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Graphics Software

Propaganda News and IRC Party 35

ranc0r writes "The staff of PROPAGANDA will be holding and IRC party on #propaganda today at 3PM CST to celebrate the sucess of the website, which has served over 250,000+ visitors seamless tiles for their X11 desktop. Also, Bowie Poag will be turning over the site to Asmodean of Revelation fame. Come wish Bowie good luck on his upcoming projects and tell Asmodean what you would like to see in the future. Oh yeah, I also heard that Jack himself will be there! "
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Propaganda News and IRC Party

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  • Too late!
    You're never gonna find out now .... ;-)
  • by MrPlab ( 79403 )
    I hear the lag calling me already.. I might just have to stop by today.

    Open Projects has a good website, I like it. That makes about me and a million other people. Lovely.

    My somewhat short post,
  • I'd never heard of them before, but looking around their site I have trouble taking them seriously. Mailing the late JFK? Wha are these people, and what significance do they have in the open source world?
  • by Foogle ( 35117 ) on Saturday October 30, 1999 @05:51AM (#1575450) Homepage
    I love Propaganda. It's funny too, because if you think about it, the content of the site (that being the images) really has nothing to do with Linux at all. It's the concept -- the implementation of the idea -- that involves Linux and the open source community. I mean, this guy could've just made his pictures and released them to or something retarded like that, but no. Instead he made a whole site with an innovative, if not a little crazy, storyline about JFK and Linux.

    It's really quite admirable if you think about it. It's also a great draw for his site -- I think Propaganda and Linux are a good match :)


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • It's incredibly significant. The No Sympathy For Redmond invasion tour is a strong force leading the People on the path to destroying Microsoft, one desktop at a time.

    I take them very seriously. If you are not part of Propaganda, you must fear them. All hail JFK.
  • Have you been there recently? Some of the tiles are pretty amazing, particularly the newer series!

    Whose stuff do you like better?

  • I have know about Progaganda for some time.. from the time the _HATE_WINDOWS_ bug bit me and I started looking for Anti Windows/MS site. Propaganda was one.. though as someone mentioned I find it really a not_funny no_material site...

    If it is seamless tiles that pple are looking for for GOD sake look at better places..

    Isnt this just another site that is trying to get famous with the MS bashing technique ??

  • um, no. There's a difference between Microsoft's "embrace/extend/buy" and Propaganda and Revelation's combining. P&R aren't really competitors. Neither one of them makes money off it's product. It's not like, by combining, they have a greater power over the market -- there is no market. Well there is one, actually, but since Propaganda is GPL'ed, it's a market where the producer can't possibly maximize his profits through sales, and the consumer maximizes their utility through not spending anything.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • Oh, and another thing an AC wouldn't notice (most users wouldn't, actually) is that the checkbox for not getting an automatic +1 is missing. I'm also noticing that lots of posts have been moderated up without any attributes on them, such as (Score:3) rather than (Score:3, Interesting), and clicking on the CID link doesn't itemize the moderations either.

    I'm sure Rob's working on the problem though.
    "'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.

  • heh... ok. I am getting more of a feel now.

    Remind me to fix my monitor so i can see graphics with more then aalib (txt2graphics) again... :)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    this is probably going to be flame bait, and I know if I don't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all, but I've downloaded almost all the packs...and to me it just seemed like a lot of boring stucco and tanned hides.

    I guess that's just my personal taste. I guess I like something a bit livelier...maybe something with a saturation over 40...

    In general, though, I love the "movement" and the Kennedy theme, that rocks...
  • I don't like Revelation at all. If Bowie isn't doing the tiles anymore, this is the end of Propaganda for me.
  • all sounds like Performance Art to me
  • Saturation over 40? Urgh - how can you see your icons? :)
  • ACK! I thought the party was tomorrow bowie.. oh well.. In any case, I might as well post my little blurb about things. The last couple of months have been quite interesting. I started Revelation about the beginning of the summer, and through some wonderful help from the and people (who posted news about Revelation), I was able to get up to about an 8k/day hit average within a week. Running Propaganda will be highly enjoyable.. I've seen the posts about people who don't know what Propaganda is or are confused by us.

    We are the propaganda arm of the Linux movement! :)

    There's a great JFK received that I'd like to point out in this respect. It was from a sysadmin who had seen the cool screenshots on Propaganda and had been so interested by them that he ended up installing a Linux partition. This is our lifelong mission: to go where no Linux-er has gone before, to go into the heathen lands of M$ and rescue the poor lost souls =)

    Anyway, Propaganda won't change all too much, the same crazy storylines, the same cool tiles.. (just a slightly different style =)..

    Remember kids: Same propaganda time, same propaganda channel!
  • Before you get mad at me lets look at it.

    Propaganda Buys/Allies whatever with Revelation, which is its only competitor.

    Does this not look like M$ buy/ally technique that they use to shut down competitors. If they call themselves a "linux/opensource" site then they better not be doing this kind of stuff.

    My 2 cents.

  • Hi Peter!
    He ain't so bad. I owed him over 50 bucks for 6 months before paying him back. So stop whining at my ex-roomie! ;-)
  • ...i just so happen to have a Propaganda tile as my background even as I type. :) I love the whole "JFK" theme and story. It's great! And somewhere I still have the best little tile he ever made which reads "Instead of giving Windows the 3 finger salute, let's give it the 1 finger goodbye." Hehheh. Guess I know where I'll be this afternoon.
  • The whole PROPAGANDA has a historical error in the "story" bit; finland hasn't had a king since it went and got itself independent and even before that there were only the conquering nations' kings.

    Not that I give a fsck, but there are some who might not like Finland misrepresented as a monarchy :-)

  • by Bowie J. Poag ( 16898 ) on Saturday October 30, 1999 @12:23PM (#1575469) Homepage
    Hi everyone,

    As you may have heard, i'm passing the reins of the project to Asmodean (Naru Sundar), who has been a friendly competitor to ours for quite some time.. With him at the wheel, Propaganda will continue to have someone who can devote the time and energy such a project needs to continue to be successful. Trust me -- Asmodean is good. :) I wouldn't hand over the project to someone I didnt have total faith in. The volumes will keep coming, the goofyness will keep going, and there will always be something new to see. :) As for me, i'll be devoting my time to working on System 12, a soon-to-be-opened community project that I hope will someday enjoy as much success as Propaganda has enjoyed.

    Speaking of which, I figured i'd drop a line here for those of you who couldn't make it, and thank you and everyone who helped make the project a success for nearly a year..You guys are the ones who continue to ensure its success in years to come.. Everyone from the folks who used to visit the site back when it was running on a 56K modem in November '98 to the new guys who just today came to visit us to enjoy the work for the first time. :) To all of you, thank you..

    Special thanks go out to the long list of folks who supported me and helped me make the project as popular as it is..Rob and Hemos here at Slashdot for giving me my first big break during Christmas of 98, to Trae and company at Linux Systems for providing a real home for the project thru thick and thin, to the many folks at Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake Linux, Debian, KDE, and GNOME for helping distribute the stuff, and to Kristen and Brian for being the best cheerleaders anybody could hope for. You rule! :)

    10 months of work, 14 volumes, 730+ images, a quarter of a million people, and over half a billion tiles in circulation later, my job (personally) is done.. A year ago, I decided to use my talent to draw attention to Linux as a platform, and show the masses that we can be as good or better than anything else out there..Best of all, now we all have something that we can enjoy and use freely for years to come. :)

    A big part of what makes the Linux community work so well is that we're all marching toward the same goal..We all care about long-forgotten concepts like pride of workmanship, community responsibility, and devoting our time and energy to help make things better for everyone, not just ourselves...Just because thats how it should be done. The only reason I was able to do what i've done for the past 10 months is because the rest of you pitched in, did your part and helped me get there..And as long as that tradition continues, we're all going to benefit. :)

    Thanks again to everyone..its been a wild, wild ride. :)

    Bowie J. Poag
  • Sorry you didn't like the site. But few people take the "liberation" bits seriously enough to get offended and call them arrogant. I just guess you're different. ;-)
  • I'm sure President Kennedy was an art major in college... and he probably spent thousands of hours working on a pirated copy of Photoshop.

    Personally, I'm glad that he's come forward to lead us against the precession of mediocrity put forth by The Enemy.


  • /* Obtain gift_horse, open mouth, insert head.

    Bowie J. Poag
  • by PG13 ( 3024 )
    Asmodean's real cool but that bitch still hasn't paid me the $30 he owes me!
  • Thanks Bowie. Thanks for all the work. Especially thanks for the damn funny JFK story line, pictures, and quotes. I love it all.

    good luck

  • Thanks for the great job, Bowie. The tiles have only gotten better and better and who wouldn't love those crazy filenames?

    The generosity and goofiness of the whole Propaganda project is just one more reason to love the Linux community...

  • It's fucked in more ways than that, including one that an AC isn't likely to notice. It keeps on forgetting my thread viewing preferences (threshold, sort, mode). Also, replies to comments are bringing up a form with a reply to a nonexistent comment (i.e. author, subject, score, date, CID, etc. are all missing). Quite alarming.
    "'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
  • Actually, Finland had a king for a very short period of time just after the Finnish Civil War (you probably never heard of this - it was basically a whole bunch of capitalist and communist armed cadres fighting for control of the country - it was also very short and wasn't particularly bloody as wars go). The founders of the independant Finnish state temporarily lost faith in the Finnish people and invited a German prince to come to Finland to become the Finnish king. Soon afterwards, the Finnish king was promptly and unceremoniously booted out of power when the Germans lost WWI.

...there can be no public or private virtue unless the foundation of action is the practice of truth. - George Jacob Holyoake
