Sony to produce more AIBO & more bots 58
sbeitzel writes "According to this story on Yahoo!, Sony will be producing more "home entertainment robots" next year, and tooling up to start producing a whole line of different 'bots. " Maybe this time I can have/keep a sample. And Rob will stop complaining about not having one. (Are you listening, Sony?)
Re:FIRST POST!! (Score:1)
kaniff -- Ralph Hart Jr
Re:link? (Score:1)
robot idea (Score:1)
As Feature Set Improves... (Score:1)
But a few years from now, what useful features will have been incorporated? eee-Banking? Cell-phone? Voice activated PDA? "Rover! Pay my phone-bill. And remind me to check the oil in the car. And tell my wife that I'll be home late. Oh, and are there any new articles on SlashDot? Also, fetch this stick!"
I dunno - these things could turn out to be very useful!
How true! (Score:1)
I sincerely doubt the guy's claim that every household will have an entertainment robot in 10 years. Maybe in Japan, but there are people who would certainly spend even $500 on something a little more useful!!
It's cute, but geez, give me a breathing pet any day!
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:2)
Even when I'm at home on my modem (boo hiss), I still prefer it.
Why not just buy a robot? (Score:1)
Re:link? (Score:1)
Re:Entertainment robots??? (Score:1)
can anyone say miller time?
OK. The AIBO gets upgraded using the CujoBot patch from Quake, sharpened teeth, and a module where a rocket launcher can be installed (Ludicrous Gibs!) You then take him out for his entertaining walk. Hey, is that Old Man Jenkens watering his lawn?
Not anymore :)
Re:link? (Score:1)
I guess that's how I'll be thinking about this post in a couple minutes.
Hey Sony (Score:1)
My doggie does it all. (Score:1)
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:2)
I am developing an engine [bachue.com] to create dynamic content and it does just the same thing: ask whatever receives the pages not to cache them.
It can be a pain to press the back button, but, on the other hand, you could always `open link in new window' whenever you plan to continue seeing a given page (that is, unless you are using Lynx which ignores all those headers anyway (at least until version 2.8.1rel.2)). Just in case you don't know, you can open links in new window just by clicking them with the middle button in Unix Netscape.
Modular & Upgradeable? (Score:2)
Suppose my kids fell in love with Rover. Then, a new OBC came out supporting educational software that would play "A-B-C" type games with the kids. Or new long-range I/R eyeballs hit the market. I wouldn't want to replace the faithful old Rover that we've all come to love. I'd just want to give him an upgrade!
Maybe years go by, and rusty old Rover has learned to relate to my family. Then the new Penguin chassis comes on the market. I might want to keep old Rover's knowledge alive by downloading it into the new Tux model.
Can do?
AIBO playing soccer (Score:1)
there's a Sony Legged Robot League which is these AIBO's running around playing
It's quite funny when they fall over and lay around flapping their legs till
they manage to get up.
There's a RealVideo stream here [spiegel.de]
More info about the competition and game schedules are over at www.robocup.org [robocup.org]
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:1)
Re:Of course I do. :-) (Re:Do you actually care??? (Score:1)
"What about people who live alone and
can't have pets in their place, or elderly people whose family have
dumped them off at some senseless, rigid nursing home? Robots like
this could quite easily be a good, clean replacement for human
companionship when there is none to be found."
This is like, the most disgusting post I've ever read.
Go visit yer grandma, bring her some fresh flowers and
good cheer. Sheesh. Betcha ain't done that in a while.
Two small requests for Sony (Score:3)
Second, is a KillBot too much to ask for? Preferably one that can fit in the trunk of my car, and help me out with that lovely Boston traffic. Energy weapons only please (consumable ammunition would put it out of my price range).
Re:My doggie does it all. (Score:1)
I would get one... (Score:1)
Aiborg. (Score:1)
Anybody in for some creative reprogramming?
Now I really wish I'd bought one of them. It could be so much fun.
Re:Modular & Upgradeable? (Score:1)
THe Aibo construction kit includes a memory stick reader, and a program that lets you create "programs" for Aibo, and put them on the memory stick.
Of course, this is totally from my viewing the Aibo web pages... not official.
When will these become useful? (Score:1)
So the question is, has anyone used their AIBO for any actual practical purpose. (including getting the paper, but not impressing the neighbours)
link? (Score:1)
The Robot Dog (Score:1)
Supply up, demand down? (Score:2)
It would be cool to have a robot dog, but not at the current price.
BTW, is there going to be another "furby/elmo-style" toy craze this Christmas?
Re:FIRST POST!! (Score:1)
And, each of those times, is it not correct that you were _far_ from being the first post?
Too much stuff ... (Score:1)
Man oh man. Let me add this up according to the predictions of the people in the field. In 5 or ten years it looks like I'll have:
4 Computers
2 robots
4 TVs
2 VCRs
.. along with 2 or 3 God-Knows-What-Else-They'll-Invent.. I'm starting to wonder if I'll have space for my food, water, and wife. On the other hand, if these robots can hunt for me, feed me, tell me the synopsis of last night's Simpsons, and provide emotional support and love, maybe it won't be so much of a problem.
Entertainment robots??? (Score:1)
QIII is entertainment, walking the dog is a simple step I take to prevent my dog from peeing on my floor.
So when is Sony going to invent the robots that walk robotic dogs?
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:1)
Original and cost (Score:1)
things? Those dogs astetically (sp?) looked a lot
better then these newer ones. Although if sony
was able to get the price down to 1k and built
in some sort of charging system that the dog will
go to when low on juice I would pick up one in
a heartbeat. I think robotics will be very big
in the future.. AI technology needs to be advanced
and costs come down big time before it becomes
mainstream IMHO.
just use IE (Score:1)
Re:link? (Score:1)
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:1)
I know netscape LOVES to reload pages all the time... Life's rough, ain't it?
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:1)
Re:AIBO playing soccer (Score:1)
Re:Two small requests for Sony (Score:1)
Or maybe one to ride shotgun and clear a path for me on the 'pike everyday.
- What's that officer? FastLane [mtafastlane.com] is for paying tolls?
[still waiting for EZPass [ezpass.com] because it's bank agnostic]
Re:Why should Sony send you one? U Corrupt ? (Score:1)
It was a joke, albeit not too funny, its probably an inside one. Secondly who cares if Rob gets some free stuff. More over if Rob was to editorialize about Sony being greatest stuff on earth, how many
In conclusion: Who cares? Its a joke, and "you" contains a "y" and an "o". Try to use all the letters of a given word when asking people to take you seriously.
Do you actually care??? (Score:1)
To me, this ridiculous thing is classed in the same league as those idiotic 'virtual pet' keychains you see the 4 year olds dragging around. Just plain silly.
Don't people have something better to do with their time and money? Like donating to charity, perhaps?
These things are going to end up sitting on a shelf, collecting dust within weeks of when the customers get them. IMHO, wait 2 years and you'll be able to get a better one for 50 cents at a garage sale.
These are a fad!
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:2)
At first i thought it was silly... (Score:1)
Now having moved to a more spacious (>800 sq ft) flat, and with a strict no pets rule, the idea of a pet that doesn't shed, piss, or chew is appealing, because it might be a possibility of something to keep me company in my new place. I think that i'd have to wait for a second version though, just because i don't trust 1.x or x.0 releases of anything... Just too jaded by years of software releases... =:-)
Of course I do. :-) (Re:Do you actually care???) (Score:1)
There's plenty of usage for a pet like this. You're only looking at the novelty of things like that. What about people who live alone and can't have pets in their place, or elderly people whose family have dumped them off at some senseless, rigid nursing home? Robots like this could quite easily be a good, clean replacement for human companionship when there is none to be found.
Of course, it could be an addictive placebo for people who have nothing better to do... it really depends on how you look at it. New technologies like this should equally be treated with respect and the self-control to handle them properly.
If it comes from man, it will fail.
If it comes from god, It will succeed.
The heck with a robot dog. . . (Score:1)
Why not start producing C herry 2000's ????
Re:Offtopic: Why does /. page reload when I hit ba (Score:1)
(wow, we're way off topic, eh?)
MONKeY (Score:1)