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The Ottoman PC 149

R3 writes "Looks like Intel is trying to come up with some sort of iMac-like PC - "for home" and this is the best they could some up with is the Ottoman PC. " Here are some more pictures . The sad thing is that I think its cool. I'd like a PIII in the arm of my sofa too please.
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The Ottoman PC

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  • Aren't these the people that designed the AZTEC prototype for intel? Multicolored, and a lot more aesthetically pleasing, I could see someone wanting one of those around...
  • So the iMac is just a rehash of the old Apple II and PS/1 computers.
  • The keyboard is wireless.
  • And the iMac and G3 towers aren't ugly. Yeah right. SGIs look good. This looks different. The iBook is neat, but don't try to say the iMac is cool looking.
  • It's a cool idea, but honestly, do you really want to use a keyboard that's a foot off the ground? I think I'd have to pick the thing up and put it in my lap to use it.
  • The keyboard comes out, it wireless. The Registry had some pics of the keyboard removed.
  • Effeminate maybe, but not actual, say, housekeepers... who would have known that 1) furniture gets kicked around, and 2) things kept under flip-top lids are counterproductive because there's always stuff piled on top of the lid.
  • I'm planning to build a livingroom computer based on a dictionary or music stand - close old analogies to the two computer problems: heavy things you need to adjust in 3 angles, and see with your hands full.
  • This saying is actually FAR, far older - dunno how old, but damn old...
  • Just kidding, wasn't aztec, was Ziba Design...much better in my opinion, here's a PC Mag article with a pic of it...droolish .html
  • by miracle69 ( 34841 ) on Wednesday September 01, 1999 @04:24PM (#1710127)
    10) "Uh, I just had a rather large movement and I can't flush the Ottoman."

    9) "Where do I put my feet when I'm using my footrest?"

    8) "You mean I have to plug my footstool IN?"

    7) "I put my Pop-Tarts in there 5 minutes ago and they're still not ready.

    6) "What do you mean I can't kick my footstool?"

    5) "I can only fit one beer into my 5X Drink Vender Drive"

    4) "I'm sitting on the stool and typing with the keyboard, but I can't see what I'm typing."

    3) "There's something loose in my stool."

    2) "The sofa-bed crashed while grandma was sleeping, and now we can't get her out."

    1) "Will tough actin' Tinactin clean all my viruses?"
  • just what i need, spend a couple thousand dollars on a computer and one of my friends comes over and pees on the thing...
  • hee hee.. yeah, you're right!

    but, to me, it also looks like, once folded, it would serve as a nice footstool.... now, for that sofa (I've got plenty of books to sit back and read....)
  • True. Imagine what you could do with an 11 port USB hub....
  • .. and it looks like a waffle maker.

    "Waffle Inside"
  • G3/400: 4-7 watts G4/450: 5-8 watts PIII/600: 34.5 watts Well, I suppose it's not unusually hot for Intel.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    And Dvorak said the iBook looks like a toilet seat.
  • Has anybody else noticed the strange (but not surprising) resemblance that Intel's Ottoman PC has to a Port-a-Pottie (or more properly, a Port-a-Sans)? Not only in it's shape and fold-up lid, oops... i mean monitor, but the fake leopard-skin top design, much like a toilet cover. Hmmm... Maybe Coleman is going to sue...
  • I guess this sort of thing might be great if your living space was so small that you could have a computer, or furniture, but not both.

    I'll stick with my standard looking PCs with their cheap parts.

  • you'll never see me with one of them.
  • I can just see the kids fighting over it: "I wanna sit on it", "No!, I wanna play doom/quake/maelstrom".

  • So, can we get a widescreen LCD display on a coffee table to go with that?

    Speaking of concept computers, this [] still beats anything Intel has come up (of course, Intel Inside could bring new meaning to that concept....)

    BTW, didn't Intel come up with an Aztec-like pyramid-looking computer some time ago? I was digging around for it yesteday and couldn't find it.
  • Jeez. It looks impractical to use. How do I sit in front of this thing and comfortably type? Where do I use the mouse? If the keyboard comes out (didn't see it) is it wireless? If not there's a tangled mess like phone cords.

    It seems very impractical for use but excellent to hide from thieves or gamers. Pray your visitor doesn't sit on it!
  • by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Wednesday September 01, 1999 @04:54PM (#1710149) Homepage
    everyone's saying it's a toilet, but really, the more i look at it, the more i disagree:
    i think it looks like a waffle iron.

    actually what it _really_ looks like is "George Foreman's Lean Mean Grilling Machine". If you've ever seen one of those, then the ottoman pc looks _exactly_ like that. only thicker.

    either way i think we should praise intel for coming up with their own slightly scary "creative" design instead of stealing apple's slightly scary "creative" design. Although it looks like it takes after the imac in one way: a horrible keyboard. except that the keyboard's built in, so if you want an extended or DVORAK one then too bad.. i may be wrong though. i can't really see from that tiny picture. And doesn't it seem like a circular monitor would waste a lot of potential screen space? well, whatever.
  • SGI missed the boat by not issuing the chrome O2.

    My mom had one of those 1950s chrome toasters. I got shocked every time I touched it.

    Explains a lot.

  • by Maledictus ( 52013 ) on Wednesday September 01, 1999 @05:07PM (#1710152)
    I have a snooty magazine of home decor for the tasteless and independently wealthy that features *wooden* monitors. You know, the case is wooden. They come in birch, cherry, oak. Matching keyboards (the keys weren't wood) and mice (just the part under your palm was wood.)

    They were actually pretty slick.

    And you know, if you have a big old house straight from the early 1900s, a computer sittin' around looks...well...dumb. 'Course, I'd rather have mine disguised as a mahogany Victorian highboy, but that's just me.

  • - Toilet PC. With PowerSaving mode there is no more having to remember to put the lid down.
    - Pillow PC. What are doing wasting 6-8 hours a day sleeping for? Cooling fan will keep you warm on cold winter nights.
    - Table top PC. Remember those pacman games in 80s? With integrated cameras you can now sit down to a "family dinner" even if you family is in another city, with volume control for grandma.
    - Lawn ornament PC. Realistically modeled to look like a plastic pink flamingo, this PC acts as a security camera and wireless repeater. If you have a big lawn, put lots of flamingos up!
    - PC PC. Just when you thought no one used real PCs anymore, this PC is a all in one microchip placed inside a 90s "retro" box. The extra space can be used to store clothing or small pets such as hamsters and gerbils.
  • Looks like we're one step closer to being able to take a dump and check our email at the same time.
    Maybe a dot matrix printer/toilet paper dispenser is in the works?

  • I found the topic originally on as a topic for an IRC channel. Just as I was complaining about how slow the web server was, I finaly find out why. heh.

    For the 20 bytes I can get out of the server, the design looks awful. Just plain awful. Give me a carpenter and I could make something better
  • How can you possibly keep these things plugged in? Just what you need in a busy family room, a cord stretched across the floor. I hope UL burns 'em a new one.

    'Course this does bring a whole new meaning to the term 'reboot'.

  • my parents used to have this battery powered ash-trasy that sucked in the smoke from their cigarettes. It looked suspiciously like this thing, only a lot smaller.

    I'm sure this thing, give the larger size, will suck a lot more.
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 )
    HEY! Intel is NOT inside this thing!!!!!

  • You know, this first thing I did was grep the list for the word toilet, not having read any of the comments, five hits.

    Youp, that was my first impression too.

    (Well, they said "for the home....")
  • People said the iBook looked like a toilet seat. Well this one is an entire toilet. Sorry Apple, you lose again.

    I mean, the thing not only looks like shit, but it looks like somewhere you'd take a shit. Nice work Intel, I hope it has the full 3 gallon flush to get the PIII down the drain.
  • I agree with this, my first impression, was "it looks like a toilet bowl!!!"

    I wonder if the toilet paper is in option???
  • What's up with the repostings lately? This was one of several designs Intel had a few months ago for weird "iMac competitors." My favorite was the one with the centralized CD-ROM that made it look like a radiation symbol.

  • Hey, what about a Home Brew System/PC? You could have a program running in the background keeping a constant eye on your beer-to-be. Changing the temp, stirring if it needs it, opening the release valve if it's gonna turn out to be skunk. Someone design of those, and I'll be first in line to buy it.
  • Here ya go: []
    Hope ya don't get no termites!
  • Uhh, why do you even bother posting here...getta job, a life, but at least try not to act so lame. If you think Linux is the crackers OS, I am sorry that you feel that way. It is a large misconception derived from the code "Hackers" who use it and constantly improve it. Now just in case you didn't know, a hacker does not break into systems and usually doesn't do anything illegal at all (OK so we exceed the speed limits ever once and a while), but you apparently are in the wrong place. Search yahoo for crackers and you can find the rest of your script kiddy buddies. and Uhhh later D00D
  • Where is the power cord?
  • Damn, ...I mean ... Good God,... that is ugly! Where to begin? It has succeeded in failing at least two functions, possibly many more. I next suggest a lawn mowing chest of drawers, and a tv trash compactor.
    I think I saw this thing in a book of cold war KGB equipment.
  • What's really bad is this: []

    Scary. It says it uses a "Intel® Flex ATX Mini Tower with 4 USB ports & 1 Serial port," so maybe Intel have a whole range of disgusting new designs for us.


  • good riddance, gimme usb and cardbus, thats all I want. And I do know how to use a pc.
  • isn't always as easy as you might hope, if this [] is anything to go by.
  • This looks more like a stool.. so how much weight can it take? Would it crash when an average Nerd sits on top of it?
  • If you beuwolf'd these, would you end up with a bed?.... A nice warm bed that runs seti@home. =>
  • I actually think this computer looks really cool and wouldn't mind having one (well, switch the PIII to a K7). I think for apartments and the like it would be ideal. The only problem I saw was this:
    I saw the pictures of this footstool / computer hybrid, and at the bottom four prongs were sticking out of it. Now, if you were so cramped that you actually NEEDED one of these instead of a normal computer, would you have room for a table to put it on, or would you just let the prongs stick into your lap?
    Also, how heavy is it? And how much do one of these things COST? Rediculous when you get down to it.
    Cool concept, bad idea.
  • A lot of people (especially SOZO) are trying to call this 'creative'. Everyone, listen closely. I'll only say this however many times necessary to get the point across.

    Different != Creative;

    If I pile up some mud and stick a motherboard and other assorted computer parts into it, I have not been creative. I've been silly and (if the parts were any good) wasteful. But I've not made anything that anyone would want.

    Now, if they had nixed the display and keyboard, they might have a useful idea. I'd like a nice footrest under my desk. Put a bass speaker in the back and you'd have everthing that I currently have under my desk, but in a much more pleasing setup. THAT would be something new and useful.

    Note to all PC designers everywhere: Quit trying to put the PC into things that I use for vegetating. Working with computers is an active pursuit. When I choose to vegetate, I am choosing to be passive. You can't passively cruise the web. The web is something you have to interact with. So just stop trying to put a PC in my TV room!!

  • condemned to use the things they design. (As a matter of fact, every designer should.)

    Designing a computer that you have to operate at the height of your knees, without space to put your legs to, is so damn stupid that they deserve to be sued by the first guy who was dumb enough to buy this and

    a) tripped over the power chord and either broke his neck, or the computer, or both, or

    b) damaged his spine while trying to look at he wheather report on Yahoo, or

    c) mistook it for a loo while drunk and toasted his willy while peeing into it.

    Truly unbelievable. I assume it's these Sozo guys that designed the Pentium casings -- who else would be able to render a business card sized piece of silicon about as handy as a brick...

  • What's even scarier is that you knew about it!
  • An AC wrote "Why stop there?" and pointed out that Intel still hasn't explored *all* of the possibilities for stuffing PCs into household objects. True enough.

    A few more places for them to start squashing them:
    - halloween costumes
    - fake fireplaces
    - pillows,
    - cupboards,
    - pie safes,
    - andirons
    - headboards

    ... I mean, boy, Intel, aren't you worried that your household object computers aren't stupid enough yet?

    I saw a talk given at the U Texas art school (through the dept. of design by a guy from RISD) a few years ago. The guy reminded me of the Design (yes, big D, because we're talking High Art) equivalent of Quentin Tarantino. And you like Tarantino's personality, imagine for a moment that you are annoyed by it instead.

    One of the designs he showed had me laughing to the annoyance of those around me - it was a DESK that was also a computer, and the hard drive was in ONE OF THE LEGS OF THE DESK!

    To what end? To what end?!

    The word "contrived" comes to mind. Wby don't we start to see some cars, say, that look like ... I dunno, toasters, instead of cars? How innovative that would be, eh? I'm not saying all cars should look alike or their evolution has finished, or even that I don't like radical new designs. But *any* designs should match the function of the device - house, appliance, whatever.

    That's my rant.

  • People do write sarcastic comments here. The one up this thread is a bit hilarious if I may say so.
  • Anyone who knows Dvorak worth anything doesn't need a Dvorak keyboard. Just use a Dvorak keymap. If you're touch-typing, it doesn't matter what the keys say.

    And they could save the problem of wasting space - just have a circular screen with special circular software! So what if you need a course in geometry to resize a window!
    (For the humor impaired, that's a joke. I think any non-square monitor is completely stupid, and I extend this to include a Mac's rounded corners.)

  • Re: dildo - Actually, it's been done already...well...sort of...:)
  • what if there's a problem with a heat sync or CPU fan and the thing heats up... then you have the inside of your furniture on fire or melting... imagine the stench... melting rubber, plastic, cotton, and poly-resin fibers. yummy (and probably toxic).

    yea, computer furniture, brilliant idea from the intel we'll have edible monitors.
  • I don't really see the need for a floppy drive in a computer these days.. you have zip drives, cd-rom drives, jazz, etc.... why floppy? Any decent hardware can boot off of a zip or cd-rom why even waste your time with such a small storage format?
  • No, be fair people. Yea, it looks goofy (so does Apple's i-products). If you think of a house that's networked together, instead of sticking your server in a closet, you could have it in your living room and be able to check it at will. From a lot of postings, most people failed to notice that the keyboard is WIRELESS so it's not like you have to sit on the floor next to it to use it.. But think of having your main server (RUNNING LINUX!!) in your living room and durring commercials check your server. Not so bad..

    SGI started the whole "make-computers-astheticly-pleasing" concept, and having worked in an SGI shop I must say that while they look cool, they still take up useful space. There's only so many "artwork" computers you can put in a room -- why not make it into something useable? I mean if you've ever had to deal with fitting many "deskside" computers (SGI's terminology) in a server closet, you kinda get the idea.

    And for someone who want his own personal LAN in their own small apartment, this works. While it takes up space it also becomes somthing useable:q
    . As to the cables, just tie them all together. Most apartments have terrible layouts of power outlets, so you're tripping over cords anyways.

    Although I will grant you, it does look like those portable toilets for camping......
  • Have Intel ever heard the word "ergonomics" or do they know what does it mean?

    God! This crap is unusable!

    Apple at least spends money testing that the design can be used without the user having to go to the chyropractic!

  • Someone already has

  • I saw a talk given at the U Texas art school (through the dept. of design by a guy from RISD) a few years ago. The guy reminded me of the Design (yes, big D, because we're talking High Art) equivalent of Quentin Tarantino. And you like Tarantino's personality, imagine for a moment that you are annoyed by it instead.

    Tarantino is about the biggest piece of shit to hit the film industry since Golan & Globus. What a vacuuous moron. Who talks about art and Tarantino in the same breath? Tacky, gory, ultra-violent and totally without intellect. I can only hope that his one big film-orgasm (pulp fiction) was his last spurt on the public's faces.

  • That thing is funk nasty.
  • Hey, at least they didn't have the bunnypeople [] dancing around the computer in pastel radioactivity protection jumpsuits this time!

    I still think it's prettier than the half-melted-plastic-case-with-cards-poking-out-in- celluloid-alien-cocoons-complete-with-sl ime-feel design!

    Can't they just build computers like they'd build a car? Don't drown the functionalities in the design, and don't give it a sombre design just because it's practical. Do a good job, then put a nice, curvy and colourful exterior.

    If Intel didn't try so damn hard to come up with something original, they might actually come up with something that's aesthetically pleasing for once.

    People! Don't have fashion designers design your PC cases! They know ergonomics as much as they know comfort!

    "There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."

  • That thing deserved to be kicked. I mean, when these stylized PCs come out they have this irritating habit of becoming popular. When things like this become popular, it gives Intel reason to follow their roadmap of eventually eliminating all user accessable ports (!). Read their PC roadmap. They plan to elminate the legacy buses (serial, lpt), then get rid of ISA, then PCI, then AGP. And this only gives them incentive. I swear, unless people want to actually LEARN how to use a PC, they shouldn't buy one. Cheap, disposable, and irrelevant is NOT what PCs should become.
  • Is it JUST me, or should this PC be called "Get Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Here" (spelling probably wrong). Look at that thick keyboard area, no way you could type without have your hands draped over. Am I the only one, that wants the PC to stay on the desktop, and stop trying to intergrate into my daily life? I don't need to surf the web while I'm taking a crap, or watching TV, I watch TV WHILE I'm at my desk by my computer....weird...
  • Well, considering how hot the PIII runs, you could use it to keep your ass warm on a cold night. Might as well do something with that waste heat.

    This opens up a whole realm of dual-use technology. How about a PIII bug zapper? Nothin' like firing up the machine for a little Q3 on a warm summer night -- gib'in and crispin' at the same time...yeehaw! ;)
  • Ummm... not only does that [] beat Intel, it sure as heck beats Apple as well. Actually, `Intel Inside' could cause some problems: namely burns or float errors.
  • my god, this thing fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...

    (i forget which movie that came from)

  • That is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen.

    I'll admit that I find the iMacs to be cute, attractive little machines. However, every single "concept" design I've seen from Intel is unrepentantly ugly. Does anyone else get the feeling they're trying too hard? I mean, at least you can tell that the iMac is a computer. Why do I want a PC that looks like a footrest?

    Even funnier is the article. Somehow, the author thinks that the spread of ubiquitous PCs will somehow commoditize it to the point that nobody will care about them, a la the hand calculator. What a load of crap. Why don't we get excited about hand calculators anymore? Because we have computers! And we buy them from the same folks who used to make those old hand calculators!

    Sowing the seeds of their own destruction indeed. Sheesh. Somebody's been reading Overdramatic Punditry for Dummmies.


  • Yes, the keyboard is wireless.

    It looks like there are trackballs on the keyboard, but I can't be sure. Nothing is mentioned in the fact sheet about it.

    There's an 11 port USB hub on it, which is pretty damn nifty. If there isn't a trackball on the keyboard, you could put a wireless USB mouse on it easily.

    Looks nifty. I would never buy one (if I ever find I have gratuitious amounts money to throw at a new system, it will be an Alpha workstation), but I can see how some people who have extra IPO money lying around and nothing better to do would like one.
  • "...toilet."
    Words _fail_ me o_O
    Short Intel, now!
  • Well, be thankful it doesn't result in fertilization - divison errors could be really nasty then.

    And I hope that anyone using one would be smart enough to be careful about overclocking it too much.


  • See subj:
  • ...or at least house-train them!
  • There's an article about a user group in Turkey and and article about this Ottoman PC on the very same day.
  • Not to mention tripped on, pushed around, and SAT ON! oi, I'd hate to lose sectors to my two left feet.
  • For all those "why do you need a floppy" people: he was saying "what will intel make next, the iMAC?"

    perhaps sarcasm tags are necessary.
  • >For whatever reason, Intel doesn't understand that to sell a good looking consumer computer, it still has to be recognizable as a computer.

    <sarcasm>c'mon! I'm sure they know far better than any of us *exactly* how good looking consumer computers have to look nothing like traditional computers! After all, they spent $millions on consumer focus groups and marketing consultants to come to this conclusion!</sarcasm>

    Yeah, their customer focus demographic was effeminate cappucino junkies, coincidentally the same compositionas the marketing consultancy staff.

  • Well the reason the company's server is so slow in dealing the pictures is because they're 1.3 megs a piece. Another "clever" marketing group putting out pages that knows nothing about graphics formats. 300dpi for the web is wrong!
  • Check out Sony Vaio 505F.

    I don't care if PPC chip so much better than intel on portable pc, apple will never make a portable as light (2pound) and as small as the libretto, so what's the point. Maybe IBM can do something about it.

  • Flying toasters?

    Oh wait, that's been done...
  • Hey, the Barbie PC ain't that ugly... I mean, I'd rather die than be caught using it, but for a young girl, it looks sombre enough not to make you go into diabetic shock every time you see it. It's an OK computer design with flower prints on it. It's not like adolescent girls won't cover it with stickers anyway.

    "There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."

  • Actually you have to pay extra for toiletpaper SE. It's considered a feature not a bug ;)
  • Ah, so now we can look forward to the fall of the Ottoman Empire?
  • It's from `Saving Private Ryan', when pvt Ryan is telling [Hanks] about his brothers.
  • Halfway through the article it notes that it got kicked and the harddrive came loose.

    Note to design team:Ottomans will come into contact with feet. :-)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    There's a veritable corny-copia of consumer item morphologies one might stuff a pee cee into:

    Chatty Cathy
    Hot Pockets
    Ceramic bulldog umbrella stand
    Lawn Jockey
    Chia Pet

    Ottoman, my ass. These microcephalics at sozo are bereft of imagination.
  • Maybe the built in video camera works with the PIII chip serial identification number!

    (oops, almost forgot the comment about the be0wulf thingy...)

  • What if we like, put a beer cooler in the ottoman, that would be cool, eh?

  • Aye, though SMP could be interesting, or even a Beowulf cluster.
  • Ah yes so it is...

    i remember now :)

    Jeez, just imagine how much better WW2 would have been for the allied soldiers with one of these Ottoman-Toilet PCs...

    I mean, they could have emailed for backup and still had somewhere comfy to sit while they waited for the german tanks to roll in.

  • it looks like a barbeque
    i wanna toss some smokies on it

  • cthonious wrote:

    Tarantino is about the biggest piece of shit to hit the film industry since Golan & Globus. What a vacuuous moron. Who talks about art and Tarantino in the same breath? Tacky, gory, ultra-violent and totally without intellect.


    I also saw him (Tarantino) speak at the Texas Union Theatre, just after the premiere of Plop Fiction. I got there late (didn't know that jerk would be usurping my viewing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I'd never heard of him, much to the haughty dismay of the people I asked "Who is this guy?" It was standing room only, and the thing I thought was most representative of Tarantino was his lame \attempts to explain to a black member of the audience his frequent use of the word "nigger." Oh, he's a gritty, streetwise one, that Quentin.

    More like a lame-oh. I eventually did see P.Fiction, but boy was I sick to my stomach. Yes, it's slick and well-produced, but casual violence (to audience laughter) is not my idea of a good time. Violence? Sure, that happens -- but context and presentation mean a lot, and I didn't like his.

    That's what I meant when I compared QT to the silly computer/desk RISD guy.Hipper-than-thou, but without real substance. Sheesh.

    Glad that one other human on the planet shares my view of Tarantino, but I think you're too late with the hope that PF would be the last of this films. There have been sereral he's done / worked on since then.

  • As I clicked on the link above, a co-worker came into my cubicle so I turned around to talk to him. All of a sudden his eyes got really big so I turn around and there's this...thing on my monitor. I was soo embarrased. :)
  • we're not the only ones ... there's a pretty good essay in this book [] about his worthlessness. It's also an excellent read otherwise. Pick it up!

    Well, I know he's made films since PF, but he's largely been shooting blanks since then. I was just hoping he doesn't come out with another pulp fiction. It hurts to see geniuses like David Lynch go unoticed and scorned and idiot posers like QT get recognition.

  • -----quote-----

    ... encased in a beautiful piece of furniture, a fully functional "Ottoman".
    Ya know, you don't need something this expensive to have a fully functional Ottoman

    Da. Am orderink milk crates now.

  • I agree... That's the Shizznit!!!! Being as close to lazy as possible is always good.
  • Someone finally wised up on PC's become after they have been around a few years. I already have enough footstools and doorstops, why not make the new ones toasters instead?

    System Halted

"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
