Pair of KDE Stories 81
An anonymous reader sent in a pair of articles about
KDE. The first is over at VAR Business (which
has a nice quote from Chris)
and the second is over at
ZD Net's Smart Reseller.
Both articles are about KDE 1.1.1 and neither says anything
that will surprise us, but its interesting to note that a
bug fix release is capable of generating that real press.
press generated (Score:1)
The GNOME folks however have been handling the press admirably all along. The amount of mindshare they generated even before the first stable release was remarkable.
Linux replacement for outlook (Score:1)
It's called Netscape Communicator.
Nice gui but no apps (Score:1)
Linux does already have several excellent PIMS and Spreadsheats for both Kde and Gnome and generic X, but what most people really need is word processing / html editing / structured drawing. Accountants need spreadsheets. Linux also has the very best database servers with some pretty good front ends in the works, but again that is not what I mean by apps for home users and small offices (which can use the spreadsheets and database perhaps, but also need more).
Star Office is bloated and slow, but at least has a somehwat modern interface. Maybe a C+.
Word Perfect has the features, but the Motif interface makes it totally unacceptable for anyone who has used a modern gui like Macintosh or Windows or Amiga, or for that matter Gnome or Kde with Linux. It's not just that Motif looks awful, but it's awkward, even with a 3 button mouse. Word Perfect gets an F for not even trying to design a modern interface. I'd rather use the DOS version of WP 5.1, which at least has a clean look and is easy to use (that gets an A, by the way).
Siag Office (it sucks more) uses the awful Athena widget set. Even with Xaw3d, it's awkward, and there are things about its word processor, Pathetic Writer, that make errors likely - just by trying to use the gui. I give it also an F.
I don't know about ApplixWare since I've never tried it, but it's a commercial product. Is there a free version?
In couclusion, there is almost no reason for a current Windows, Mac or Amiga user to use the Linux desktop. Yes, KDE is easy to use and nicer than Windows 9x, but the apps that people need to do normal things with computers just aren't there.
We haven't even mentioned the lack of a modern web browser for Linux, aside from using KDE's kfm as a web browser. That's really the best browser Linux has. It's fast and stable but still doesn't handle some pages - about one in 20 pages don't render correctly or cause a crash. Fortunately such crashes usually just close the kfm window and don't crash Linux or even X.
Netscape for Linux sucks - Motif, slow, everyone knows about its many faults. Mozilla for Linux will not even install on most systems. They don't tell you that several additional Netscape libraries are required (nspr and idl) and you need the exact versions of those libs for the version of Mozilla being installed. It's like Mozilla is a Windows only project with Linux on the back burner. Maybe some day they'll give it some thought.
Linux remains a system for corporate servers and for nerds to use at home. I don't think there are more than a handful of non-nerds using Linux today on home systems anywhere in the world, or using it for the desktop in small offices.
Let's hope that KOffice delivers what it promises, and that Corel gets its act together and uses a modern toolkit like qt or gtk for its upcoming Linux suite. Then Linux will have everything the "average" Joe and Jane user needs and wants for a home system, and which small business people can feel comfortable with and which secretaries can use to do their work.
..and version 5 is the last one. IBM calls it quit (Score:2)
Re:kde getting on /. (Score:1)
Given a load of formulae, printing ability, and a bit of corba type embedding stuff, it could kickass. Now for a wordprocessor
Not so fast (Score:1)
Re:Stability (Score:1)
First off, let me say that I agree with you, there are parts where GNOME is clunky. However, the most important thing we as users can do is to give helpful explanations of exaclty, and I mean exactly, of how it is clunky. There's no way the developers can read your mind. You've made a good start with your list, but it's not enough to let the developers know how they can fix it. If you gave the GNOME team a detailed of which behaviors should be changed in what ways, then I'm certain they'd be glad to consider it. Otherwise, all we're really doing is just whining.
Er, who says I want it for a desktop? (Score:1)
Wait- you _do_ just let me do it my way, because it's linux and nobody can _stop_ me from inventing my own way around it. Nevermind
That's been _done_. Fine. I even like it and (regarding the 'Ap' version) happily use it. Let's be willing to develop new stuff for Linux, shall we, and not squander the amazing freedom from influence, the amazing opportunity, by frantically making it just like everything else?
Another doubleclick advocate (Score:1)
Re:Stability (Score:1)
Actually, I've found that the GNOME included in Red Hat 6.0 is quite stable and very usable.
For the first time, I've actually been able to use the control-panel effectively and I can install GTK themes without bringing the whole thing to a crashing halt.
Now, I'm actually spending all my time within GNOME instead of a bare bones Window Maker session.
Check out my basic screenshot [] that I was able to whip up within minutes of getting RH6 installed.
I still use a couple of the KDE apps which RH thoughtfully included by default in the GNOME start menu. My one wish would be for GNOME and KDE to share the same theme format so that I could have a integrated look and feel for both sets of programs.
Re:Stability (Score:1)
[mmichie@localhost mmichie]$ rpm -qa | grep gnome
Re:Wordperfect suite will intergrate with kde (Score:1)
While I agree that Corel has been VERY supportive of KDE, they are in no way special: Caldera sponsors the whole ftp site of the KDE project, something like 40 GB of dowanloads a day. SuSE also donated stuff.
And if they ever added a proprietary extension to KDE, well who cares - just copy it. KDE is under the GPL. Any extension must be under GPL as well....
And while I like and work with Star Office, I am looking forward to a good Kword. Star Office is as proporietary as you can get, hides a lot from the user and is quite big. You can't convert your SO text files to any Open layout language format(except HTML), you can't import TEX or DVI.
Re:gnome with rh6.0 (Score:1)
As for physically resizing it, I dunno. It is "elastic" with whatever you put in it (If you run an application on it that is bigger than the rest of the panel, the whole panel expands to accomodate that program). Shrinking it further than the default would be difficult, I think.
Re:OS/2 dead? Mostly. (Score:1)
How did you guess? Yeah, I think his sig is a bit of a troll. just yesterday had a piece on OS/2 version 5, due out mid-May. Journaling filesystem and all, OS/2 is far from dead. I use it all the time, along with DOS, Linux and assorted versions of Winblows. Heterogenous computing environments rock. Cyberdiversity forever!
You don't have to expound upon the virtues of OS/2 to me; I was a long time OS/2 user, and one of my machines still runs it about half the time. It is a great all-round operating system, although lacking somewhat in stability when using PM/WPS. That said, OS/2 Warp Server for e-business and Workspace on Demand are the only versions of OS/2 5.0 that will be made available, as far as I can tell. There is nothing about any new "fat client" anywhere on the official IBM OS/2 web site [].
The fate of OS/2, mismanaged, mismarketed and mistargeted as it was by IBM, is the strongest argument I can think of why open source is crucial for operating systems, and why proprietary software is a trap.
So, OS/2 lives on, a shadow of its former self, likely for not very much longer. What would be great is if IBM, after it decides that OS/2 has reached its end, would GPL what source code it can, and if some of that great SOM/WPS technology could make its way into KDE and GNOME.
Get your fresh, hot kernels right here []!
Re:kde getting on /. (Score:2)
StarOffice, [] although not Free, is a decent, very full-featured, if somewhat bloated, office package, and includes presentation software.
Also, Corel [] has ported WordPerfect [], and is porting the rest of their WordPerfect Office2000 [] suite, as far as I know.
Then, in the Free Software world, there is Siag Office [] and, of course, KOffice [], which, while not finished, look promising.
So, we do have usable tools now, and great Free tools on the way.
Get your fresh, hot kernels right here []!
Knee-jerk Microsoft Bashing (Score:1)
Re:kde getting on /. (Score:1)
On the Gnome side of things, progress is being made. Bonobo (the CORBA-ized component model) is nearing an initial (developer) release.
A Guppi Bonobo component is being added to Gnumeric [] (which is looking nice these days) to enable charts. This might also make it into Genius [].
Go [] is being Bonobo-ized also, and (I hear) is pretty usable.
And work is being done on a nice mailer too.
Re:Stability (Score:1)
Re:Stability (Score:4)
* gmc. The more I work with it, the more I get the feeling that we *have* to replace it entirely. The only thing I really like about the current version is the libvfs stuff (and the pretty icons). Currently it has (at least) the following architectural problems: singlethreaded (so one long operation bogs down the UI), poor handling of multiple selections (especially MIME type actions on them), inconsistent menus (the desktop icons behave differently from the rest of the program), and a general feeling of non-modularity and inextensibility. (see continual postings about "how do you add items to gmc right-click menus" on gnome-list..which brings me to my next topic..)
* Not modular enough. It's already pretty modular but it seems like CORBA isn't used in places where it would be useful or clever--for example, a CORBA interface for menu generators would be useful.
* Icky menu system (not that they're alone here..) A hierarchically configurable menu system was proposed on gnome-list a few months back (see "My Little Wish List for Gnome") but no-one has had time to finish it.
Once gmc gets its act together (or possibly gets rewritten) I think I'd feel fine about recommending Gnome to newer users; the rest of the core works perfectly well. It's kind of embarassing for something so central as the filemanager to feel as klunky as gmc does, though..
Re:Stability (Score:1)
Gmc is precisely what I was thinking of when I said "a ways to go."
Stability (Score:2)
Now, first of all, this is not intended as flame bait, just an comment:
The KDE 1.1.1 bug fix is probably recieving real press because right now it is the only GUI system that could probably be used, with minimal frustration, by someone whose talents do not lie in computer science. This is news worthy due to the whole "Is Linux going to topple Microsoft?" fad that is going though the media.
Now, as flame retardant, I feel thst I must add this: I am not saying "GNOME sucks" or anything similar. Just think of it as "GNOME has a ways to go yet." KDE 1.0 was pretty rough as well. GNOME may very well become as usable as KDE for non-computer oriented people in the future, I don't know. I'm just talking about the present.
And in the present, KDE is a very good and really suprisingly stable desktop. GNOME is getting better, but still has some problems.
The Real News Story (Score:2)
cheapest systems with pre-installed OS. They are
mostly Linux and a lot of them are using KDE.
Great - if you're on x86 (Score:1)
Also, Corel has ported WordPerfect, and is porting the rest of their WordPerfect Office2000 suite, as far as I know.
Then, in the Free Software world, there is Siag Office and, of course, KOffice, which, while not finished, look promising.
Unfortunately, I'm using LinuxPPC. That means no StarOffice, no WordPerfect. I can't get ABI to build, Siag is kind of fun (I figured anything called "Pathetic Writer" deserved a shot) but a long way from useful.
I really wish companies would port more enthusiatically. Applixware is the only one that seems interested. I have high hopes for KOffice, though.
Re:End User Apps - cooperation on file formats (Score:1)
Another advantage of Gnome is that it uses CORBA, so it could theoretically be ported to systems which don't use X. I don't know what inter-client communication mechanism KDE uses; could someone please clarify that? I'm too lazy to find it on :) Of course, this is just, as you said, another interface like a file. In the case of TCP/IP sockets, the interface doesn't even need to appear different except in the way the file is opened, at least in UNIX. Dunno how it is in Windows; I'd imagine that Windows, which is based on interfaces specific to the hardware instead of the nice consistent general file interface for everything, has its own set of APIs which would need to be wrapped.
Whatever. Anyway. Cooperation between the various usability projects is vital.
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Re:End User Apps (Score:4)
Even moreso, it doesn't even matter if people use the same suite (KDE or Gnome) as long as they use open file formats and can be made compatible with one another. Cooperation, and not competition, is VERY important to both KDE and Gnome. Myself, I don't care much for either, and I don't want to have to run KOffice under KDE to read someone's document any more than anyone wants to have to run MS Office under Win'98.
UNIX is great in that file formats have always been *open* and relatively easy to deal with. I mean, there's several dozen commonly-used mail programs out there, and practically all of them use the Sendmail /var/spool/mail fileformat to store everything. PINE, ELM, Mutt, mail, etc. can all read and write to my various mail folders without a problem, and so switching programs isn't a daunting task. (Wish the same could be said for Netscape Communicator, but I've not used Netscape for reading mail ever since Netscape 3.0 consistently corrupted all my messages and did other unpleasant things.)
I mean, okay, I don't need to run KDE or Gnome to use KDE or Gnome applications, but that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that just because a program is available now and is free doesn't mean one should be locked into that single program. It'd suck if I were stuck using PINE forever and ever, for example. (I want to try Mutt someday.)
That said, perhaps some work should be done in deciding/drafting formal document format specs. We already have a perfectly good word processing format (namely TeX) and many word processors which can use it (such as LyX/KLyX, and even some lesser-known Windows word processors such as Scientific Workplace)... but what about spreadsheets? Are the formats of GNUmeric and (whatever KOffice's spreadsheet program is) compatible? What about StarOffice? Whatever happened to 'sc'?
What about groupware programs? It's hard enough to deal with KDE/Gnome flamewars on Slashdot. What about in the workplace where the manager wants everyone to use a KDE-based groupware app but all the Gnome zealots want to use a Gnome-based one, and then all the desktop-agnostics (which I currently am) want to just use one which works under fvwm2?
(Yes, I know there's better WMs than fvwm2. But I have it setup to work nicely with my Datahand [] and I don't feel like learning how to configure another WM right now.)
Many things to think about.
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Re:kde getting on /. (Score:1)
long way to go (Score:2)
Re:Knee-jerk Microsoft Bashing (Score:1)
kdemozilla (Score:1)
Bugs (Score:1)
Re:When was Gnome's first stable release? (Score:1)
What i'd also like to see in KDE is perhaps some sort of NetInfo-type database. NetInfo is, IMO, a Windows registry done Right (and first), I loved it since NeXT and I love it still. Combined with the existing application framework for handling MIME-types in KDE, we can get a decent interface for registering file types to be opened (as opposed to WordPerfect asking to tamper with magic numers, etc). It's something which may turn me to Mac OS X (both Mac and NeXT were very good about automatically associating files) for desktop purposes.
Re:kde has a theme wich looks identical to yours (Score:1)
Re:Stability (Score:1)
The help browser needs mousewheel support. Seems lots of other widgets support it, this seems to be an omission.
And how about some color in the button icons? All that tan and khaki makes it look as drab as CDE.
Re:Nice gui but no apps (Score:1)
Re:Linux replacement for outlook (Score:1)
[flame]Re:Nice gui but no apps (Score:2)
End User Apps (Score:1)
It matters that us end users have well documented,
easy to use applications that take the place of
MS Office and MS Outlook. When both run the same
apps the selection of desktops will be a personel
one to make. Soon, I hope.
Re:Stability (Score:1)
hope that helps
Re:kde getting on /. (KOM/OP) (Score:1)
The ZDReseller article has a major error. (Score:1)
You gotta wonder...
Re:Linux replacement for outlook (Score:1)
servers, if neither IMAP or POP3 is enabled.
Linux needs a MAPI client...
Re:The Real News Story (Score:1)
Re:I just tried ke1.1.1 and it ROCKS! ITs alot bet (Score:2)
I had so much trouble getting kde 1.0 to work and when it did it was very crashy and sucked troll balls. THe pics looked very familiar and 9x-esque while gnome looked oh so unfamiliar. However I I have switch to gnome and it is stable and the background pics are cool and Propaganda was so easy to get. I am using E-Mac E and GTK+ theme and it feel like i am on my old mac. IT rools.
ok that's about all i can stand to do. my point is that both DE's are far better then they once were. both have integration. both are customizable. while my personal preference lies with gnome, that's all it is. personal preference.
frankly, reading this post was worse then listening to the average born again christian. a born again KDE zealot. ouch. all the signs are there:
'gnome is more worried about flash then stability'
no, gnome is just more flashy and wasn't stable in 1.0, that's all.
so while you're wandering around as instructed by the above poster, look at GTK+ and themes for E. and Propaganda. and KDE themes. you'll see that the beauty of linux lies in it's diversity.
whichever simplifies/unites the UI first... (Score:1)
MacOS: no, Apple didn't invent undo/cut/copy/paste, but the same keys do the same thing in every program! *If* a program under GNU/LinuxPPC/KDE allows these commands, it does it its own special way. I have to keep looking down at the keys, thinking "Is it alt-V, option-V, ctrl-V, cmd-V" every time. What a bore.
Windoze: Alt-F4 quits whatever program I'm in. "I'm Done, let's go". There's no (obvious) GNU/LinuxPPC/KDE counterpart.
Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that if something's misbehaving, I can kill [9] anything. The *control* I have over my system is fabulous. I just think some commands should be "global" to the User Interface. Don't tell that I can set them up in a .profile either, because then when I sit down at another desktop (the goal is World Domination, r'mber) it'll be different.
$0.02 from me. Don't forget to give me my change.
Why not both... (Score:3)
I wonder why we can't settle on both KDE and GNOME as the standard Linux desktop. I kinda like the freedom of choice option. In fact, why not throw WindowMaker and Afterstep in the mix too. It seems to me that one of the major benefits that Linux has to offer over the commercial OS's is the freedom to tweak it into whatever you want it to be.
Newbies will do more playing than anything else when they first get a PC. One of the first things that newbies do under windows is to go in and associate sounds with certain events...Well...I think newbies would get a real blast out of being able to go in and play with several different desktops. The trick is to make it "stupid simple" for them to do that. I think we are well on our way.
Viva la choice....
Agreed! (Score:3)
Re:kde getting on /. (Score:1)
Re:Nice gui but no apps (Score:1)
Re:kde getting on /. (Score:1)
Get your free personal edition of StarOffice 5.01 for Linux, there's enough in this little baby to keep even the most devout M$ Office addict happy...
Don't be too surprised... (Score:1)
I *personally* know of a well respected paper based IT magazine in Australia that frequently publishes tests on hardware and software the staff have never seen - written purely from the information in Press Releases...
Re:Window Maker works fine with KDE (Score:1)
I have no doubt that this will change with time - as all things do - but my experience is that quite often with products in the constant flux of development, which definitely applies to both kde and gnome, the default really is the way to go, unless you really want to be on the bleeding edge, in which case you are sacrificing stability for individuality.
Re:Try 0.53 (Score:1)
0.53 does work nicely by itself though, but I think that's missing the point
Re:Why not both... (Score:1)
When the desktop guys and the window manager folks remember the reason we all got on the Linux "Train", to escape the cutthroat commercialism and proprietary ransom of the M$ monopoly and it's shoddy products, I am sure they will get back on the right track and form at least a defacto standard, then we can have the best of all products, and as you say, that will make it "stupid simple" and Linux will begin to assimilate desktops like it already has done to servers worldwide.
Oooh, I can hear it now:
"We are the Penguins, your workstation will adapt to service us, resistance is futile..."
kde getting on /. (Score:1)
KDE is great. It looks like Gnome will be great. Question is, when will decent word processing, spreadsheet and presentation applications be ready. AT the moment all we have are glorious desktops and no way to have an envelope addressed!