KDE / ImageMagick Colaboration 58
kwak writes "Looks
like KDE is getting an Imlib equivalence in the just announced
collaboration with the ImageMagick team. This brings
improved graphical effects and conversions to the ever expanding
KDE code base."
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:1)
Then you know the answer to a question that's been bugging me for a long time: Where are the Objective-C bindings for Qt/KDE? I'll never develop for KDE if I have to work in C++...
Re:Imlib 2.0 (Score:2)
I already have a bunch of code and am working on it to get it to a usable state asa library so I can actually start using it in Enlightenment for testing.
I have played with some code to have a modular loader system similar to that of the Amigas Datatypes - loaders are just dlopen()'d loadrs with a standard API (allowing for multiple loading phases - I have to finalise this but it will mean easily codable loaders - anyone can then extend the loading ability of their apps by dropping a file in a directory. The rest is simply magick.
As for the rest I have been working on optimised rendering and scaling routines - I have full anti-aliased scaling down and up happening (it defintiely is faster than imagemagicks' scaling.. and that is with the program rendering to the display AND dithering as well). The internals now use RGBA instead of RGB and I have on my list to add alpha blending when drawing an image to a drawable (I have previous code that did this before). When I add caching back in (easy) and actually finalise the loader api I'll start having something that can be used. After it all works client-side I do most defintiely plan on working on putting a lot of the core of this into the server for sheer speed reasons. This should mean even more speedups.
So the rumors are corect - I'm working on it.. just haven't had too much time of late... but now I have piles of time to make this happen and happen fast and well... so expect something in the near future.
I will add more image processing functions too once the base loading and rendering is done and works well.
Re:Are you high? (Score:1)
Koffice works fine. It's just difficult as hell to install the current version. You need QT2 beta and KDE2.0-libs from CVS and you need the newest mico2.2.6 and you need luck to get it all compiled with a decent compiler.
But who ever said koffice was vapourware? Just because Gnumeric or Abiword are easy to install doesn't mean they have the same functionality. Dos might be easier to install than Linux!
Imlib equiv? (Score:4)
This article describes ImageMagic both as an Imlib-equivalent and something that brings "improved graphical effects" to KDE. Imlib doesn't do anything I'd call graphical effects. It basically just frees you from having to deal with different file formats, visuals, colour depths, gamma values etc. and provides some basic functionality like scaling, flipping and right-angle rotation. See the Imlib tutorial [redhat.com] for more info.
Database tools... (Score:2)
Re:imlib? (Score:1)
Why?? (Score:1)
Collaboration or permission? (Score:4)
It makes good sense to me to have programs like ImageMagick and, yes, the gimp, fit in the different desktop projects we have now.
If the effort is to be no more than porting, it is worth it. If it is more, and developers of, in this case, ImageMagick and KDE, find a way to work together to create new functionality, it would be even better.
Good luck to all involved developers.
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:4)
It's wrong of course, but they're free to spend six months or so finding out just how much Gimp already does. If they put their best people on it (which would be a really stupid thing to do) they might have something comparable to Gimp 1.0.0 some time in 2000.
Meanwhile the Gimp will continue to improve at it's own pace, and will have most/all of the PS5 features by the same time.
Anyway, although I respect PS5 (try loading the libtiff test images into any other Windows package - Boom!) it has very poor scripting, and the Gimp is destined for greater things.
If you're interested, and haven't already - check out the devel versions from CVS to see where we're going, and make suggestions to the gimp-devel list.
Re:Why?? NIH (Score:2)
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:4)
when compared to for example Photoshop 5. it's one or two
orders of magnitude slower when dealing with large images
like hires scans, and it lacks 16 bit color while even the
cheapest scanners nowadays provide >8 bit accuracy.
I think a complete reimplementation using the KDE methodology could
be actually easier and less work then to try to bring the current
Gimp codebase to contemporary levels.
Duplicated Effort? (Score:4)
It's too bad that 'widget-wars' are resulting in many developers writing the same applications in QT and GTK.
Don't flame, I did specifically say that it is up to the developers.
Imagemagick a technically good choice? (Score:3)
Another point (irrelevant perhaps because I don't code software, so don't misread it as a complaint): I see a stronger need for a fully GUI-based database application like FileMaker or Access which would use PostgreSQL or MySQL as a backend than for yet another image processing tool.
Re:Because ImageMagick != Imlib (Score:3)
Honestly, these two DE's are getting a little bit crazy. Neither will admit where the other is ahead, so they use different stuff just to be different, at least at this point (there were genuine reasons to do this with toolkits and ORBs, but this?) It's ridiculous.
S&P Quick Gimp? (Score:1)
For this and more facinanating early history tidbits, see my gimp history page [gimp.org]. I should probably update that some day :)
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:2)
Sure imlib does bunches more, that will likely be integrated. But keep in mind that the Gimp team as a whole has been very anti-Qt and in general inflexible when dealing with Qt (kimp comes to mind).
You may call it duplication of effort, but I call it diversity. What's so wrong with a little friendly competition for Gimp. Is the Gimp devel team afraid of another OpenSource image manipulation tool? Hmm.
For the most part, no, I'm not interested in Gimp at all. I'm interested in something that works, not something that makes a knee-jerk political statement.
Good..... (Score:1)
Re:argh. (Score:2)
Corrections (Score:1)
Daniel M. Duley
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:1)
What you pay for GPL packages is time. BUT, to the extent that you can use it, you can use it WITHOUT having to buy it. If it does what you want, great! If not, then use something else, wait, or fix it yourself. Things available in beta are actually there, but they've got problems. You can usually get the beta if you want to, but it may have danger warnings painted all over it.
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:2)
However, unlike you sir Anonymous Coward, the ImageMagick integration is far from a "widget-wars" response. KDE lacks image manipulation classes, and ImageMagick can provide them. Why should we be stuck with only one set of im classes? I thought that the whole Linux mentality (besides egoism) was diversity? Oh yeah, diversity as long as it's Linux, x86, Gtk+, GNU, etc. Hrm. Gee why does that sound so familiar? Bill Gates perhaps? Nahhhh.
Clarifications (Score:5)
Second, the ImageMagick is not all switching to KDE or anything. I have just got an agreement to use the code with other KDE developers as a base library and to modify it as I see fit. This code will form the basis of a core KDE image manipulation system usable by all apps interested (our effects will not be limited to one app). The collaboration comes from the sharing of code, ImageMagick will still remain what it is today.
Daniel M. Duley
Re:imlib? (Score:3)
the pointlessness of this project; We already *have* ImLib -
sure, having alternatives is A Good Thing(TM) but it seems a bit
pointless writing two libraries to do exactly the same thing, under
exactly the same license. Here's hoping they'll at least
use the same base libraries (e.g. libMagick, libgr etc.) so we don't
have another 30 libraries to install next time we want to use a K app under Enlightenment.
Re:Imagemagick a technically good choice? (Score:1)
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:2)
The GIMP team is only anti-Qt to the extent that Qt's license is incompatible with GIMPs.
KDE is free to burn resources rewriting GIMP; nobody (and I do mean nobody) on the GIMP team will care.
Well that is part of the problem (Score:1)
argh. (Score:2)
And what exactly do you mean by "kimp" affair? All that happened is that Matthias hacked Gimp for a couple of hours to show how Qt and GTK code can be intermingled for a presentation he was giving. After there was tremendous interest shown in the new funky interface he had come up with, he presented the patch to the Gimp developers and was silently ignored. That's it.
Re:argh. (Score:1)
Easy to ammend IF all authors agree and are available.
Imlib 2.0 (Score:4)
The point is that if imlib does become an X server extension, wouldn't this be much more sensible to use than a set of add on libraries like ImageMagick.
Also, imlib is all GPL, thereby removing all the previous hassle about licenses. Wouldn't it make more sense for those people working on KDE image projects to help out with getting an imlib X extension package together, which i would guess would give much improved performance, rather than trying to add another license, learn yet another API etc.
If the KDE guys and the GNOME guys could REALLY get together and talk, the stuff they could come up with would be WAY kewl, like a singular GPL multiple language binding, fast CORBA ORB, universal X server imaging extension package, universal embedded object model to allow KWord documents to be embedded within Gnumeric spreadsheets and vice versa.
Guess i'm just dreaming of a better way of life
Just my 0.02 worth.
P,S I'm not trying to start a flame war by the way, so please don't take it that way,
Re:License (get a clue please) (Score:1)
imlib? (Score:5)
Why was this moderated? I was wondering the same (Score:1)
Re:argh. (Score:3)
Correction. What happened was several KDE bigshots demanded that the GIMP developers grant them an exception to GIMP's GPL licensure so kimp could be distributed. The GIMP developers refused, on the basis that they lacked legal capacity to do so. No patch was ever offered.
Re:argh. (Score:4)
For what its worth, as a gimp developer I wish the KDE team all the best in any graphics manipulation programs they do. Having more programs, espeically where specialization and/or user preference is so applicable, is a good thing!
Re:Duplicated Effort? (Score:1)
Re:Imagemagick a technically good choice? (Score:1)
Re:Good..... (Score:1)
Mac OS 7.6
Mac OS 8.5
in terms of what is displayed on screen and what mouse and keyboard interaction is available..
I guess I miss that old Mac after all
Again, imlib is not anything like ImageMagick (Score:2)
"Imlib is a replacement for libXpm"
It is an abstraction layer for X11. It is *not* an effects library like ImageMagick. Two totally different functions.
I must have said this like 5 times already. What is the part that is so confusing? The two packages do two totally different things.
Re:Imlib 2.0 (Score:3)
f'ed right shift key on this keyboard
Bear in mind that imlib uses Imagemagick as
a fall back -- the latter is more complese.
Imlib is LGPL, not GPL -- though if it were
to become an X extension, then it would
realistically have to change license to the
mIt X license.
So far as the teaming up on object technology
goes, the GNOME project really need to dump
baboon, and work with the KDe project on their
object model (it is more mature, and is
designed in the image of openDOC rather
than OLE/COM)
n.b. the language binding MUST have a license
no stronger than Lgpl. (the danger in liberally
using GPL is that it forces duplication of
effort by those that support free software,
but not the extremist anti-proprietary stance
that the GPL represents)