Typing Recharges Laptops? 140
TwoSticks writes "Compaq patents a keyboard that captures your kinetic energy. Magnets and coils on each key charge a small battery to augment the big one in your laptop. Standard NYTimes deal: requires free registration. "
I'm a bit suspicious but it looks interesting. It might give
me an incentive to fix typos anyway ;)
Check the PTO - it's there! (Score:1)
Search for that patent num... It's actually valid.
The Patent's abstract from USPTO (Score:2)
Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:2)
Anybody remember those generator powered headlights on bikes? Remember how hard it was to pedal whenever you tried to use it?
Wasn't there an April fools joke similar to this this year?
Re:Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:2)
Besides, aren't laptops hard enough to type on as it is?
Re:Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:1)
Heard it before (Score:1)
I'm sure this was one of John Kennedy and Nick Veitch's spoof news items in the old magazine Amiga Computing. There was another one that had a velocity-sensitive keyboard that gave you caps if you hit it harder...
Re:It's not real (Score:1)
Then they should also invent a screen which recharges the battery by looking at it.
Maybe a tft photo electronic screen.
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
Re:Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:2)
I never could get the generator to stay properly attached; it kept drifting around the mount point . . .
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
Assuming 5N per key with a key course length of 2mm you get, as you stated, .01J per keypress. Now lets assume that the user types 4 strokes per second constantly (50 wpm) for an hour. That would give us .01J/stroke * 4stroke/s * 360s = 144J of power to the battery. Now lets assume that the system uses a conservative 50W of power, for an hour of typing this would give us 144/50 = 2s.
Remember all these parts are lossless components bought at your local theoretical physics store, if you have normal parts you have to subtract for battery and transfer loss.
hmm. yeah.. (Score:1)
asinus sum et eo superbio
Re:Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:1)
Re:Why not use the person weight? (Score:2)
Piezoelectric keyboards? (Score:1)
I don't think any finger-powered transducer can generate enough power to even put a dent in the consumption of a Pentium-II laptop, but it might help with a Palm Pilot or other micro-power device.
Re:Where are all the ducks? (Score:1)
Yes, if the coil is part of a circuit which allows current to flow. A neat demonstration is to hold a copper pipe (essentially a 1-turn coil) vertically and drop a rare-earth magnet in the top. The magnet will take several seconds to fall through the pipe, due to the braking forces caused by eddy currents in the copper.
Re:Heard it before (Score:1)
Re:Sounds familiar... (Score:2)
Agreed. However... (Score:2)
This does make the mind wander with all kinds of other possibilities. What about capturing the energy of ambient sound waves? Then the swearing and cursing prompted by the Blue Screen Of Death could actually be put to constructive use.
Re:marketing gimmick... (Score:1)
Christopher A. Bohn
And they stole our idea!! :-) (Score:2)
About a forth of the way down this page [slashdot.org] (sorry, no cid link)...
Christopher A. Bohn
Magnets (Score:1)
Probably not big enough to harm anything, though...
- George
Credit where credit is due (Score:1)
view the patent (Score:3)
- MbM
Re:RC Cars (Score:1)
Re:Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:1)
Time flies like an arrow;
Re:Magnets (Score:1)
Ok, I don't believe any of that crap either, but it is amazing what people will believe, even in 1999. It sounds to me that this might be a nice "gimick" that some easily suckered individual may buy into. The same hippy that would buy the headband, bracelet, and insoles.
Time flies like an arrow;
Keyboard Repeat Rate (Score:1)
Sounds Great - doesn't work (Score:1)
Re:Power output. (marketing gimmick...) (Score:1)
I've got one, and it's much more annoying than a Radio/Torch with Solar and Dynamo charging of internal battery.
I also have about 8 Swatch "Autoquarz" watches (like the Seiko Kinetic) and a Solar Swatch. I have too many Autoquarzes to keep them all running, but I can mostly keep the Solar running just by leaving it somewhere that gets a little sun.
On the other hand, I had a solar-only radio and had a lot of problems keeping that charged - being able to wind my new radio is a major advantage.
I guess I'm saying that we should have as many ways to power things as we can think of, so keep the kinetic powering of laptops going, but also work on embedding solar panels into the lid.
Now if Jade Mountain [jademountain.com] would just help me work out which solar kit I need for my Sharp Actius...
Win a Rio [cjb.net] (or join the SETI Club via same link)
Re:How much energy is there in your fingers? (Score:3)
Sure. This is actually pretty easy.
Energy per keystroke is force * distance, or 0.01 J. Keystrokes per second times energy per keystroke gives energy per second (or power), which is 0.1 W.
So, it doesn't look like this is viable unless we have *really* low power notebooks
Re:Magnets (Score:1)
Re:Magnets (Score:1)
Dr. Igor Kreturs:
"We placed several rats on large five pound magnets for several days. On top of each rats we placed another five pound magnet. In a very short time all of the test subjects developed respiratory problems and motor skill deficiencies. Eventually, every subject died."
So, make sure you limit your magentic exposure.
(No rats were harmed in the construction of this post.)
Do you feel like a fish? (Score:1)
Sorry, I thought I dropped enough clues. Heh.
Igor Kreturs pronounced: I gore creatures. Ok, so maybe that doesn't work well on those for whom english/'merkan is a second language.
Maybe I should be less subtle next time. Nah.
Tapping = Power (Score:2)
Apparently it burns alot of calories so why not put it to other uses too?
Potato Clock Computing (Score:1)
OH yeah, the book I mentioned was good, I'd recommend giving it a read, if you can find it...
How much energy is there in your fingers? (Score:1)
Personally I think this is just a way to get people to spend more on laptop repairs... ("uh-oh, battery's low, I'd better start smacking this thing around!")
Re:HELLO!?!?! (Score:1)
Side note: the energy expended by the laptop when you strike a key is not zero, there is a state change as well as the energy required to process the keystroke.
GruntMaster 9000... (Score:1)
Mouserator (Score:1)
Note: If some company atempts to patent this idea later on, this post may be refered as prior art. This idea should be free unlike the keyboard-thing... Oups, if it isn't allready patented, I mean...
Re:Laptops useful for travelers (Score:1)
Or use my solution... put the laptop in your backpack, and wear that onto the plane. It's a lot harder to steal a backpack most of the time, and most people don't expect a plain old backpack to contain something of such value. ;)
Mouse, too? (Score:1)
Palm Pilots (Score:1)
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
Re:pedals? (Score:1)
Re:HELLO!?!?! (Score:1)
press the keys down harder for the energy to
be collected, so is it really worth it...
Why are there so many Unix-using Star Trek fans?
When was the last time Picard said, "Computer, bring
Jazz drummer recharges laptop with hi-hat pedal! (Score:1)
Re:Mouse, too? (Score:1)
Slashdot reference here [slashdot.org]
Laptops useful for travelers (Score:1)
Just one thing: if you travel by plane with a laptop, be very careful how you transport it... if you carry it in a laptop case onto a plane, the risk of it being stolen is quite high, and if you pack it in your checked luggage, you run a risk of the screen being cracked, and that is expensive and not usually covered under the manufacturer's warranty. (I learned the latter lesson the hard way -- I was fortunate enough to have purchased a separate warranty from CompUSA for the screen, but the thing's taking forever to fix.)
One way you might try transport the laptop is to put it in a hard-sided briefcase and stuff clothes around it, then put the briefcase in another suitcase. Alternatively (since briefcases are hard to fit in other suitcases), you could try carrying the briefcase on the plane; it might not scream "steal me!" quite as loud as an actual laptop case.
Re:cyberpunks11 / punks (Score:1)
Generally, if you get some killer idea and want it for yourself or for the GNU community, you more or less have to quit.
Or don't go to work for a company with such an agreement in the first place.
Re:Copyright (Score:1)
Well, it would depend on the employee agreement, but generally, the employee agreement would lay claim to anything that's developed on company time with company resources, but only that. The trick is in demonstrating that a given body of work was done on your own.
In the hypothetical example you give, it would usually not be legal for the company to claim the software as its own; and in practice, since CGI development is so radically different from window manager or device driver development, you'd have a decent chance of hanging onto it.
However, if the distinction is less blindingly obvious, and/or if the employer has a large legal budget, what's legal in theory may differ from what's legal in practice. In short, if you're concerned about who owns your code, try to work for a small company.
And as for your last point, if the programmer refused to turn over the code, then the company would (if they really wanted it) sue; and if they won, the court would order the programmer to turn it over. I leave the penalty for noncompliance in that case to the imagination of others.
What's a good subject? (Score:1)
This one may be real, given that a patent number is quoted, but then the USA patent system is so crocky, that doesn't mean anything anyway.
I wonder how efficient this is, what's the ratio of energy gained from magents to the amount of energy required to move your finger to depress the button?
Re: (Score:1)
Alternative Energy Computing (Score:1)
Re:Sounds bad for the carpel tunnels (Score:1)
Why not use the person weight? (Score:1)
IMHO the keyborad is the last piece of generating energy, for computer use I think that maybe a mouse or a joystick would generate more energy then the keyboard it self, I could be wrong.
"take the red pill and you stay in wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabitt hole goes"
My bike's headlight work just fine, thank you (Score:1)
My generator don't add any noticable resistance at all. If it didn't make an annoying sound I'd never remember to turn it off in the daytime.
Don't know about your neighbourhood, but in my whereabouts everyone uses the generator kind. I'd really hate run out of batteries late at night, especially since it could get me fined.
Don't hate the media, become the media.
Re:pedals? (Score:1)
So a pedal to exploit the natural tendency of foot tapping (more of a generalized leg up-down piston motion, actually), sounds like a great idea.
"Stop shaking the floor!" "But, the floor shaking is what's powering the computer right now!" >G.
All the more reason to do batch jobs. (Score:1)
(In a dilbert-like company, of course, and there's lots of those around).
Serves as a good "boss-radar" too. Listen for the amount of incessant keyboard sounds. If it gets louder and faster, boss is coming
Would that be a dumb bass? (Score:1)
Re:Why not use the person weight? (Score:1)
a better idea (Score:1)
I worked on something like this (Score:1)
loud typers (Score:2)
Please, I beg of you, do not encourage the loud typers.
There is nothing more annoying when you're sitting in the school computer lab at 3 am trying to puzzle out a particularly gruelling problem than someone who loves to hear themselves type. They pound away at the keys as loud and fast as possible, convincing themselves that they are cool due to their rapid button pushing skills- nevermind that a trained monkey could do the job just as efficiently.
These people are second on my list of annoyances only to people who like to hear themselves talk while in line for a club.
Do *not* give them a legitimate reason for this loud-typing behavior.
Grouchy and loving it.
Power output. (marketing gimmick...) (Score:1)
I suspect the experiment at the museum was not working properly, or was badly designed. I remember doing the same thing at a big museum in Munich (forget the name, it was very good though)
and struggling to light the bulb, despite the fact that I am a reasonably competent amateur racing cyclist. Of course, as soon as I had collapsed into a sweaty heap a five year old child stepped up and started up the TV set, apparently effortlessly...
Getting back towards the subject, has anybody used one of those batteryless torches where you squeeze the handle to light them up? Those must need a couple of watts, and my little hands got tired pretty quickly. I can't see how typing could possibly generate enough power to have a significant effect on the battery life of a notebook, but I'd love to be proved wrong.
RC Cars (Score:1)
Let's use mouse movement for even more power... (Score:1)
Strange, that this is Compaq yet again...
Re: No, wait! (Score:1)
Re:Heard it before (Score:1)
Picture that in a work environment...
SMASH-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-SMASH-SMASH-SMASH-ti cka-ticka-ticka-ticka-SMASH-ticka-ticka- ticka--
"For %$^&'s sake do ya have to use so many capitals???"
- - -
Lo battery? (Score:3)
Save all your work now.
Oh crap!!!
askjhadslaashkjaasdkhdasasdsdhasdkasdsdajdashasdhd asdashdashshsdahaskdsahksdadsdaskjdaskhsdahsdaksda ksadsdhdashkaskhdashkdsasdahsdakdashshkahjdaskjasd sdflakldfslhjsfadhjlfsdakfdsalkdfsfdslffkdsalksjfk sdfafsdajhdfj;fdsajsdfahjfasd;jsdfa;fsdahsfadhjsdf
Power has been restored. You may now resume work normally.
- - -
Re:Magnets (Score:1)
Huh, (Score:1)
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
0.1W of power for one second? Considering that watts are defined as J/T, I think that's a little more information than necessary.
Direct solution: Dump the Eunuch PII! (Score:1)
Linux user: if (nt == unstable) { switchTo.linux() }
Re:Magnets (Score:1)
Re:Piezoelectric keyboards? (Score:1)
Yeah, some do measure it (honest!) (Score:1)
I type at 75wpm on a keyboard (50wpm on an old fashioned manual), but my fingers are always cold!
pedals? (Score:1)
And I see gangs of geek-bikers with laptops in his bikes... crossing the night...
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
Doesn't matter if it doesn't work (Score:1)
Besides, they should be generating power from the movement of a trackball, not the keyboard. After all, most people are mouse-pushers who have never seen a command-line.
Estimation (Score:5)
me to apply more than 5 newtons to a key.
Let's say the key course length is about 2mm.
That's 10^-2 J per keypress, neglecting the losses
in transformation from mechanical to electric
You need 10 keypresses to get 0.1W of power for
1 second.
Forget about having your notebook run on that
alone. Keyboard power is somewhere between
"little influence" and "neglectable".
Could be more practical for a PDA without a
hard drive, but then the trend for these things
is not to have a keyboard at all.
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
.01 J/keypress * 4 keypress/s =
So in one hour you have saved 144 J where the system, at 50 W, has eaten up 180000 J.
144/180000 = 8e-4 = 0 because it is insignificant or outlying data and therefore thrown out.
The amount of energy that would be created is not worth the effort. After 1250 hours of typing you have save ONE HOUR! YEA!
I can guess Compaqs marketing strategy, "Type for 52 hours and get the 53 hour FREE!*"
*Test conducted in superfluid helium with special superconduction motherboard.
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
New Brilliant Ways of Charging your laptop (Score:1)
Yes folks, it's that easy. Worried about not having enough battery power. Just pick up your laptop and drop it several times and your worries about not having enough life in your batteries will just fall away. If it isn't working then throw your laptop on the ground harder, thereby transfering extra KE into the laptop.
Other technologies coming soon:
The 5 lb Sledge hammer
Re:Why not use the person weight? (Score:1)
Re:Why not use the person weight? (Score:1)
A brilliant invention... (Score:1)
What I want is a power generator a-la 'Seiko Kinetic Watch' so that when I get fed up with the idiocy coming out of Redmond (or Compaq for that matter) I can throw my laptop against a wall and it'll charge the batteries...
Good for carpal tunnel (Score:1)
Soaking it up in the keyboard is good for the hands. Soaking it up by turning it into juice and shoving it somewhere, rather than flexing and heating keyboard moving parts, is good for a hand-friendly keyboard.
And as long as you've turned it into juice, why not shove it into the battery. It may not be enough to power your machine, but it might make a noticeable difference in battery life. (And you might be surprised: There's a LOT of power in physical motion, and electromagnetic generators with losses of a few percent are considered inefficient.)
Re:pedals? (Score:1)
Re:a better idea (Score:1)
BIG, HEAVY disks in those days. About the time Cray was just finishing up there before striking out on his own.
(Part of the trick is to have your write clock come off a servo track and the PLL able to follow it down a few percent as the disk slows.)
Re:Estimation (Score:1)
Good analysis, even if you lengthen the stroke and reduce the key force - I've been using notebooks heavily for at least six years and my typing has evolved to employ *much* less than 1 pound. However, 50W is far from conservative, unless your use of the term was the opposite of the way I interpreted ("conservative of power"). I'm not sure about Intel-based notebooks (well actually I have a good idea, they pretty much suck for power-conservation), but the power manager hardware and software in Powerbooks is able to report the actual power dissipation, and software exists to read it. My current 180MHz 603e dissipates about 18W *maximum*, and typically 10-12W. By spinning down the drive, lowering the backlight, and turning off PCMCIA cards I can get it to 6W and still be able to usefully use the computer for typing. Also, there are considerably more power-saving modes available to PPC chips (603 and 750/"G3") than x86, and they're well exploited by the Mac OS (and to a currently lesser extent, LinuxPPC), so the power dissipation fluctuates at those times when I stop to think (at least while I'm using the Mac OS, which has few background processes - let's remember Compaq's main market is still Windows users).
So for the power-paranoid user (a journalist, say) who might want to benefit from this invention, assume her notebook commonly draws 10W and her battery normally lasts (*cough*) 6 hours. With the ideal figure of
If it's not an July Fool's patent, it oughta be.
Re:It's not real (Score:1)
But from my experience, Compaq makes low-quality, over-priced laptops (you ever used an armada 4120? or a presario, i think its called, 1230? The latter has a benchmark test of 120 MHz, and a 233 MHz CPU...)
What a better way of recruiting power from laptops may be by putting carpet material on the bottom, and whenever you use it, it converts all the static electricity from that carpet rubbing against your clothes into the battery (god knows its some 50,000 volts
Maturity # of posts (Score:1)
Heck, the first time I posted something on
Re:It's not real (Score:1)
We should thus work towards trapping lightning bolts and storing them in lithium-ion filled mountains.
Re:marketing gimmick... (Score:1)
Why does everyone think this is such a bad idea? If you read the PR/patent abstract it says that this is intended to supplement the primary battery - sort of like electric cars that recharge the batteries when decelerating.
I need all the time I can get when I'm away from home. 2 batteries in my laptop gives me about 5 hours of use, if they can give me an extra hour or so without me having to do anything differently, I'm all for it.
For once IRC and other chats have a purpose. (Score:1)
Re:Heard it before (Score:1)
It might slow typing down somewhat tho
CDROMs, Disk drives etc (Score:1)
Hell, disk drive plates are already magnetic
Floppy and Zip drives could harness energy when you add and remove disks.
Putting tiny solar panels over the little leds on the keyboards and monitors would help too.
Every bit counts!
On a more serious note. What about microwave energy? There's already enuff of it around now days, why not transmit energy to mobile devices? Anyone got a working Tesla coil?