Score:1)
The first thing I do when I walk into work in the
morning is pat my ORIGIN on it's little blue head
then ask it how it's night was.
(that article mentioned IRIX first -- so I'm sticking up for sgi)
The second thing I do is get a coffee and reboot all the 'NT servers'. It's a pathetic OS that is
totally closed...unfortunatly the software we need
only runs on IRIX or NT. Joyus day when I can move
the System32 folder to the Recycle_bin!
Just one more reason... (Score:1)
All bow down to the mighty Bill Gates, for
his operating systems are not vulnerable to
these kinds of shenanigans. They are so
obviously superior to that crufty old Unix
stuff, why doesn't everyone run them?
Just one more reason... (Score:1)
sure you don't get zapped by any of those mealy-
fingered little "linux-hackers" that will be the
ruination of the entire 'net. It stands to reason
that NT should use all your resources, anyway. I
mean, didn't you pay for an OS that would _use_
that machine?
Praise Bill.
Ever Heard of This New Thing? (Score:1)
LOL I HAVE NEVER... (Score:1)
lol, "MAJOR UNIX FLAW" LOL, HAHAHAHA god this is hilarious.
Will Microsoft squash Linux like a bug -- or can it stand up to the
big boys from Redmond?
lol zdnet is so pathetic hhahaahaha
of course they have to be scared too... when microsoft falls over all the way, they will be out of business... sure as hell noone wants them endorsing linux.