Mozilla at One: An article by Frank Hecker 45
thaths writes
"Frank Hecker, the person who wrote the paper that
led to Netscape's release of the source code, has written
a birthday piece on Mozilla ,
When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
Re: Concur...mostly (Score:1)
The biggest benefit is the employee gets training and experience on cutting edge software, with minimal expense to the company. Rather than going out and hiring an WWW guru, this startup is growing their own. That's the sort of investment that can really pay off in the long run.
They also have positioned themselves so that they can have more influence over standards than they otherwise would have. This programmer is presumably on the mailing lists and newsgroups, networking and meeting people that matter as far as such things go. This is another investment that can pay off in the long run.
Granted, the move is something of a gamble, there is no guarantee that they will realize these benefits, but I applaud them for the attempt. If the programmer went out and dug ditches for fibre, his morale would possibly drop, and the networking and training he would probably not relate to his job very well. Telling him to help out Mozilla sounds like a much better move.
Re: Concur...mostly (Score:1)
The market punishes altruism.
I fail to see this. Carefully selected, altruism can seriously help a company. Altruism can be used to increase mindshare, a critical and intangible issue that is incredibly important for a startup. Altruism can also help employee morale, and solidify the company culture, both of which will improve productivity.
The market punishes stupid business moves, but properly thought through altruism is far from a stupid business move.
My ideology (Score:1)
Frank Hecker is a Good Guy (Score:1)
Gotta have something working (Score:1)
(The ideas? Have a "delete last bookmark" menu option, for when a website goes away, and a "replace last bookmark" menu option for the various redirects/restructurings. I'd also like to see an IE-like system for filing bookmarks, with the ability to rename the URL and add new directories as the URL is being filed. Also, I'd like to have a way to go "Back" and "Forward" without reloading, and to resize without reloading. Furthermore, I'd like a mode that doesn't load images until requested, either all images at once or per image on request.)
Gotta have something working (Score:1)
My ideology (Score:1)
To be more specific about this, I am not ideologically committed to free software in the sense that Stallman and others are. However I do acknowledge that that point of view is worthy of respect and understanding; if "open source" is going to be successful I don't believe for a minute that you can just ignore the political and moral issues behind the reasons that many people develop free software, marginalizing those beliefs (and by implication, those who hold them) as "naive" or "no longer needed".
After all, political fervor is one major reason why free software/open source is where it is today in terms of a broad-based movement (as opposed to just a media phenomenon). And if a commercial company wishes to do collaborative development with the rest of the world, I can't see any point in pissing off and disrespecting a significant portion of your potential base of helpers, i.e., those who believe in the vision behind the GPL and free software in general.
Gotta have something working (Score:1)
For what it's worth, I think we'll get much closer to having "something working" as we proceed through the set of milestone releases [mozilla.org] coming up over the next few months.
I'm with you there... (Score:1)
Oh well, looking forward to June...
What about being able to use what you just built? (Score:1)
When it was first released, I started building Mozilla on a P133 with 16M of memory. It built fine. With so little memory, you just have to make sure that you have plenty of swap space set up.
He pretty much got it straight (Score:1)
Do or Die time.. (Score:1)
Open source has existed long before the last year or two kids and it will continue to long after many of the current big name companies pull out from using it.
Re: Concur...mostly (Score:1)
Maybe if you work at IBM they can float the time to send off to train. At a small company, you better produce within 30 minutes or you should be out the door so as to not hinder other programmers.
Re: Concur...mostly (Score:1)
A small company should not be altruistic. Focus your few resources on what you need to do to stay alive. If your programmers are inadequate - either get more or replace them. Sending them off to waste away days in the Mozilla source tree is simply ridiculous, especially for a small company.
The market punishes altruism.
Open source development efficiency. (Score:1)
Of all the criticisms I could level against Microsoft, most of them don't have anything to do with money.
Concur...mostly (Score:1)
A better approach is to put your html on a diet.
There are a number of ways to do this, but the first and best is to actually understand how tables work. Most users nest tables where creating cells is more apporpriate.
This effort would most likely lead to better results for your company.
Gotta have something working (Score:1)
He pretty much got it straight (Score:1)
Like it or lump it, Mozilla's biggest problem is that their competition actually has out right now something that may be superior to most of what they are still building. Like it or lump it, IE is pretty slick.
Except that IE5 is still far from standards compliant, and tries to bite off more than it can chew, like all browsers previous to it. e.g., trying to implement CSS2 before you get CSS1 right, trying to do XSL before it's even a standard. It's more embrace-extend-corrupt, which is why Mozilla will be better, regardless of the "new feature set" hype.
A battle unwinnable (Score:1)
Consider what being open source means. Suppose the Mozilla project does release a top-notch product. What is to prevent Microsoft from grabbing chunks of proven code (say, the layout engine) and stuffing it into their own browser? After all, open source code has to be fairly modular to facilitate wide scale collaboration. Microsoft could add their own features (SSL, for example) to build a more well-rounded product. For all we know, this could be happening right now. With open source, embracing and extending the competition has never been easier.
The winner will hopefully be consumers in that good, standards-compliant browser code, shared all round, will improve our browsing experience. Web developers may also benefit. However, Mozilla will always be at best a runnersup in the browser wars.
Open source development efficiency. (Score:1)
I saw a great letter to the editor by James K. Sayre in Silicon Valley Tech Week of Feb 22. In it, Mr. Sayre points out:
"At the ongoing Federal antitrust trial of Microsoft Corp., an MIT economist testified for the defense that Microsoft spent $500 million to create their Internet Explorer browser. For the sake of argument, let's assume each computer programmer at Microsoft received $50,000 per year, meaning about 10,000 programmer-years of labor was needed to create the Microsoft browser. This must be the most inefficient process of software development in the history of computing."
What about being able to use what you just built? (Score:1)
Maybe I'm just living in the stone age, but a year ago those specs were far beyond 90% of the machines at work, let alone my home machine.
Yeah! (Score:1)
Getting pretty far behind Linux Daily News. (Score:1)
Gotta have something working (Score:1)
It's fairly clear that one cannot code from the ground up in bazaar style. One can test, debug and improve in bazaar style, but it would be very hard to originate a project in bazaar mode. Linus didn't try it. I didn't either. Your nascent developer community needs to have something runnable and testable to play with.
This is the problem with Mozilla. If I could actually grab mozilla source, compile it, and use it regularly, I would discover and fix all the things about it that I find annoying.
However, I am just not motivated to hack on some code that I either can't use, won't use, or (putting on asbestos undies) for which I won't get paid. If they get a mostly-running release out, I'll grab it in a heartbeat.
99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code,
fix one bug, compile it again...
Re: Drift & return (Score:1)
You're both making good points, but the situation isn't so clearly delineated as Cassius paints it.
We've already put our HTML on a lean diet, and we expect it to get even slimmer as our HTML guys redesign and publish site updates. The impulse to fix the browser is the official reason, but it's far from the sole reason.
We've already benefitted greatly from freely available source code (database connectivity, SSL libraries, and the list just goes on), and we have made some improvements to it. Our primary goal is to succeed as a company, and if it so happens that we can do that at the same time that we improve the public codebase, then we're quite happy to do that.
So, if I were directed solely at working on mozilla, yeah, it'd be a stupid move for my employer. I'm not, though: I'm directed to see what I can do about it as my other projects permit me. I interpret it as a positive indicator of my own competence that I've got that time, and a sign that my employer actually means it when it speaks of giving something back to the communities that helped get the company going.
Damage control (Score:1)
He pretty much got it straight (Score:1)
Paper -- which paper? (Score:2)
I'm confused. I thought Cathedral and the Bazaar was the paper that led te Netscape's release of the Mozilla source. CandB was by ESR. Has the poster misidentified the paper, or is there another paper I don't know about?
--JTHe pretty much got it straight (Score:2)
Well, if you only give me the XOR there, I'd also prefer a core group of savvy engineers. But if I could have both, I'd jump at the chance. God knows some of the stuff I've written professionally could have used a hundred extra eyeballs, even though it was good enough for a corporate environment. Most of my early ('96) stuff would have brought me acute embarrassment if the source was freed... and yet, frighteningly enough, it's still being used because nobody's bothered to do better.
So, yes, I guess corporations aren't in style on /. Perhaps it's because corporations tend to settle for sloppy code where they can, and the average FS developer is something of a perfectionist?
Or maybe we're all commies. :)
Why AOL will be good for Mozilla (Score:2)
I had the 'opportunity' to take a look at the latest version of AOL a weeks back. For the most part, it was exactly the same as the version I ran on my Mac LC (for about 3 weeks) in 1990, except the graphics were bigger. Not very much progress for 9 years.
AOL's problem for the last few years has been scalablity, and I'm sure that there aware that the only real solution is to junk their current client-server architecture and move to more web-based solution. This is going to take an excellent HTML renderning engine that is very customizable.
I guess that Mozilla is one of the big reasons AOL bought Netscape. That and a bunch of very smart server software engineers that can help them re-architect their network.
Gotta have something working (Score:2)
Once there is an open Communicator 5 out, I'm sure that people will be all over that code like flies on you-know-what.
The big problem seems to be (as the Halloween document states), who wants to volunteer to do QA Engineering on things like the rendering engine and the javascript interpreter? However, lots of people want to scratch UI itches or add little features here and there.
Why AOL will be good for Mozilla (Score:2)
To AOL, Mozilla will be the equivalent of their AOL software for the Internet user, with one big difference: it will be positioned towards Internet users, not AOL users. AOL knows that to win in the Internet marketplace, you have to be willing to play by their rules. That's why they're taking a hands-off approach to Mozilla.
Microsoft has railed about how Mozilla is bound to be the default browser in the AOL software sooner or later. I disagree. I think Mozilla, with it's extendable UI, will *become* the AOL software.
What about being able to use what you just built? (Score:2)
Another thing nobody's mentioned is the ridiculous amounts of memory it officially takes to build the thing. We starving programmers don't usually have 128M of RAM lying around in our home boxen. Until recently, in fact, I did all my non-work development on a 486 with 16M. I still only have a K6/233 with 96M of RAM. I'm sure there are lots of very good programmers in the same situation.
It's not just developing software... (Score:2)
It's also an experiment in OSS. It's success may be the defining factor in how many businesses see the idea later on.
Concur...mostly (Score:2)
And guess what, boys and girls, is the best way to conetrate [sic] a group of engineers? Thats right kids - pay them and put them in the same building. Oops, I forgot, corporations aren't in style with the /. crowd, are they?
It's a problem, all right: how do you eat, pay rent, and buy electricity and network connectivity if you're not selling your work? On the other hand, I'm seeing some positive movement in this area. My boss, for instance, has said that he'd like me to see if I can't help get the next version of Navigator to render pages more quickly so that users can see our company's website without waiting for minutes for all the tables to render. So here's an example of a startup (HomeShark [homeshark.com]) directing engineering resources to help out with the open source development.
The way I see it, though, the documentation is a big problem. I know I'd much rather bang out code than documentation, but in trying to come up to speed on Gecko I'm doing an awful lot of grepping through the source tree, trying to figure out where the hell stuff happens.
Yes and no (Score:3)
In some areas I think Jamie is absolutely right (like it being a bad thing not to have a working release yet), in other areas I think he is in effect objecting to technical decisions that were made for what other people consider good and sufficient reasons (like dumping Mozilla Classic for NGLayout), and in other areas I think he had unrealistic expectations (like speed and size of developer contributions to Mozilla).
But in any case, if I really had wanted to try and put a "happy face" on the Mozilla project then I could have skipped writing a large chunk of the article.
Commercial Open Source Software (Score:3)
He pretty much got it straight (Score:4)
Highlights, in my opinion:
Like it or lump it, Mozilla's biggest problem is that their competition actually has out right now something that may be superior to most of what they are still building. Like it or lump it, IE is pretty slick.
Paper -- which paper? (Score:5)
The short answer is yes; as is often the case, reality is more complicated than the sound-bite. To be as brief as I can without distorting history: Over the years several people at Netscape floated the idea of releasing source code for Navigator/Communicator; some did so in postings to internal newsgroups (like Jamie Zawinski), and some did so in private lobbying to management (like Eric Hahn, formerly Netscape's CTO). Prompted by two such newsgroup postings by Jamie and Eric Krock (now Gecko product manager), in the fall of 1997 I wrote a 30-page internal paper lobbying for release of source by explaining the business value for doing so; I also addressed various objections to releasing source, either showing how they were not really problems or describing how any problems could be handled. I sent that paper to Marc Andreessen, who in turn circulated it to other senior managers at Netscape. This paper was IMO one, but by no means the only, factor in the decision by Netscape management in January 1998 to release source. (For example, it was also important that Netscape decided to make Communicator binaries totally free at the same time; this removed a major objection to freeing the source code.)
Eric Raymond and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" came into the picture as follows: I was finishing up my paper, and was working on a section addressing the problem of coordinating development between Netscape and the net. (A major objection I thought would arise was how this could work successfully, or even if it would work at all.) I asked Jamie for advice, he gave me some, and then also pointed me to Eric's paper; I thought it addressed this particular problem quite nicely, and included a reference to "C&B" and a page or so summarizing its conclusions. Some of the senior managers (like Eric Hahn) liked "C&B" just as much as I did, in large part because of the implication that Netscape could potentially successfully leverage the work of lots of non-Netscape developers, even to the point of their driving the future direction of the product; Eric and others in turn promoted "C&B" within Netscape.
Once the decision to release source code was made, Netscape management then decided to bring in Eric and other people (Richard Stallman, Bruce Perens, etc.) for advice. However the decision itself was a purely internal decision, in the sense that neither Eric or anyone else outside Netscape (to my knowledge) actually lobbied Netscape management on the source code issue; "outside" input was restricted to that provided by papers like "C&B", the GNU Manifesto, etc., and examples of free software businesses like Cygnus Solutions, Red Hat, and so on. (The Slashdot discussions about Netscape releasing source came in right before the Netscape decision was announced, but I don't know if they were actually a factor or not, because I don't know if the internal decision had actually been made by then.)
Incidentally, my original paper is not on the net, but I did a public paper "Setting Up Shop: The Business of Open Source Software" [netscape.com] which incorporates huge chunks of my internal paper. In particular, the sections "Making the Business Case" and "Issues and Tactics" are close to what I wrote originally. However the licensing and business models sections of "Setting Up Shop" are new.