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Gnome 27

Pawee wrote in to note that GNOME has appeared over at Interesting new mirror I guess. Wonder what other open source stuff will pop up now.
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  • by Gleef ( 86 )
    No, the KDE DOWNLOAD.COM page you reference is just a link to a KDE FTP site, just like the GNOME one is just a link to the GNOME web site.

    I fail to see the point of listing either project alongside such systems as "Biggy 3.5" a program to modify your Windows cursor.
  • But they're just linking to the GNOME homepage.
  • ...assuming, of course, that they keep their mirror up-to-date. is always swamped, and the newest packages that I'm trying to get are not on the mirrors.
  • Posted by Nino the Mind Boggler:

    Oh, for dumb. They don't HAVE any of the Gnome stuff actually AT They're linking to

    Well, at least they're mentioning it.
  • saw it on there...a link [] from cnet's linux [] page (although a bit outdated..lists v1.0.2).

    If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed...
  • by Daniel ( 1678 )
    I think there already are some. At least I hope there are because I've installed them on several people's computers. :-) [ I personally use CVS ] I think they're at
    deb unstable main
    for potato, you need to change that to gnome-stage-slink for slink.

  • As a point, these Debian packages are still under serious development. They're in a separate staging area (a) to resolve version skew and (b) because the developers believe that things aren't stable/bug-free/well-packaged enough to put into the unstable distribution. As much as I'd like to have a working GNOME setup again, I'm waiting until the packages actually get released.
  • Lyx license is GPL with a special provision for linking with XForms.

    KDE uses many GPL'd programs and would need the permission of every author whose code they used to be able to give this permission. Without that permission, it would be illegal to distribute KDE linked against QT. Hopefully, we will have a KDE linked against QT2.0 soon, and these problems will go away.
  • Try stage-2/ or try stage-slink for the potato and slink distros, respectively.

    These locations are apt-able for easy installation. Make sure and read the README!
  • Because of the large number of authors for KDE (as opposed to Lyx) is was impossible/impractical to get special permission from each contributing author (as would be necessary for it to link with QT). Remember, slink was frozen way back in November.

    It will probably be included in potato assuming that this special permission is obtained, or a QT2.0 version is released in time for a potato freeze.

    But, just because it is impossible for us to distribute it officially does not mean that debs are not available. Many Debian developers use KDE. Just to to #debian on and ask for the location of the debs if you are interested (I don't know the location offhand).
  • by jerodd ( 13818 )
    I wonder when the Debian packages for Gnome will come out.

    I'd put them together myself, except that I don't know beans about it, and I think I'll restrict myself to fixing mailman+exim in Debian and my hacked xfstt (which does `unixquotes' correctly) first. Learning how to maintain a Debian package by starting with Gnome 1.0 is not the right way. ^_^

  • It doesn't look like is hosting GNOME or KDE.

    All I could find were links to the respective Web sites.
  • And som has KDE []. Wonder what more Linux stuff they have hidden there...
  • I had a very similar experience--fortunately, I picked up the rpms and Glint'd it into existence. However, the KDE 1.1 has a very schweet install script that GNOME would do well to check out. For now, then, my bet's with KDE. Each to his own, though.

  • Release date
    April 1, 1999

    Approx. download time
    2 min. at 28.8 kbps

    At least has a since of humour:)
    Well, I guess that may be right if it doesn't include glib,gtk+,imlib (and various graphics libs), and ORBit. No too mention gnome-core and etc needed for the complete enviroment.

    Yes, I like GNOME,
  • Isn't sunsite becoming a mirror?

    this would at least mean that they would have a decent selection of links to non-windoze s/w building up.
  • Looks like CNet is going to start mirroring ZDNets "coverage" of Linux ... expect more Linux help and
    articles by "expert" Linux users ... can't wait to
    see the FUD ...

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