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The Desktop Wars 132

An anonymous reader writes "Sam Williams at Upside.Com on the Gnome vs KDE wars with real quotes from real people." It's interesting that this debate has faded so much. This article is a nice summary of the situation right now too- lots of interesting bits (although the server seems laggy).
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The Desktop Wars

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Well I'm going to speak from experience here that the linux desktop has a long way to go before it can rival apple or windows. I have used both KDE and Gnome versions 1.0 and have been, to say the least, asstonished at the pace at which these products have been built at. I am also blown away by list of features that each of these interfaces offer. I however do feel that they lack a very fundimental core group of applications specifically designed for them (this is more of a problem for gnome then KDE but KDE isn't that far ahead) Yeah we've got great desktops with cool features and icons that are too big (I think the icon size should be about 24x24 but that's just me...) but we need applications, a more stable and better xServer (more drivers, 3d support, integrated font rasterizers, etc) and better multimedia support (sound cards, esound seems to be doing a great job with the sharing of the sound daemons, tv-tuners, mice support/specific drivers, etc) before linux can really be ready to topple the dreaded windoze culture and bring world domination to linux.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The 'Great Linux Desktop War' is something that could have and should have been avoided right from the start. I spent some time reading around the fall of '97 when it all began..seems like the whole thing was a misunderstanding right from the start. Hurt feelings and badly-worded comments went a long way to starting this mess.

    I agree with the article that perhaps it would have been better if there hadn't been a 'schism' into two camps, but now we have Gnome and KDE as fully independant projects. Competition is good.

    I've used KDE up until now, and nowadays I find myself switching equally between KDE and Gnome, running both KDE and Gnome applications in either environment. There are things about either environment I like. The thing is, I'm finding a lot of duplication...that's too bad, in a way. But I'm almost at the point of cross-breeding Gnome & KDE. I like KFM better than GMC for desktop management, and the Gnome panel is better than the K panel. If they all talked the same language at some level I could mix it all up be quite happy!

    At any rate, if the flames are all dying down, then all I can say is GOOD. Gnome & KDE are going to take us to the next level, that's for sure...Microsoft isn't going to know what hit them. (although how much do you want to bet Microsoft will put some form of 'theming' into their next UI release?)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The only things that you mentioned that have anything directly to do with the desktop are matters of visual preference.

    The rest are vendor support issues or things that have been addressed already.

    Most of the available VidCap cards use the line in channel for their audio so sharing of sound resources even with the kernel drivers has never been an issue.

    Multimedia? The way you use the term it's just a roundabout way of bringing up vendor support issue again.

    IOW: all that's really wrong fundementally with the Unix desktop now is that whole !DOS cliche'. It doesn't have 'all the drivers' and 'all the apps' that 'DOS has'.

    It's an ancient argument actually, a bit tired then (a decade ago) and even moreso now.
  • Take a look there :)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Since CORBA can be used with any language for which bindings exist, surely it would be a good idea for at least this code to be reused?

    Despite how Gnome advocates like to trumpet the use of CORBA in their DE, KDE would seem to have the most stable foundation to build on in the form of KOM/OpenParts [].

    I think it would be great to see both DE use this fantastic technology. With a standard implementation of KOM/OpenParts and a common DND protocol in use between the two projects, I believe that convergance or at least increased inoperability would be much closer. I fully acknowledge though that this is unlikely to happen in the near future as both camps are likely to be reluctant to change their ORB implementations and in particular the Gnome camp who have spent so long (needlessly IMO) implementing their own ORB.

    On a somewhat unrelated note, although the KDE/Gnome debate may be far less vocal, there still exists a large bias towards Gnome by the story posters(CmdrTaco et al). /. freely acknowledges its bias towards Linux and open source/free/call it what you want projects, but the prejudice that would seem to exist against KDE is bad. KDE is a fantastic piece of work that deserves as much credit as all other projects and I think that CmdrTaco etc. should try to be more objective in their story posting and if they are going to announce every Gnome pre release they should also do the same for KDE.

    I am a big fan of /. and it is one of the few web sites I read every day without fail. However, I think /. needs to overcome its bias lest it fall into the trap of forcing the opinions of a few on everyone, this is one sure way to lose readers.


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Try nedit. It feels a lot like the Windows Notepad, and it offers many other features. Give it a try, see if you like it.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm the target market of kde. Mostly WinDoze user, but I did
    install an all around Linux web and modem server at work.
    Does a pretty good job spooling mongo sized print jobs, too.

    I've just installed the new Caldera 2.2. This is the first site I
    browsed with kde. You've got a winner here. The modem
    setup is a snap, and the desktop is pretty and well organized.
    I like it.

    I've got a SillyCelery 300 with an aging Number Nine Vision
    330, and it's quite snappy. Much better than Win98.

    Along with compatibility with my huge collection of TrueType
    fonts, I like to have my apps start up in the virtual screens
    of my choosing. Applix (I've got the demo) in screen One,
    Netcrash in screen Two, asWedit in screen Three. Other
    than that, I could lose DOS for this in a minute.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The author definitely wins the obscure reference of the day award!!

    But I think it was very apropriate. The decision to use animal based lubricants on cartridges was based on practicality, but failed because no one considered the religious/social impacts.

    This parallels pretty well what happened with KDE....
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 28, 1999 @09:51AM (#1911916)
    Why have we managed to inherit this 'ONE winner ONLY' attitude from Microsoft. I can see that some things need a single standard, like X Windows. I can also appreciate that a desktop manager is a BIG project, making duplication of effort a question-worthy practice.

    But desktops are a darned personal thing. Nobody questions multiple window managers, for that matter nobody questions the sheer number of wm's that clone NeXt, alone. The desktop is at least as personal as a wm, even if just a little more development resource intensive. But I'd like to have my preference, and I don't mind if you have yours. But please don't try to send my preference into oblivion.

    I'd be far more concerned about seeing some level of interoperability between KDE and GNOME. I look at some of the new announcements, and think, "K-this, G-that, and F-You!" I'd rather pick the desktop environment I like, pick the applications I like, and just run.

    I also kind of wish KDE and GNOME were a bit more different - to emphasize the choice aspect a bit. They both chase WinXX a bit too much, I sure wish someone would chase the OS/2 WPS a bit harder.
  • ... and I don't want to be forced to care which my users are using.

    I happen to be using KDE, because at the time I set up our company network, it was most usable. Some of my users are now on GNOME, and I expect more to switch when I install Red Hat 6.0.

    As long as we have CORBA / Wine OLE2 / K/OM interoperability, and window managers that are compatible with both, then I'll be happy.

    HowTF am I supposed to enter <-> (or ) into these poxy comments?
  • 1) Choice is good.

    2) Competition for desktops existed before KDE vs GNOME. There is of course, KDE vs MacOS and KDE vs
    Win9x and ...

    3) Parallel systems are good when they are creating new code, not when they are duplicating work.

    4) Forcing applications to deal with both forces developers to dilute their code to use "common" features between the two instead of use features which only exist in one of the two.

    I could see people wanting to use CORBA features of GNOME, but not being able to in KDE. The comprimise would be not to use CORBA which would result in an inferior product. The same is true for other parts of GNOME features which do not have counterparts in KDE, and vice-versa.

    I guess KDE & GNOME is akin to Linux & FreeBSD. A large portion of work & code between Linux and FreeBSD is duplicated and for all intents and purposes, wasted. However, people who work on FreeBSD would not work on Linux and vice-versa and at some point will create code which doesn't duplicate the effort of the other programming team... This is an inefficient way to go about working on a project, but it beats the alternative of not producing any code at all.

  • Posted by GhostX:

    I don't know what the *official* way to do this is, but I did it this way: first, I started in Gnome, I used the gnome switcher tool in system utilities to switch to KDE: I then had two panels, the Gnome and KDE panel. Then, I switched to Afterstep.

    From Afterstep I had only the file manager from KDE, and nothing, seemingly, from Gnome. The file manager was in the form of the autostart folder, etc on my desktop. Then, I found a Gnome panel app in the bin, the mem and cpu one, and ran it. That started up the Gnome panel in Afterstep.

    The Gnome panel has the KDE panel on it, through the "foot". So, that is how I got all three window manangers to work in one with 5.9.

    And, it is cool.
  • One thing I miss in the ASCII editors for Linux I've looked at so far is the ability to mark a block for copying/cutting by holding down the shift key while using the cursor control keys. I even went so far as to run Notepad with Wine to get this on Linux. Are there any native text editors that support this? Double-clicking to mark a word would also be nice.
  • I dont know if I understand this correctly. Right now XFree86 requires a Whole server for each video card right? The new Xfree86 will alow driver modules. Is this closer to the way Winblows uses video drivers?
    It's closer to the way AcceleratedX uses video drivers. One server executable, many pluggable drivers. Being OS independent, it wouldn't be that close to the way Windows does things.

    Currently, XFree86 supports quite a few cards in their SVGA server, and the number has grown lately - for instance, now you can use SVGA or s3v servers for s3v cards.
  • One thing I miss in the ASCII editors for Linux I've looked at so far is the ability to mark a block for copying/cutting by holding down the shift key while using the cursor control keys.

    On my system, the program gxedit has this feature. I'm checking to see whether gEdit does too... yes, it does. I don't know if KDE has anything similar, because I haven't used it, but I suspect if you looked, you'd find it.
    Phil Fraering "Humans. Go Fig." - Rita

  • by joss ( 1346 )
    Give me a fscking break. Have you actually tried running it or do you just believe every piece of propoganda you hear. I have been using java on and off for 4 years (hey Swing/AWT IS better than MFC, but thats about it) The design of Swing is fine, but the actual implementation is SHIT - try reading the bug list on JDC, look at the actual source code if you like - or even better actually try to produce a significant commerical quality working application with Java and maintain your sanity. It's not impossible, it's just very very difficult and it takes YEARS to learn the workarounds to all the bugs. Try printing from java at anything other than 70 dpi, explain to me the appropriate times to call update(), invalidate(), repaint(), paint(), and then tell me which Swing components work as intended and which ones require you to invalidate() the parent container explicitly.

    Java - how to turn a Xeon into a 386. Server side java is worthwhile, but as an environment for writing industrial strength client applications it SUCKS. It is much slower, less reliable, and less expressive (ie it takes 500 lines of java to do the equivalent of 50 lines of STL intensive C++ - try writing something like blitz - in java...)
    However the main problem is that the system libraries (AWT/Swing especially) are just not reliable. I really think MS has better programmers than Sun.

    As for C/C++ being outdated - well I might believe it when I see one decent application written in Java.
  • The core of the discussion used to be about what we wanted from a Unix/X11 desktop:

    - We want to replace proprietary software with free software.

    - We want to replace bad/Microsoft software with good/non-Microsoft software.

    KDE was (originally) fine with regard to the goals of the second group, but totally ignored the goals of the first group. With the new Qt license, the problem has gone away. KDE is no longer a threat to the first group, so we can now choose solely on technical merits.
  • Yeah, it was announced much earlier (April '97?) but the only thing was that if the licensing was changed on Qt, that whatever the current release was, would be released by the Qt Free Foundation under the BSD license.
  • To keyboard-select in (X)Emacs, you hit C-Space..

  • Anyone know when it's going to come out? All the stuff I've read about it is cool, but as far as I know it's going to be released next 30th of February..

  • What features does KDE/GNOME offer that Java doesn't already have? Nothing.

    The fact that they're both based on sane languages? The fact that their APIs aren't baroque to the point of incomprehensibility? The fact that they aren't bogged down by a virtual machine? The fact that I don't feel like tearing my hair out in handfuls every time I sit down to use GTK+? (Swing produces this reaction)

    The only reasons to use Java are:
    (a) You want your program to run on multiple platforms but don't want to release the source.
    (b) Web applets, where you want to distribute a compiled version of the program

    Of the two..I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for (a) and unless you're suggesting that we should move to only using web-page applets, I don't think (b) applies.

  • Java is far easier to write
    a GUI for than those outdated languages:

    This statement makes me wonder whether you've used both Java and GTK+. I find it to be easier to write a GUI in *C* using GTK+ than Java, which is ridiculous--a real OO language ought to be better at this. Swing's API is simply too baroque; it makes it possible to do a few complicated things 'simply' (for small values of simple :-/ ) but it's not worth the price of making *everything* complex.

    and will work on all platforms including
    Windows, BeOS and Macintosh - platforms that Gtk+ and KDE don't support.

    As far as I know, GTK+ supports Windows and will soon support BeOS. I doubt that the desktop environments would work too well under these systems, but that's partly because they already have proprietary desktop environments and replacing them is non-trivial.

  • I think you are confusing proprietary software (software for which the creator keeps the source private) with commercial software (software which is sold) with private use software (software that is not distributed)
  • Why KDE? Why not go the other way around, and add GNOME support to Qt?

    What you said of KDE can be said of GNOME as well.

    It's a fairly nice set of Foundation Classes modeled on VCL from borland. I like it, but then again I'm a C++ Builder and OWL person, so it is very familiar.

  • In the end, both projects really should converge (or nearly converge). Why? Choice is good, but only when all of the choices meet certain standards. To give an example: vi and Emacs. Both editors are radically different. but they agree on one simple standard: ASCII text. What does this mean? It means that I can work on a file in either Emacs or vi (or Pico, or joe, or any other text editor) without worrying about who created it.

    Gnome and KDE need to do this. They've made one attempt by agreeing on XDND (technically you could say that X is a standard here as well), but that attempt is, quite simply put, feeble. They need to standardize on other issues, such as window manager support and the object models they'll be using. The end goal of this: Take two computers. One has only KDE on it, the other has only Gnome (though both have GTK and Qt). Take one app and compile it on each machine. Then run it on both machines with no problems.

    The idea of having to write code for two desktop environments is ludicrous, and developers simply will not do it. TH4ey'll choose one or the other (in the furute it'll more likely be Gnome simply because that frees commercil developers from having to pay monstrously high licensing fees to Troll), and users will have to keep both on their system. That shouldn't have to happen.

    As it stands, both DE's are currently flawed. KDE is ugly (even with themes support, which is too limited), the apps don't interact well, and it has the worst WM I've ever seen (though that can be replaced). Gnome, however, should still be in beta; despite the FUD that KDE users love to spread about version numbering it's not quite stable enough (and it still doesn't compile well on LinuxPPC R4; it can be made to compile not not particularly easily). Besides that, the installation is simply too difficult right now. Converge the products, and you have something that's not too shabby.
  • The Swing environment is nice, but it is still Just Another UI Toolkit. Some of it is reasonable, some of it is baroque. It is dreadfully slow, and this isn't improved by HotSpot (UI's tend to be too transient for HotSpot to improve things).

    What KDE and Gnome could use is the component model that lives behind Swing, namely Java Beans and Enterprise Java Beans. This would allow the two systems to interconnect easily.

    For those of you that don't like Java in any shape or form then consider that the OMG is using the EJB as a baseline for its forthcoming component model. Contrary to received opinion this has bindings for C++ and Java at the moment. I would expect bindings for other languages to be incorporated later.

  • I think there is need for some place where authors of articles like this can send them and get help with things like "GNU Public License" and misunderstandings like "GNU ... and Red Hat initiated work on the GTK."

    It would benefit everyone. The authors wouldn't have to be embarrased over their writings. 'We' would have more people to understand what things are really about and everyone else wouldn't have to be misinformed.
  • Comparison, maybe? Anyway, the Sepoy mutiny in India was partially sparked in 1857 because some Indian soldiers were jailed from refusing to use new cartridges. You had to bite off the end of cartridges before using them, and they had been dipped in a mixture of beef and pork fat, which are taboo to Hindus and Moslems. See this article [], for example.
  • by raph ( 3148 ) on Wednesday April 28, 1999 @11:55AM (#1911938) Homepage
    The Gnome/KDE "war" gives us the opportunity to think about competing systems in a totally new way. A lot of people think about it in essentially the same terms as Win vs Mac, but I think this is a narrow view.

    There are basically two ways of getting a unified system. You can start with a design for how things Should Be Done, and reject anything that doesn't meet the design. It's a good approach - the Mac has done this with great success. We laugh at newbies who try to put a Mac disk in a PC and expect to run the software. Should we?

    The other way to do it is to work to make the pieces integrate well. And this, my friends, is more the Linux Way, if you ask me. We don't talk about NFS vs. Samba vs. Netatalk. You've got a heterogenous network? Run 'em all!

    Now, to get KDE and Gnome to seamlessly integrate is quite a challenge, both technically and politically. But I have some hope that the two teams are willing and able to work on it, in a way that Microsoft and Apple never could.

    Here's a specific example of what I have in mind. Both Gnome and KDE have some mechanism for "themes", ie the ability to configure the graphical look. What if there were a theme setting application that set the themes of both desktop environments, and so that they're consistent? Ultimately, a person might not need to know or care whether an app is KDE or Gnome - it will be a matter of developer preference.

    Of course, this vision takes quite a bit of work. A bi-theme application is quite a bit harder than one for a single desktop. Work will no doubt be required to bring the theme systems in harmony. But I think all of this can and will happen.

    Raph, a Gnome developer who supports KDE
  • I guess I'm not clear here -- why is it wasteful to derive a widget? This is what I mean by virtual function event handling. I would expect to do something like:

    //widgetlib.h ... somewhere in the bowels of the
    //widget libarary
    //please excuse munging of indentation by comment system...

    class gtkbutton {
    virtual void handle(click *event)=0;

    //now mycode.cpp

    class myButton : virtual gtkbutton {
    void handle(click *event) {
    printf("Why did you click me?\n");

    Granted, this may not always be a good idea -- while I like the idea of deriving classes from the widgetset and imbueing them with my own functionality, it's silly to have millions of little button classes. In this case, a more logical organization say at the form level is required -- and here a signalling system makes sense. We connect a function to each signal from a button in our form.

    But I still want to derive a form from a base widget class of some kind. It might look something like this:

    class appWindow : virtual widget {
    //conceivably appWindow would be better derived
    //from some kind of container class, itself derived
    //from widget? i dunno.
    gtkbutton *but1, *but2;
    void but1_click(click *event) {
    printf("you clicked but1!\n");
    appWindow(...) {
    but1 = new gtkbutton("foo",...);
    but2 = new gtkbutton("bar",...);;
    //but1 has a member click of type signal. we
    //connect the appropriate function to it.
    //but2 has nothing connected to its click

    This has some inherent disadvantages -- it does force a coding style on the
  • As I was saying -- this forces a coding style on the programmer, to some degree. But this leaves us a lot of flexibility. We could choose never to implement handlers for events as class members. Maybe this is even closer to the way Gtk-- works than I think? I still believe that at some level the programmer should derive a type from the library and add functionality...

    Boy, that code is unreadable w/o indentation...

  • but I would code this example slightly differently, still without deriving from Gtk_Adjustment.

    class myApp : Gtk_Window {
    Gtk_Adjustment *adj;
    void set_value(...) {
    myApp(...) {
    adj = new Gtk_Adjustment(...);
    adj.value_changed.connect(slot(*myApp,&myApp::set_ value));

    so I would still derive from the more important one. But really only because I like the idea of keeping functionality in the interface object. That is to say, I like thinking of an application as a kind of Gtk window with the added functionality I want in there -- thus, all my code is in objects derived from Gtk base objects.

    Unless there's a reason the above pseudocode wouldn't work?

    Next question (heavily load w/regard to my next project): how usable is Gtk-- in win32? I don't relish having to use MFC .... brrrrr!
  • by aheitner ( 3273 ) on Wednesday April 28, 1999 @09:42AM (#1911942)
    have been on good terms for some time now, according to Ian Peters, the GNOME Games maintainer. Apparently they're working towards interoperability of object models, which will allow components of one desktop to be used with components of the other, giving end users even more free choice.

    I'll also note that the moderation system on /. has greatly increase S/N aroud here and reduced pointless flamewars. And increased prevalence of what Ian calls "score whores" -- people who always write long detailed comments (guilty as charged). It's an improvement, by any measure.

    Now for a hard jab: I'm not at all impressed with Gtk--. You shouldn't have to do signal handling that way in C++, dammit. I know Gtk+ does things that way, but it's C, it has an excuse. I want nice civilised event handling via virtual functions. Someday I'll write it m'self, I guess.
  • The war ended when Troll Tech revised the Qt license to meet the Open Source Definition. But that's all water under the bridge, and I don't know why this reporter even bothered to bring up old news.

    The important differences today are the design ones: the two GUIs have different goals, and the difference for commercial developers: the GNOME libraries are usable without a fee by commercial applications while the Qt ones would require a fee from the commercial developer. Both are equally usable, without a fee, by free software developers.

    It also looks as if the Harmony project has been resumed, and that there will eventually be an LGPL version of Qt that is usable without fee by commercial applications.


    Bruce Perens

  • I agree with you completely. I watched the flamewars prior to installing either desktop, and could not figure out why only one had to be "right." Then, after installing each one for a trial period, I was really confused at the insistence that only one can survive.

    There are some things in KDE that I prefer over Gnome. There are also some things in Gnome that I prefer over KDE. In my view, they will each get better. Hopefully there will be some sort of idea sharing as both projects go forward.

    To the folks at each project, I thank you for all of your efforts in providing a fine desktop environment. I don't feel that I have been cheated by your parallel efforts. On the contrary, I feel that I have benefitted.
  • Just develop your apps using the wxWindows [] toolkit. There's a GTK version out now, a Qt version is in development, and you can also build Windoze apps using the same source code. It's a terrific, sensibly classed API for both C++ and Python, and it eliminates the problem of tying oneself to any particular toolkit (other than itself, of course).

    (Incidentally, I'm not part of the wxWindows development team, merely an extremely happy user of the toolkit. I'm developing a fairly large program using it and it just makes development a real pleasure.)

  • This is off topic but in response the "hard jab".

    Have you looked at all at the new signal system for Gtk-- which is in development? The system is in middle design stage and currently considered usable. If you care to have some changes in the methods of input or the API abstractions then please look it over and mail me the comments as I am the primary author of that module.

    The new signal system is abstracted further from the C interface and makes all signals into Objects. This is exactly the same form as used for the same purpose (callbacks) in the STL. We are also changing the notation to match the STL in a number of places. If will be by far the most flexible callback model published to date.

    Signal1 < int,int > mysig; // int mysig(int);

    int foo(int);
    mysig.connect(slot(foo)); // mysig calls foo
    int i=mysig(1); // call mysig

    Could you please give some exampes of how it should work or some examples of where this notation is bad?

    As far as virtual functions, I don't understand the complaint. Gtk-- does use virtual functions for all of its signals. However, having to derive all of the widgets just to change a single behaviour is horribly wasteful. The entire point of callbacks in Qt, Fltk, WxWindows, and Gtk+ is to avoid unnecessary deriving of widgets. I do not understand how making virtual functions the only event handling would be helpful. Or am I misunderstanding your comment?

    As always feel free to mail me feedback or better yet help contribute.

    -- Gtk-- contributor

  • Actually, it is exactly the way that Gtk-- works.

    Look over this example []. You will have to delete the space the /. keeps adding in the address. (Rob: this address is getting mangled by the length of line checker)

    In here I have used derived methods to take over motion_notify, button_pressed, button_released, exposure and configure. (Basically most of the common events.)

    While at the same time I have attached connections from sliders, adjustments and buttons between methods in the various widgets. Therefore, rather than deriving new buttons that would alter data in another object (very bad OO), instead the object responsible for that data just provides methods which are later connected.

    I agree that the notation of Gtk-- does leave a bit to be desired, however that is where we are working to make improvements.

    Hopefully this clears things up for you.


  • Sorry to disappoint you, but you are mistaken about there going to be a free version of the Qt. Harmony was basically told that if it wants to be protected by the FSF it would have to be GPL.

    From a note from RMS on the Harmony maillist.

    Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 13:10:08 -0700 (MST)

    From: Richard Stallman
    Subject: Re: [freeqt] Harmony Revival
    If the copyright on Harmony is assigned to the FSF, we will release it under the GPL, not the LGPL. We don't want to risk a legal clash with TrollTech, if we can achieve our goals without that risk.

    If the developers keep the copyright, then the decision about the license is up to them, but I'd recommend following that same course of action.

    With that the traffic on the Harmony list has nearly come to a halt. I suspect that too few developers feel the writting a GPL clone of something already free to Open Source code would be worth it. It would be very sad for a free software project to be taken out be the very person who most promotes freedom in software. Many of the coders of the original project and the revival seem to be afraid of being sued by TrollTech and not having the blanket of FSF will likely make the project suffer from lack of programmers.

    Note that I am not associated with the Harmony project, but merely monitor their lists. I would hope that the discussions regarding this issue have just gone into the personal mailboxs and not died completely. I would encourage anyone who has the time to help get Harmony up to speed with Qt.


  • The pseudocode should work fine. However as to the win32 that I don't know. No one on the project I know of has tried to compile for the windows platform (nor has a windows platform). You should mail the gtkmm mailling list [mailto] and see if anyone has tried.

    I do know that getting the first compile will likely be fun as we are using lots of Unix specific tools like awk, perl, sed, and autoconf. One person did inquired earlier and was told that the tools are available (through cyngus and some other site that I don't have bookmarked.) However, we have not as of yet heard back as to the results of his tests.

    The win32 changes were not fulling incorperated into gtk+ at the time of the last release of Gtk--, so I can't be sure the graphic interface is going to compile. Hopefully, 6 months from now when Gtk+ has it next release I can be a little more possitive.

    Hope it helps.


  • Considering that was a reply to a rather long thread in which they were going back and forth between to whom Harmony should be assigned and what license it should have, I kind of doubt that is was actually an April Fools joke. (If it is then I would say that it was an unusually cruel joke as it was regarding the survival of a project.) Further as no one responded to it as anything other with serious replies, it was not taken to be a joke.
    From: "Adam J. Richter"

    Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 04:07:11 -0800
    Subject: Re: [freeqt] Harmony Revival
    Cc: freeqt@modeemi.cs.tut.fibr. >From: Richard Stallman

    >If the copyright on Harmony is assigned to the FSF,
    >we will release it under the GPL, not the LGPL.
    >We don't want to risk a legal clash with TrollTech,
    >if we can achieve our goals without that risk.

    I don't think that Troll would see any advantage in sueing anyone over a GPL'ed Harmony, so what would the advantage be in assigning it to FSF?

    He seems to be taking it as seriously as I do. It would seem to be a very unfunny joke. Should we assume that all buisness dealings that take place on April 1 are meant as jokes? (I haven't known RMS to be a huge joker especially in such matters as licensing.)


  • Wasteful in the sense that there is no reason for something to be derived when it can be trivially connected. For many situations like deriving a button just to attach it to something the callback form is better.

    But actually, what you are requesting exists in Gtk--. What you want is also the perfered form (it is faster and more efficent). However, as most of the Gtk-- coders come from Gtk+ backgrounds they use the connect form over the derived form. The functionality is there, just most programmers don't use it. (most of the examples are translated from gtk+ so they also use that form, although if you look on the ones on my web page you will find that I use the derived form for all but connections that combine two widgets.) Your code with very small modifications would work with Gtk--. We support both virtual functions and signals as the framework.

    Most cases do require the signal system over the derived through. For example, your first demo is coded nicely with just virtual functions. However, consider the case where two widget are interacting. One widget has a slider value and the other is a slider. So the interactions are built like this. (Rob please add PRE to the html format! also lt; and gt; don't work.)

    // From the headers
    class Gtk_Adjustment
    signal void value_changed(float); // in human readable form.

    // your class class MyApp
    // A regular method to set the value void set_value(float);

    class MyWindow: Gtk_Window
    Gtk_Adjustment *adj;
    MyApp *app;
    app=new MyApp;
    adj=new Gtk_Adjustment(0,0,360,5,30,30);
    adj.value_changed.connect(slot(*app,&MyApp::set_va lue));

    Here using simple derived techniques would not work well as you do not what to make your application a subtype of the Adjustment. It is better to just connect the method of the adjustment to the method of your application.

    We find it best to allow both forms. I am sure you will agree this is the best policy. Do you find any flaws with the signal system in this light? (If I was every writting a pure C++ widget set I would probably use the Gtk-- signal model as it is very flexible.)


  • Perhaps you have been listening to too much FUD and not looking close enough at Gtk--. There is templates, overloading, and overriding in Gtk--. (The entire signal system is built on templates. Overloading is not at all affected by wrappers, quite the opposite form my experience with OpenGL. And virtual method overriding is allowed for anything that has a signal.) There are some things that are missing such as virtual derived objects and documentation. However, simply being a wrapper does not make something inferior.

    I agree that at some point in the future it would be nice to after the functions and features from Gtk in a more native C++ form, however, that is not the way things are currently going. Also for portablity reasons having pure C++ is not desirable. We are working very hard to increase the readablity of the Gtk-- wrappers as it seems to be the most intimidating thing to starting programmers.

    I hope that at some point Qt will switch their signal system to something closer to Gtk-- as Gtk-- only uses the native C++ features. (Thus avoiding the evil preprocessor.) It should also be noted that the template based signal system is considerably faster that both the Qt and gtk models. The Gtk-- signal library will be released seperately as LibSigC++ probably by the middle of summer.

    (BTW I also like Fltk but find its callback system a bit limiting. It strives for a very small footprint that rules out some of the features that Qt and Gtk have.)

    Those interested in writting there own C++ widget set might be interested in checking out the libsigc++ module from the Gnome CVS. It provides completely native C++ callback mechanisms with unmatched flexibliy.


  • Use XEmacs.

    Grab pc-select from here:

    Install it as appropriate.

    Add this to your ~/.emacs:

    (load "pc-select")

    Beauty, eh.

  • emacs:

    use ctrl-space to mark the beginning of a block of text, then move your pointer to the other end.

    The text in between is automatically selected.

    The unix editors are nothing like the windows editors. emacs requires about 15 hours of solid pratice before you can use it at all, really.

    For vi, even longer.

    There are a few graphical editors (that come with gnome or kde) that do what you want.
  • "Viewing Qt with all the enthusiasm of an Indian sepoy regiment facing a fresh shipment of .303 cartridges slathered in pork grease and beef tallow,..."

    Not a bad article but the author gets my award for goofiest metaphor of the day.

    OK I know it's not really a metaphor but I forget the term... I'm not an English major for Pete's sake...

  • Wasn't GTK developed because the authors of the GIMP needed/wanted it, and only used after the fact as a basis for GNOME? The article claims GTK was developed specifically for GNOME from the beginning.

    BTW, I also agree that the new moderation process has overall been more of a Good than a Bad Thing.

  • This thread has been up for 20 minutes, without a single reply. Three or four months ago, /. would be in overload mode already because of this article.
    *sigh* looks like I won't need this today...
    (setting down the fire extinguisher)
  • by Cid Highwind ( 9258 ) on Wednesday April 28, 1999 @09:42AM (#1911958) Homepage
    > a more stable and better xServer

    XFree 4.0 is going to be a quantum leap. Modular design, plug-in drivers for different video cards, native TrueType font rendering, accelerated 3D in a window, etc. check [] for the whole list.

  • Of course this statement is true. Doing the same thing two times IS a waste of time in common business sense.

    Just, Linux doesn't work this way.
    If you had, say 100 programmers to do such a job in 2 years, you'd certainly not split them up in two groups. BUT: In this case, you have 0 programmers at hand, and 100k potential ones. If you mobilise only a small part more of this potential by splitting the project, both projects will move on faster.

    And that's exactly what happens. The kind of technical rivalry between the two group built up a fierce loyalty on both sides, resulting in more motivated contributors.
    =>Gnome 1.0, KDE 1.1.1 q.e.d.

    But of course there are serious drawbacks, especially when technically superior solutions are shunned because they come from the other camp (NIH syndrome). This was the case with Gnome's window manager hints (just duplicated KDE's effort, just in an incompatible and name space polluting way), and seemed to be similar in the case of the Corba object model (but they do seem to come together now).

    As for your points: I don't think KDE and Gnome are so different. I don't see e.g. why "network distribution" is "incompatible" with KDE.
    Don't forget KDE used CORBA first and are clearly in the lead with their object model already working in KOffice.
    But as both projects seem to be willing to cooperate now, I see a bright future...
  • Sure that's possible. But I have the impression that more people are dissatisfied with Qt than with gtk, in particular those who want to make Shareware or secret In-House applications (both of which seems to require the proffesional edition of QT).
    On the other hand, Gnome developers are usually writing in C, and they don't care so much about gtk's lack of proper C++ support (GTK-- is very restricted in the use of C++ features).

    So, my point is:
    When people complain about KDE, then it's usually about QT (i.e. the license). I say that's unfounded, as you can write KDE (compliant) apps with other toolkits like tcl/tk.
    As GTK is very popular, a KDE support lib would be very helpful for people disliking the Qt license.

    Sure, if both environments agreed on more common standards like the XDND, this would be much easier to accomplish...
  • One thing that is overestimated is the toolkit dependence of KDE. Sure, Qt is needed for the basic libs, but as they are free software, this will never be a problem.

    But why does everybody think *every* KDE app does need to use Qt? For programmers, KDE is just a framework, and you can easily 'plug in' other toolkits.

    Ktk for Tcl/TK [] A Tixwish extension, Ktk offers KDE look and feel for Tcl/Tk developers, without using Qt

    StarOffice 5.0 [], offers some KDE integration like Drag&Drop, Mimetypes and KMenu support. Its widget set is not publicly available, but it shows this can easily be done.

    FLTK supports theming in the next release, which does also include certain KDE support

    There is no fundamental problem in writing a KDE support lib for GTK, making it easy to add a certain KDE compliance to GTK apps. Maybe it's not as comprehensive as with Qt apps, but common Drag&Drop, colours, Mimetypes, address book, help system still make it a lot easier for the user.

    It could be a compile-time option (like Window Maker), or even a run-time check for the KDE system running.
    So people won't end up having two desktop environment libs loaded into memory.

    Once again:
    KDE is a open framework for the developer, and an integrated environment for the user.
    The user doesn't care about which widgets are used, as long as they feel the same. The developers don't have to use Qt to make their apps fit into this environment.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • To me, the differences between KDE+Qt/Gnome+GTK have been significant and meaningful, and I think they are a valid subject of debate:
    • KDE is somewhat more mature than Gnome
    • GTK is based on C, Qt based on a variant of C++
    • GTK has a free Windows version, Qt does not
    • The Qt license is different from the GTK license
    To me, those differences come down to that I will use some KDE components on my desktop for now, but for any C/C++-based GUI development, I will use GTK. But despite their utility, both environments seem fairly backwards looking: they are designed like the toolkits of the 80's.

    GUIs for the next millenium will make much more use of transparency, scaling, 3D, animation, multimodal input/output, browsing, and hypertext. I don't think either KDE or Gnome are in a particularly good position to play a big role in that. Java with Swing, Java2D, Java3D, and its other APIs, however, is in a much better position to become the substrate on which those future GUIs will be built.

    To me, it's a shame that so much effort has been going into KDE and Qt, rather than into creating a non-proprietary Java-based desktop. But it is all volunteer work, after all, and people have to work on what they believe in.

  • 30th of feb?!? That sucks! I want my XF4 now dammit.
    What am I gonna do until then? That sucks =(
    Hey... we could use AccelX? But no, AX5 is buggy propreiety software!
    AAAND my script to change to a VT from XQF to play quake2 sometimes causes AX5 to lock.
    =( Oh well, at least with OSS, when it comes out, you know its not gonna be crap.
  • Well, yeah, your right.

    Thats a good point, I personally don't think either KDE or GNOME was that great when they came out. (GNOME 1.0 ahhaaha NO.)
  • Well I think what you are suggesting might upset one of the best features of X. With X I can work on one machine and have windows open to applications running on other remote machines.
  • by logycke ( 17575 ) on Wednesday April 28, 1999 @10:45AM (#1911968)
    While unix systems in general, and Linux in particular, are in my oppinion the best systems for developing and testing new ideas, they are also notorious for violating what Fred Brooks considered "the most important consideration in system design."

    For those who have not yet read this, I quote:

    Most European cathedrals show differences in plan or architectural style between parts built in different generations by different builders. The later builders were tempted to "improve" upon the designs of the earlier ones, to reflect both changes in fashion and differences in individual taste. So the peaceful Norman transept abuts and contradicts the soaring Gothic nave, and the result proclaims the pridefulness of the builders as much as the glory of God.

    Against these, the architectural unity of Reims stands in glorious contrast. The joy that stirs the beholder comes as much from the integrity of the design as from any particular excellences. As the guidebook tells, this integrity was achieved by the self-abnegation of eight generations of builders, each of whom sacrificed some of his ideas so that the whole might be of pure design. The result proclaims not only the glory of God, but also His power to salvage fallen men from their pride.

    Even though they have not taken centuries to build, most programming systems reflect conceptual disunity far worse than that of cathedrals. Usually this arises not from a serial succession of master designers, but from the separation of design into many tasks done by many men.

    I will contend that conceptual integrity is the most important consideration in system design. It is better to have a system omit certain anomalous features and improvements, but to reflect one set of design ideas, than to have one that contains many good but independent and uncoordinated ideas.

    -Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man Month

  • I know the historical context here, but don't you think this sentence is a bit obtuse? It is amazing how you can just sabotage your own article by using style such as this.


    "Viewing Qt with all the enthusiasm of an Indian sepoy regiment facing a fresh shipment of .303 cartridges slathered in pork grease and beef tallow, the most extreme free software adherents decided the only way to prevent such a calamity was to eliminate the taint of proprietary software altogether."

    Bad. Bad. BAD.
  • Also, what has the fact of the smoothness of the OpenLinux 2.2 install much to do with KDE or any desktop.?
    The installer for OpenLinux 2.2 is graphical, and based upon (drumroll) QT and KDE. OpenLinux 2.2 also boots into a KDE desktop, somewhat like Windows NT does. My understanding is that the KDE guys helped Caldera out with the LIZARD installer. Hope I could clarify that some for you. -Ted
  • Please borrow code and ideas from each other. Eventually one of the desktops will prevail and it will be pity that the other's features will be thrown away.

    Personally I am a fan of KDE although GNOME has the best-written mission statement that I've ever read. I intend to run them both for a while.
  • I've yet to try gnome, so I'll leave it alone for now. But KDE, some of the features are really nice but a waste of resources. Watching it load reminds me of watching NT load. It does not add anything to the apps I use most( emacs, gimp, netscape ).
    So what you end up with is a memory intensive toy.

    I think I'll stay with fvwm.
  • Well, in my XEmacs double-clicking a word selects it. Shift-cursor doesn't select anything, but I am sure that all it takes is a couple of lines in your .emacs file...

  • Granted, conceptual integrity is a good thing. However, consider two points:

    (1) What is a system? For the purposes of this discussion I would call Linux a platform, and an application a system. An application (e.g. text editor) should have conceptual integrity or suffer from bloat, feeping creaturism and other horrors (but see EMACS for a kitchen sink counterexample). But a platform -- no. There is no need for all applications to share the same underlying design concepts. All they have to share is *user interface* design concepts, which are pretty much standard by now in the GUI world. Gnome and KDE should be internally consistent -- true. All Linux applications should be designed on the basis of the same principles -- false.

    (2) What if I don't like the underlying design? Let's say KDE is the only desktop for Linux, full of conceptual integrity, but I, personally, hate some of its features. Must I therefore, not use Linux or be limited to command-line interface?

    Conceptual integrity in a small system is elegant. Conceptual integrity in a huge system is boring.

  • by Kaa ( 21510 ) on Wednesday April 28, 1999 @09:39AM (#1911975) Homepage
    I don't see the parallel existence of KDE and Gnome as a bad thing. On the contrary, I believe it to be very good for Linux to have competing desktops. The reasons are, basically, (1) Choice is good; (2) Competition stimulates improvement and destroys complacency; (3) Two parallel systems are good for robustness and insurance; (4) Forcing applications to be able to deal with both reduces their tendency to exploit "undocumented features" in the API and in the end makes them more robust and upgradeable.

    I don't buy the duplication of effort argument. If Gnome didn't exist, its developers would NOT have all been working on KDE. Besides, the outcome of the Mongolian Hordes approach is well known.

    The networking arguments (as in, the more fax machines are in the world, the more useful yours becomes) for a single desktop environment make some sense, but not all that much. There is a fine line between too much standardization and not enough standardization. Clearly it's good that most everybody can talk TCP/IP. Clearly, it's not good if everyone is forced to use the same key mappings in, say, an editor. This fine line is shifty and blurry, but IMHO a single desktop for Linux is too much standardization. Again, choice is good.

  • These "waste of timers" just don't seem to get it. Linux was a duplication of work already done. the whole GNU project is primarily a reimplementation job.

    If someone wants to code, then more power to them. Who's to judge whether or not it is "worth it?"

  • Hi

    This is a bit of a newbie question ... but...

    I have just installed RH5.9 and in gnome there is a way of chosing which to use but after I switched to KDE I can't work out how to get back to gnome :-(

  • Would somebody mind clarifying something for me? What exactly entails being "GNOME-compliant" or "KDE-compliant"? I know there's things like drag-and-drop, but I was under the impression that because of the new X drag-and-drop protocol that they would be compatible with each other. Also, there's the idea of embedding into the panel/desktop/whatever. What else is involved?

    Also, are there any practical limitations to making an application compliant with BOTH desktops? If not, what was the whole point of the desktop wars? Why couldn't application developers write apps that were compliant with both desktops and let the user choose one based on personal preference?

    "Software is like sex- the best is for free"
  • C outdated?

    please, pull up a shell and type
    ls /usr/src/linux/*/*/*.c
    or even better
    cat /usr/src/linux/*/*/*.c
    (I'm not dissing java - my experience with it is limited to a few hundred lines for web applets)

    8-) andrew

  • Sorry but you're wrong. There can be only one window manager running on the same display at one time.

    What you have is Afterstep as a window manager and the gnome panel as an application. It is true that the Kde menu can be accessed via the foot button of the Gnome panel but this doesn't mean that Kde is running, simply that the Gnome panel can interpret the Kde menu entries.
  • Every once in a while, I try out KDE or GNOME to see what all the fuss is about. About ten minutes later, it's gone. Those things are for absolute beginners.

    Look, neither of these things, G or K, are for you. They're part of the "world domination" perversion to attract people who are and should be using windows to use Linux instead.

  • Yep, and not by Redhat either. The article has several facts sorta wrong.
  • There are several issues making that difficult.

    KDE is mostly C++, GNOME is mostly C.
    KDE uses Qt, GNOME uses GTK.

    This makes it far less fun to borrow code. And on top of that you have the license issue. KDE cannot legally reuse GPL code with Qt without the permission of the author because Qt (even with QPL) doesnt have a GPL compatible license. To solve this, KDE is slowly moving over to the Artistic License (perl (which, IIRC, is distributed under both GPL and AL)). This is not GPL compatible either, altho it is compatible with the QPL (meaning, GNOME cannot use the code without a separate license, altho they can use the GPL version of the code).

    So, the idea of code reuse between KDE and GNOME has some problems. This does not prevent common standards and interoperability, of course.
  • a) RMS dislikes the use of LGPL for free software unique items. He's pragmatic enough to realize that LGPL is more likely to get something used if there is already a proprietary version of it.

    b) Uhm. The QPL doesnt do anything for compatibility with other OSS licenses. It gives a vague (and legally undefined) suggestion that other OSS licenses can be used with QPL, but some OSS licenses like the GPL cannot be used with QPL software.

    And by the way, have you ever tried to go through the red procurement tape in a corporation?

    "You want to buy what? That's not in the strategic buisness plan! From what company? They're not in our alliance vendor list! A new development environment? We dont want anymore, we've already got 30! Do you have a charge code? Who's budget is this coming from?"

    In most corporations, if something costs something, you've got the choice to either pay for it out of your own pocket or go through a years worth of budgeting, politics, studies, projects, etc. That is the *real* bar for getting something costing money accepted.
  • Of course. The problem isnt the amount of money, they problem is the amount of red tape you have to go through to get any money at all. A million or a cent, it doesnt matter.

    You dont call Troll Tech to get the license, you call the purchasing department, who need a decision that it is an official product that your company uses, which can only be obtained through an evaluation project approved by a steering comittee, etc etc.

    If you really believe they'll give you the company credit card and that you as a developer can order what you want to do a project, that's not the way it happens. With (L)GPL software you can usually wing it; you dont have to bother going through the red tape, because you only have to do that if you buy something.
  • I hope this gives Linux the boost it needs in the GUI department.

    "Single modular X server with loadable drivers, server extensions and font rasterisers. The modules will be OS-independent, and the loader design is that donated to XFree86 by Metro Link. We plan to fully document the driver API/ABI to help make it easy for third parties to supply XFree86-compatible driver modules."

    I dont know if I understand this correctly. Right now XFree86 requires a Whole server for each video card right? The new Xfree86 will alow driver modules. Is this closer to the way Winblows uses video drivers?
  • The reason we need *One* Interface and only one interface, is standardization. I absolutely hate the fact that when I'm using a GNOME theme, all my KDE windows look completely different. I hate the fact that Netscape's button/scrollbars/checkboxes look totally unlike the ones in KFM.

    There are simply too many different toolkits being used out there and in order for Linux to become accepted as having a decent GUI, it needs to have a standard interface. That's the whole idea behind UI's isn't it? The idea that you can use every application the same way? Linux is getting closer, but it's simply not there yet.

    As much as I disklike Microsoft's quality of software, their interface is just plain better because it's all the same. The same, of course, can be said for the MacOS. Linux needs a standard SDK/toolkit to work with. It will never become the mainstream OS without one.
  • "I almost saw it as a waste of resources," Dalheimer says. "It would have been much more useful to have those skilled developers working on KDE this whole time."

    I would not consider any time used coding to be wasted. Time used on flamewars are wasted, and as an aside one must say, that there is a lot of time wasted here, but that be it. But as I see it, time used on developing public software is all to the common good.
    • If the Gnome project goes wrong or the KDE project does, the alternate one will have some kind of idea of a trap there.
    • The two projects are not identical! They may have similar goals, but many subgoals are really quite different. Gnome has network distribution as a subgoal, and this idea is somehow incompatible to KDE.
    • It is always questionable when one from one project determines that the other camp is wasting their time. Aren't we then all wasting our time using Linux when there is ... ?

    If Dalheimer is satisfied with his doing (and the rest of the KDE team is the same), he should have a fine time making KDE. If the Gnome people feels this way too, there is no waste.

    OTOH if anyone is doing their task as "a tough job, but someone has to do it...", they would probably feel it is a waste. But who knows...

  • Nedit rocks! Its got all the power and more of the hefty-duty editors with a standard gui interface, that you already know if you've used the mac or windows. Syntax highlighting, rectangular selections, macros, etc. Don't leave home without it =).

  • With regards to the OS/2 WPS...check out DFM. It's not perfect, but it's damned nice! I use it in combination with Windowmaker. Quite a sweet combination. The DnD from DFM works with Windowmaker's dock and clip too.

    You can find DFM at:
    http://www-c.informatik. []
  • Yes, choice is good, but at some point (the long run) KDE and GNOME will become essentially the same in terms of performance, APIs, widgets, etc. Each team will co-opt the ideas of the other.

    In the end you will have two toolkits that differ chiefly in name only.
  • I've tried it and, IMHO, it was too win95 oriented and too heavy. For this "war" it adds nothing -- there isn't any version for KDE!

  • Where else but Slashdot can you get this kind of comment. That's why I keep coming back
  • I think it's very natural for both KDE and Gnome to share lots of features and ways of doing things. Personally I haven't tried Gnome yet, I use KDE 1.1 and like it quite a bit. When I acquire Redhat 6 I'll try both. The thing to keep in mind here that generally, when a set of features is expected in ANY gui, no matter what gui it is, there will be similarities. Just as you would like your car to have air conditioning and a cd/cassette player, so too will these gui's have options that match. Flame wars? Not necessary. I like apples, you like oranges, but the thing that matters is we both like fruit.
  • Many agree that Linux will achieve success only through the continued proliferation of open standards. The X debate must not become blind to this reality.
    It is critically important that the developers of GNOME, KDE and another X environment agree on a common set of rules such that all applications can be run on any platform. Without such cooperation, one killer app could make a given desktop the defacto standard and threaten the choice, innovation and new ideas that have drawn us to Linux in the first place.
  • Many agree that Linux will achieve success only through the continued proliferation of open standards. The X debate must not become blind to this reality.

    It is critically important that the developers of GNOME, KDE and another X environment agree on a common set of rules such that all applications can be run on any platform. Without such cooperation, one killer app could make a given desktop the defacto standard and threaten the choice, innovation and new ideas that have drawn us to Linux in the first place.
  • Many agree that Linux will achieve success only through the continued proliferation of open standards. The X debate must not become blind to this reality.

    It is critically important that the developers of GNOME, KDE and other X environments agree on a common set of rules such that all applications can be run on any platform. Without such cooperation, one killer app could make a given desktop the defacto standard and threaten the choice, innovation and new ideas that have drawn us to Linux in the first place.
  • And it is working just fine. Show me one commercial app written by a large company in GTK, FLTK, or WxWindows....
  • Yes, the flame wars have somewhat calmed down
    which I attribute to the Gnome 1.0 release.
    This and the proposed licence change for Qt
    have allowed Redhat to include both DE's in their
    newest release, and if Redhat includes KDE
    it it must be ok, eh?

    I am not sure whether the article gets all the
    facts straight though. Wasn't the QT Free
    foundation announced much earlier than November
    last year? Also, what has the fact of the
    smoothness of the OpenLinux 2.2 install much
    to do with KDE or any desktop.?

    And what about the statement that
    "in Europe, (where) independence from American
    software companies invokes issues of
    national security, not just personal choice."
    I doubt very much that the KDE developers were
    worrying about national security!

    It would be nice if the authors would have also
    gotten some quotes from Gnome developers, after
    all it takes two sides to end a (flame) war.

How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
