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KDE 2.0 in Action 312

Stormie writes "KDE hacker Mosfet has just put up on his web page a section entitled KDE2.0 in action with a rundown of what is coming in version 2, along with a bunch of great screenshots. Exciting stuff!"
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KDE 2.0 in Action

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  • I hope some cleaner themes come out by the time KDE 2.0 comes out. I mean, it doesn't look very bad, but the designers need some professionals with graphics design to make some really snazzy looking themes so that desktop looks more professional.

    Eh, but what do I know.
  • by sufi ( 39527 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @01:29AM (#1522872) Homepage
    The thing I have always like about KDE is it's simplicity of use.

    I am not a linux hacker and have never claimed to be, I am used to windows98 and NT4 and while I dislike it's bugs, security issues and lack of source they are still useful operating systems.

    Until KDE came along I have to admit I was scared of linux... the WMs that were around were very basic and I was addicted to the Ms way of doing things.

    Now this is all changing,I have been using KDE for quite a while now and anticipate the release of v2 with baited breath, it takes something like KDE to convert all us MS users who like the idea of linux but are scared of it.

    You can run it quite happily after install, or you can hack it to bits. It's themeable and it has all the software bits and LAF of windows, while at the same time being quite different.

    What more could a windows user want?

    What's more, here in the office we are considering putting all the admin monkeys on a locked down version of linux with StarOffice and KDE too!

    The future is bright.
  • What's wrong with the themes? Don't forget you also have a choice of widget styles, all of them quite neat:

    KDE Step, great NeXT-step style
    Marble theme
    Qt CDE style
    Qt Motif
    Qt Platinum (the default, and it's great)
    Qt Windows
    System the great Mosfet theme.

    After KRASH, it's hoped will have more of these. :)
  • by navindra ( 7571 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @01:34AM (#1522874) Homepage
    Shameless plug: Here's brief, fun article [] on how nice it is to program with KDE these days.
  • I hope they concentrate on defining and documenting the interfaces (and debugging them, of course!) so that others can ork on the eye-candy.

    To my mind those are different development tasks and should probably (as you suggest) be done by different people with experience in graphics design, HCI, typesetting, and much more.

    It is hard to make a good UI and I think the KDE team deserves great credit for what they have accomplished in this area. Let's stabilise the code and the interfaces a bit, then let people "play" and come up with various suggestions, and then let us decide on one or two themes that we all like (fat chance!) and all will support.

    Congratulations to the KDE team! I look forward to the 2.0 release.

  • Yup, come KRASH, I'll make at least one to go with my Sky At Night kwm theme. And I'm sure KDE [] will accept themes for KDE 2.0

    You could, of course, use the GUI theme creator to create your own KDE theme...

    George Russell (

  • by parm ( 13036 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @01:37AM (#1522877) Homepage
    I've always been a staunch Gnome supporter - KDE was always a bit slow, flaky, bloated and win95-like for my tastes...

    However, I have to conceded that 2.0 is shaping up to look very nice indeed. Konq is something that, as a web designer, particuarly catches my attention. If they get it doing CSS and HTML4 properly then they'll be my friend for life :)

    Also, I reckon I'd be far happier letting a new user out on KDE2.0 than gnome in its current state... Though whether KDE lives up to expectations remains to be seen... I for one am looking forward to it :)

  • by (Score: 6) ( 91332 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @01:37AM (#1522878)
    That site seems to be slashdotted already, but there are some more screenshots here: []
  • Wow! So rare to see a new version of a product that is actually a new version. :) KDE v2 is looking like a very nice little manager; I may even consider switching over from GNOME. It appears that they are really trying to make it more casual user friendly as well as more fully featured for the power user. I can't wait to get hold of the release. :)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    What is KDE? Are there more WM's than Twm? What are they used for?
  • Screenshots with over 400kb in size are much too big. Together they have some 5mb.

    If I'm not browsing, I don't want to see background images, start panels or whatever, just the plain application window.

    Furthermore they're in gif format - all the colors are dithered down to 8bpp. I think this increases file size because it's less compressable. PNG files would be smaller.

    These screenshots aren't the only big one in last time. There seems to be a trend towards big all-in-one screenshots. The bigger the better. :-(

  • If you want to use individual apps, use them. After you use enough KDE apps, the integration is so compelling you will want to use KDE versions instead of the alternatives.

    For instance, it is cool being able to drop the URL of a .ps file into kghostview and have it read it. Or drop a file from ftp into a text editor and edit it.

    Then, once you are running all those KDE apps, you
    will just use KDE. After all, the only "resident" parts in KDE 2 and kdesk and kicker, kicker being optional, and kdesk tiny.
  • Either my browser is being odd or this page has been slashdotted out of existence.
    I managed to load it once and then hit refresh for a reason which resulted in "reset connection with server".
    Perhaps wait a little while until it is back up again?

  • I am a user of Windowmaker. My Linux box is a p166MMX box with
    64Mb memory with Matrox Millennium II vga board. It's too slow
    to run Gnome or Enlightenment, and although KDE is relatively
    faster than Gnome on my box but I disliked the monolithic theme
    of KDE. So I use plain-vanilla Windowmaker with Korean language
    patch included.

    I always envy the fantastic desktop themes of a PII-350 box
    of my friends. He's running Gnome with Enlightenment. Well,
    from the desktop screenshot, I think that KDE 2.0 desktop is
    quite beautiful at least as various themes of E.

    Hope soon I get KDE 2.0.
  • For those who want to try it themselves rather than just looking at screenshots, I've put up RPMs of a recent snapshot on tal/ [].
    There will be a new snapshot today.

    The packages install to /opt/kde2, so they won't overwrite a KDE 1.x installation.

    They're made for Red Hat Linux 6.1, but should run without problems on similar distributions.
  • I posted a complaint about image sizes in another article, but in this web page they appear to have done the decent thing and put thumbnail links to the main images.

    PNG is undeniably more sophisticated than GIF, as well as being free of royalty problems; however it still doesn't enjoy universal browser support. Webmasters have a choice between being trendy and being compatible.

  • The reason I prefer KDE is that I can very quickly redesign and configure my desktop through a "standard" GUI interface. This is how I am used to do it, although we used WindowMaker in school, there's only so many HOWTO's you think is fun to read. I have no need to make my desktop very "fancy" by compiling my own animated menus or the like. Especially not specifying geometry on all my programs.

    The key here is to respect the view of others in this matter. If you want to edit text-files, please continue to do so. There will always be room for you, even though KDE and Gnome are more popular alternatives these days. They are big and ugly compared to more minimalistic WMs.

    To put down Gnome a bit, I find it too buggy, too much CPU and memory intensitive, to enjoy using it. KDE is IMHO faster, cleaner and easier to use. Of course this may change as Gnome develops some more.

    - Steeltoe
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is not even pre-alpha stuff! Do not use this for everyday work!
  • by maroberts ( 15852 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @02:13AM (#1522895) Homepage Journal
    Sounds almost as "flamebaity", but worth a reply ;-)

    > I use Star Office, Netscape, and Window Maker.
    Star Office, Netscape, and AFAIK Window Maker are *not* "lean and mean" packages - why then complain about KDE ? Anyway, if you used the KDE equivalents of these packages, then they would share libraries and consume less memory [I'm not trying to claim KDE doesn't use a lot of resources BTW]

    > I'm only interested in app's, not ugly, messy desktop simulations
    KDE is more than just a desktop, there's lots of apps that work with it too, including
    * KOffice [potential replacement for StarOffice/Office]
    * Konqueror [potential Netscape challenger]

    > Why would I want a Windows-clone (KDE or Gnome)?

    KDE has a lot of options built in - you don't have to make it look like Windows. It can provide a Mac interface, or you can even remove the MS-like "Start Panel" altogether if you wish.
  • Why would I want a Windows-clone (KDE or Gnome)?

    They aren't for everyone - I admit preferring just the console myself. ;)

    But let's not forget about newbies who are used to Windoze - it's much easier for them to switch over if there's a beginner-friendly desktop to start with.

    And KDE has some nice features that are useful even for people who know their way around Linux already. Most things are faster to do from a shell - others are faster in a GUI...
  • I hope that they have improved the speed the the xlib thingmy (sorry dont know its name) the ORB they where useing before was not speedy to say the least (MICO) they should try OMNIORB from at&t research in cambridge (yes the real cambridge)

    lets face it Desktop will not run well on a 486 let alone a P90

    stick to the command line boys and girls anddont moan you can do everything there that you want to (vi rules ;-)

    THemes can you drag KDE to GTK ?
    (or the other way around)

    vector surport I saw Koffice had some vector surport in it GNOME lacks this
    PDF reading KDE has a pants one GNOME is good @ this (thanks !!)

    pilot stuff hope thats improved !

    overall I like what KDE is doing





    a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
  • I'm not trying to start a flame-war...but it's obvious that you haven't used Windowmaker in a long time. There are several tools that allow you to affect your windowmaker desktop without "compiling animated menus" as you put it.

    WMPrefs comes with the default Windowmaker installation and is setup the moment you run it for the first time.

    wmakerconf [] is a GTK+ app that does much the same thing, but with a bit of a nicer (IMHO) interface.

    Try them out..i think you'll find that you like them both.

  • by Suydam ( 881 )
    I hope you're kidding. :) Because if you've been stuck with TWM for a long time, someoen's been keeping you in a cave.

    However, on the off chance that you're serious, try looking at's Page of Window Manager Choices [].

  • KDE 2.0 hasn't depended on MICO for quite a while.
    Most CORBA stuff has been replaced with either DCOP (for IPC, much faster) or kanossa (embedding one application within another, again much faster).
    Right now, this is at the cost of some compatibility - but CorbaDCOP bridges are being worked on.
  • While KDE 2.0 may be nice, etc, etc...

    It still leaves the problem of the QT licensing. I know, I know... But last week I was at SD EAST and asked when they would be decreasing their licensing fees for commercial software. Their answer was "We need to live too!" (In a very snooty voice). Well excuse me!

    I like Linux, even gave some Linux talks at SD. And I had the chance to talk to a few people about Linux. For Linux to attract the widest array of developers for the desktop they need to attract all developers. And the ones who cannot afford 2K USD are the shareware developers or small company.

    And to be honest I find it disgusting considering companies like them charge so much, when companies like Cygnus charge only 199 USD for a development environment.

    I have ranted and raved and until the commercial license changes I will not even look at KDE.
  • Will KDE 2 support right click desktop menu (with access to any program)? I find this to be the most useful feature of the WM I use, blackbox. All the apps and utils I use plus several SSH sessions are merely two clicks away no matter where my mouse is at the time. Quite a time saver. Plus any start-menu type thing takes up way too much screen real estate on my dinky monitor.
  • s.html

    I'm not making this a hyperlink on purpose. If you've seen this site at all, please don't visit this page. PLEASE, PLEASE be very gentle.
  • Good news for you : KDE 1.x already does. Edit krootwmrc, go to (or create) group [MouseButtons] and add Left=Menu I know, I know, there should have been a dialog box for this. But that's the way you like, no ? ;-) And I need to port that to kdesktop. Will do in a second :-)
  • Actually, if you have a working version right now there are no major stability or performance problems. If you refresh from CVS than it may happen that at some hour of the night some applications are out of sync.

    Of course some applications are incomplete, etc. But I am using it for daily work from July and I had weeks of uptime.

    The big letter warnings are more of a legalese kind of stuff, and what day really say is "please do not put it as default in the distribution (yet)".

  • DCOP IPC !
    IPC done whithout a standard corba is a nightmare yes you can do it and yes you can make programing easyer wich is why they are doing it I surpose

    BUT its incompatable nightmare and the only thing that would save it would be Koffice and the fact its open source (easy to change the whole thing write bridges and such)

    IPC is for people who are speed freaks (im talking Cray people money to burn on development)


    this is what Corba was designed to do and very well to it makes runing services easy and abstract ie you may run it where you like a server in hong kong or on your laptop and you dont have to worry because it was a standard thats why they where useing Mico

    there where lots of flames and I read them and they seemed to say DCOP would be complemtry and you need an ORB DCOP would help speed things up relieing on the X way of doing things

    am I wrong ?



    a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
  • Can someone else please just mirror this now?
  • Well, the reason you'd want a desktop environment is to provide standard, user controllable forms of IPC. To make an analogy, why do I need a system of printer drivers? Why don't applications simply send native commands to printers, which would certainly be faster? Because you're stuck with the choices of printers the developer makes. The desktop environment provides standards which, if adhered to by the developer, allow the user to assemble his how suite of applications. In a word processor, a user should be able to insert a graph or table from his choice of spreadsheet. Furthermore, a user should be able to insert objects of types that the developer has never considered, for example results from a simulation engine or maps from a Geographic Informatin System. The most important thing is not the "simulation" of a desktop environment, which after all is a very weak metaphor. Most users would be surprised to learn that Windows or the Macintosh use a "dektop" metaphor. The important factor is the provision of standard abstractions for developers which allows them to participate in a community of applications, from which the user can pick and choose, and expect certain reasonable default behaviors.
  • KDE is alright, but there should be something better. Screw system performance. What most people are interested in is "eye candy". The jump from DOS to Macintosh in 1984 was proof of that. The same goes with the eventual mass migration of the genpub to Window 9x from 3.1. I know a whole lot of folks who made the move from Win9x to Linux just to use Enlightenment. One thing a lot of "techies" seem to forget (and I am one) is that the ONLY thing that draws crowds is the "cool factor". I keep hoping that someone will add cinematic MPEG window animations to a window manager so that you can have a window "blow away" like grains of sand rather than just close. Or minimize into the background in a pseudo 3D environment. Does it help system performance? No. Does it improve the functionality of the OS and apps? No. But, frankly, who cares? If you are going to run a GUI on a Linux box, make it cool, easy to use and fun. Those are concepts that appear to be ignored too often. If you don't like these ideas, then pick another GUI, but don't think you will ever convince anyone that your choice of GUI is better than theirs. They picked theirs for a reason and so did you.

    Peace Out

  • Yes you are wrong. Or at least you don't get the full picture. DCOP isn't a stupid IPC like X atoms or other old stuff. DCOP works with your server in hong kong, since it uses TCP/IP when talking to remote computers. It is object oriented, has an IDL compiler like CORBA (but much simpler to use since the IDL is generated from standard header files), and most importantly DCOP is very very lightweight. All KDE apps benefit from being able to use DCOP, whereas in the old days of using CORBA they couldn't afford the memory and speed issues. Please read [] Or even best : try the current KDE and compare with the previous CORBA-based one. Facts speak for themselves.
  • "kdelibs is frozen. This means that you should not introduce any changes to the API of kdelibs.

    kdebase and koffice is feature frozen. This means that you should try to concentrate on bugfixing and getting the basic functionality to work correctly.

    On 15 dec we will release. Make sure the important things work by then. It's up to you to decide what is important. "

    quote from KDE news []

    Koffice looking good how about porting the functions to a GTK front end ? (GTK is nier the QT because I like to give windows(the microkernel one) a chance to use my apps QT makes you pay to use under windows

    full respect to the KDE team !



    a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
  • From the KDE FAQ:

    KDE is not a clone. Specifically KDE is not a CDE or Windows clone. While the KDE developers have and will continue to glean the best features from all existing desktop environments KDE is a truly unique environment that has and will continue to go its own way.

    It looks to me as though some of other OSes' (namely, Windows 95) worst features were also gleaned. For example:

    • KDE decides to put new windows in the most annoying places. Whenever I launch Xemacs, half the window is off the screen.

    • The above problem is aggravated further by the fact that KDE does not remember window positions. No matter how many times I drag my Xemacs window to the upper left corner, the next time I launch it, KDE will still put Xemacs back halfway off the screen where it thinks is best.

    • 'Cute' animation abounds. No, I don't need to wait while I watch my windows maximize and minimize, thank you...

    • The default file dialog window size is tiny, not to mention not persistent when resized. Folks, the days of 320x200 monitors is long behind us; there's no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to see more files at once when we go to open or save a document.

    While I have no doubt that the designers of KDE did not intentionally make parts of their interface bug-for-bug compatible with Windows, it is obvious that they have, at times, been trapped in the Microsoft paradigm. I can only hope that KDE 2 will have addressed these misfeatures. If not, I recommend the designers pick up a copy of Windows 9[5|8] Annoyances [] lest they repeat more of Microsoft's mistakes. If I were looking to "glean features" from an OS GUI, Windows 95 would not be high on my list of interfaces to emulate.


  • Report KDE bugs to, not to slashdot. Cute animation : you can disable them. File dialog : most people complain it's too big and you find it too tiny ? interesting :-) And it DOES save its size. XEmacs : it pops up nicely for me. Check your XEmacs ;-) And btw, most of this has NOTHING to do with Windows. Ever tried to resize the file dialog under windows ?
  • Good idea. What's that?
  • -No, CORBA was designed for remote invocation of services. It has a tremendous overhead which basically is justified only if you are really working across different machine architectures and different languages.

    -Statistically, most of the program interaction on the computer is between local programs (I would say 99%). So this is the case we have to optimize for.

    -Unfortunately, if you are running your services in Hong Kong and accessing it from your laptop there are more things to worry about then just interoperability, and this is not a problem of CORBA or DCOP.

    -During the last several years, CORBA became a horribly large standard, and ended up by claiming territory for which it was not designed for. The one-year KDE experience with CORBA as a local object model shows that it fails to provide a fast and reliable service for this case.

    -On the other hand, yes, Linux users are speed freaks. Look on the comments in this thread: there are complaints that KDE is not faster then twm and it eats more memory.

  • The QT Free License allows you or anyone else to develop free software. All this talk about free OS's, free desktop environments, and free software in general is great. But when it comes down to it, QT is a very complex and necessary element to KDE. You and I will probably always be able to use it for free, and if you're developing free software, it stays free. Commercial software and development on the other hand, will cost you. Let's examine the phrase commercial software. Commercial is derived from Commerce, which is transactions usually for businesses involving money. Should the Troll people who worked hard for QT not eat and clothe their children at the expense of businesses? You have to be realistic here.

    In the real world, people make money and buy food clothing and shelter. Free software doesn't pay the bills.
  • I admit it I DONT KNOW

    so am I right in thinking if you wanted to port KDE to a non X based windowing system you would need to port a chunk of X the libICE and so on ??

    this seems mad to me !
    (of course mad things go down well sometimes, ugly shaped blue machines sell who would have thought that ! buy an SGI and see colour)

    linux and hurd and Mach and ... I would like to write my app and it work in all windowing systems without to much hassle

    I like X but what happens when we slowly convert to X12 ? or berlin takes off ? or want to write apps for MAC OS 10 (knowen as macosX now)


    a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
  • These screenshots have been around for a while now. I think. Can't check because the server's slashdotted. The ones I saw looked pretty nice though. Looking forward to check it out.
  • Agreed!

    I installed one called win95 on a lark. I was not amused when all the icons changed to little windows. I quickly changed back to the "default" theme, and deleted win95, but those darn little windows were still there. Instead of a K menu, it was still a windows thing.

    The horror! My KDE desktop was infected by Win95 icons.

    It took me an hour or more to find and delete the icons that were causing this. I needed to restart kde to really fix things though. [tip: examine the text files in the .tar.gz theme file.]

    I didn't try the star trek theme, but a version of the moscow theme does this too.
  • You can turn off window resize animation in the
    Window manager properties config screen.

    You can change your window placement policy to one
    of several different schemes in the same place.

    It would be nice if KWM remembered window postions but presumably you can launch xemacs with "-geometry" specified.

    Also, real programmers do not "copy con: file.exe" they go "dd if=/dev/tty of=/usr/bin/myfile"

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I tried kdevelop recently -- what an amazing job they've done of providing a completely usable IDE -- in a surprisingly short time. Yeah yean, "just gimmie vi 'n a couple-o' xterms". Well, me and John Carmack know that a strong IDE with docs and a debugger make you much, much more productive than old-style environments. The question I have: what is it about KDE that's so great that the kdevelop crew were so efficient in producing the app? Is the QT class library that good?
  • libICE exists on your system. No need to use X in order to use it. You can even write text-based DCOP clients !

    BUT : if you want to port Qt and KDE to something else than X, good luck. If we convert one day, well we'll have to convert a lot of things in all X-based programs out there, and that's not only Qt and KDE !!! Whatever other project takes off, I hope they keep an X-compatible API.

    Nothing's mad here. Open the source code of any GUI program, you'll see that currently it uses X. It has, we all run X.

  • KDE 2 does use Corba, but it does not do so for
    local procedure calls and local inter-application
    communication. The KDE 2 team had a version
    of KDE 2 which was using Corba for everything and
    it was dog slow. They decided to build an
    alternate version which did not use Corba, but
    used shared objects and direct procedure calls
    instead and they found that it was more stable
    and much, much faster.

    So in KDE 2 you can still use Corba if you want
    to, but KDE 2 does not do this by default and
    you do not have to, either, if you want speed.

    Corba is an IPC protocol, which means that for
    each procedure call there is a message being
    sent. Doing this involves a lot of syscalls and
    context switches, which basically makes things
    slow. The method KDE 2 uses now makes foreign code
    local to your applications and you can do local
    subroutine calls - talk about saved overhead
    and speed increase.

    © Copyright 1999 Kristian Köhntopp
  • Exactly. I've reported this as a "bug" in the bug reporting system KDE uses. I saw Mosfet on IRC once and wanted to ask him to fix it, but didn't want to sound thankless ;)

    After looking at the code that does themes (its actually quite simple), the fix to this could be
    a little tricky to implement. A theme can contain any number of icons that get installed to your local .kde directory. KDE looks first for icons in your local .kde directory (like kfm_trash.png or something like that) and if it doesn't find them, it looks in the global /opt/kde directory. As far as I can tell, the theme manager doesn't track which icons get installed to your local .kde dir, so it has no way to "uninstall" them. In Windoze, there are only a few defined icons that can be changed so its easy to revert back to the defaults. But in KDE, literally every icon can be user customized.

    One solution would be to have a list of "core" icons that always get reverted back to the defaults before a new theme is applied. Another solution would be to just remove (actually, just rename) _all_ user icons, but thats not very elegant either. If you have a better solution, let Mosfet hear it.
  • I find it humorous that in this day and age, when powerful computers are so inexpensive, that people whine about this desktop environment or that one not running on their trusty 486/66 with a whopping 8 megs of ram. X isn't intended to run on your Yugo of the computing world, let alone a window manager or a desktop environment. Actually, DOS would be a good choice for you. And could you please pass me a 5 1/4" diskette? I need a new copy of turtle logo.
  • slashmirror [], maximum 25 users.
  • I have a reasonable-ish collection of Window Managers and desktop environments, including such classics as twm, tvwm, Open Look, ICE, fvwm, fvwm2, KDE, Window Maker, xstep, Enlightenment + Gnome and Motif 1.2.

    Frankly, -ALL- the window managers (yes, even including twm) have their strengths and weaknesses. Most of them, I've not used in a while, but I have the knowledge that if I need to do something for which some old, half-forgotten window manager is absolutely ideal and everything else is just blah, it's there.

    People can complain about (insert name of WM or desktop environment hee) being too slow, too bloated or too cheesy, but I think they're missing the point. The point, to me, is that X allows choice, in a useful sense, in a way that almost no other windowing system ever created does.

    Actually, even the complaints are good, IMHO, in that they show that people -expect- choice, and are picky about what works for them, not letting someone else tell them what they -should- want, and why they're wrong if they don't agree.

    Summary: Long Live REAL Freedom Of Choice!

  • I know one half of the answer above (Namely, if we're going to make Linux aimed at desktop users, we *need* the MS-like feel with consistancy across applications).

    However, I also question where the GUI areas of Linux have been heading. When I started using Linux, it was touted as being an entire OS that could live in 40 megs of HD space and 16 megs of RAM on a 286 , and yet be fully functional. I'm using right now a 486, running X-Windows and a generic window manager with xterms and Netscape, along with a rather high load web server among other things. I tried KDE 1.x and GNOME and both slowed my system to a crawl; sure, they're nice and convinent, but speed is much more important than looks.

    (And yes, I know I can get a faster system for dirt cheap nowadays but that's not the point :-)

    Basically, while I strongly believe both KDE and Gnome need to move forward to make Linux a viable desktop system, we still need to consider the true power users that don't need the intergration of all GUI parts and can deal with the simple window manager and inconsistancies across apps. And while KDE and GNOME apps can be run without having the main core package loaded (that is, you need the core library files), they still tend to be slower than those that access the original X libs directly.

  • Only now your mirror is /.'ed too, so I can't get to the files.. :(
  • After all, "you" can do it just as easily as "they", and it is "you" who sais "it" would be a good thing.
  • Nah.. the box/connection actually took the load. I just took down the page and sent people to slashmirror.

    Thanks, though. :)
  • "Baited breath?" Been eating sushi?
  • I noticed after I posted! I also put up a mirror here in Norway []!
  • here []
  • I think you are only looking at the "out-of-the-box" KDE desktop. And thats being shortsighted.

    The possibilities are nearly infinite, in regards to the customizations you can make. That is the real beauty of it. Yes the "stock" KDE is a lot like Windoze, and I am sure that was intentional. Why? So the new users aren't scared off. Your basic user expects a computer to look like windoze, with a similiar feel and features.

    So if ya dont like it... change it. At least you have that option.

  • Yeah. I am one of the KDE representatives in the foundation. TT can't screw us (and they don't even want to screw us, of course).

    In fact, I am much more confident about TT not screwing free software developers than I am about some free software fanatics screwing people who don't agree with their views on free software.
  • It seems that the server hosting these files has gone down. It's been down since 0900 EST.
  • Making the newly popped up window active is the window manager's job. While most distros enable Enlightenment as the default window manager by default (well, OK, the distros I have seen) you can use any Gnome compliant window manager. Unlike KDE, there really isn't a specific Gnome WM.

    I suggest you look at the config for whatever window manager you are running. I believe both Enlightenment and WindowMaker (the two Gnome-aware WM I've used) allow you to set policies like this.
  • Ok, I can't take it anymore, Karma points be damned. Regarding your .sig: if your spelling were the only problem, I could MAYBE live with that. But your entire stream-of-consciousness style of writing is short circuiting my brain cells, and they are revolting in the form of this reply.

    Just to let you know, most humans have a linguistic preprocessor, a sort of Pretty Print if you will, that allows them to arrange random thoughts into linear, formatted output compatible with most other people's I/O standards. USE IT!
  • ....when Windows runs more efficent than your latest GUI for X, you know something's wrong with the later.

    KDE just eats up too much memory and is way too slow. I tried on a 300MHz machine with 192MB of Ram, and it didn't feel "snappy" enough for me.

    Now I am back to plain Windowmaker.
  • I think I can do that same thing in even less lines:

    int main()
    return 0;

    I am not sure how that proves developer-friendliness, but apparently it does...
  • You bring up a very valid point. While develpoment teams can have some good ideas on graphics and UI, if you want a polished, professional *slick* look you should have *real* graphic artists doing the art work.

    But first and foremost it must work. My experience with gnome/E was so bad with the version that shipped with RH6.0 that, even though I loved the way it looked, I probably won't try it again for quite a while. At this point in my life I don't don't want to spend hours tweaking my desktop or cleaning up core dumps that are spewed all over the place. I want a desktop that works. period. I want it to look good too, but functionality comes first.

    After all, that's what drove me to Linux in the first place, functionality.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    One thing to watch out for -

    Don't jusge KDE on the Redhat 6.0/ 6.1 default install of it. They've somehow managed to really screw it up. NIH syndrome, I suspect, trying to "encourage" people to use GNOME...

    If you want a lovely default KDE installation, try Mandrake 6.1. It handles GNOME well too.

  • OK, so I flubbed the resize animation bit... the other points still hold IMHO. I know you can change the window placement policy, but its AI still needs work if it's putting windows off the screen. As for launching xemacs with -geometry specifiers -- well, I shouldn't have to concern myself with such things in a GUI; the system should be responsible for proper window placement (specifically, it should put the window back where it was before, and failing that, use a defined placement policy).


  • Has anybody any data showing a correlation between the appearance of KDE and the increase of Linux's popularity? I imagine KDE could be more responsible than any other application for the crossing of the credibility threshold (as far as popular use is concerned).
  • You completely missed the point.
    Don't confuse HTML widget and web browser.
    The point here is that you can very easily use an HTML widget in your application, be it a mail reader, a text file (help files, man pages,....) viewer, or whatever else.
    A stupid example : want to add a 'credits' page to your app written in HTML ? Use KHTMLWidget.

    How can you do that with netscape ?
  • Well, I guess it might be possible to port KOffice to Gtk+, but ...

    1) The KDE class hierarchy derives off of the Qt hierarchy, and KOffice naturally uses the KDE libraries. So, porting KOffice means porting all of the KDE libraries first.

    2) There's already much to do for finishing KOffice and KDE2, so I think it's not very likely that the KOffice or KDE developers are going to take the time to port to Gtk+.

    However, there is a bright side. If you'd really be interested in it, I should think it would be possible to port it yourself, or put together a group of porters yourself, because all of the KDE code is GPL.

    Oh, random thought before I go... I suppose it might be possible just to make a modified version of the widget classes, to make kdeui, khtml, and the rest of the libraries use the Gtk+ widgets, while still keeping the Qt programming interface.
  • First, don't judge the whole project by its window manager.

    Second, If you hate KWM, and its window placements, that much, do this to your startkde file:

    - sleep 2 ; exec kwm
    + sleep 2 ; exec wmaker

    And, whamo! No more KDE window manager. (Note: you obviously have to have Windowmaker installed for that to work.)
  • I wouldn't trust anything on the RedsHat default install of it ;-) I've got a vanilla Debian system, but compile everything up from sources, much safer that way...
  • You do know that it's possible to use Windowmaker with KDE, right?

    Just substitute wmaker for kwm in your startkde script.
  • > Screw system performance. What most people are
    >interested in is "eye candy". The jump from DOS
    >to Macintosh in 1984 was proof of that.

    Nope. They were competeing with 4.7 (?)mhz 8088s (though you could get 8mhz 8086's at the time, which were about twice as fast).

    The mac was *significantly* faster than the dos machines, even after spending most of its power on the graphical system.

    We put my 128k mac next to an 8088, running the same number crunching operation (numerical integrations, iirc) in microsoft basic. The mac was graphing the solutions it calculated faster than the 8088 could do the calculations--and aside from the plotting, the code was identical (we typed my code into tony's machine. He was shocked; he had been convincedhis machine was much faster).

    Hmm, I think i just dated myself :)
  • by Demona ( 7994 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @04:35AM (#1522985) Homepage
    How arrogant! Believe it or not, some people cannot or will not purchase "new" hardware -- they simply want to get the best out of what they have. X will run on a bloody 386 with 4Mb of RAM, so says the Debian team []. Give it a window manager and everything else is gravy.

    I was under the impression that free software was about choice, not belittling others for the choices they have made -- and about doing the best with what one has, rather than "solving" a problem by throwing money at it.

  • Just make sure you're not theming as root, I'm not sure if the themes will enter the global shared folder or not...

    Here's how you remove the offensive theme. Just rm everything from ~/.kde/share/apps/kwm, and restart kde / kwm.

    If you backup your kwm folder, you can freely experiment with themes without fear of losing your original settings.
  • I find KDE 1.1 to be quite snappy even on slow computers like a Cyrix 150mhz. However, KDE 1.0 was quite sluggish when that old Cyrix had only 32 megabytes of RAM, but upgrading to 64 megabytes made it run quite well indeed, thank you.

    I've come to the conclusion that all desktop environments are memory hogs, whether they're KDE, GNOME, or Windows 98 :-(. If you have a low-memory machine, you're much better off sticking with something like fvwm or blackbox that doesn't use much RAM.


  • by Eric Green ( 627 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @05:02AM (#1523002) Homepage
    As a commercial software developer I have no problem with buying a QT license for a measly 2K or so per programmer. A good programmer costs at least $60K/year in pay and benefits even in low-rent places like Houston or Phoenix, so we're talking less than 4% of a programmer's salary for the year -- and it's a one-time cost. Does it make a programmer 4% more productive? I daresay YES, if you are developing C++ applications, QT is a beautiful thing.

    Ongoing royalties are what kills me as a software developer. I don't want to have to send 2% of my revenue stream to every #%%@ vendor library that's linked into my code. All those percents adds up too quickly, and they're all volume-oriented so I have to tell them "I'm going to sell 50,000 copies so you charge me the 1.5% instead of the 2% rate for 20,000 copies". The problem there of course is how the hell do I know how many copies I'm going to sell?! This is the computer business, folks! Great programs fail to sell all the time because the projected market for it dried up and moved on to other things, or because the market isn't there yet... per-copy volume based royalties are the utter PITS.

    Remember, if you're an independent developer writing programs with QT, you can still develop the program with the QPL version. It's just when you actually sell it (get some money for it!) that you must send your $2k to the Trolls. If you can't make $2k off of a piece of software, you shouldn't be trying to release it as "shareware" anyhow, you should just GPL it and toss it onto the pile of Open Source code that already exists!


  • I have been keeping tabs on Berlin development and they most defintely will not keep an X compatible API. Berlin is ahead of its time and the whole point of the project is to go beyond what we have now with X. They have a very nice architechture and I don't think X should ruin it.

    Linux? That's GNU/Linux [] to you mister!
  • > Report KDE bugs to, not to slashdot.

    Where you can list open bugs that haven't been closed in over a year (maybe fixed, but the ticket is left to ... die of loneliness I guess?)

    And where you find that you cannot submit bugs from any kind of web form, but have to send some kind of specially-formatted email.

    Windows, meanwhile, now comes with a bug submit program -- they just bury it real deep.
  • I managed to get 2.x up on my Linux box once, when I got the base to compile. Since then, I've had a few difficulties compiling a few parts, which caused the whole makefile to bomb. The ODBC library, for instance, did not compile, which would be okay, hunky-dory, it's unstable, but I couldn't even get make -k to get over it. Had to manually edit the makefile.

    Recently, I've had to edit the makefile for kdelibs again because it compiles them out of order and several dependencies don't work. It would seem not one of the developers ever recompiles this system from scratch, because there is no dependency checking.

    Anyhow, when I got it working, I was impressed by the speed and looks (a bit crashy, but this was EARLY stuff and I didn't have everything installed either). The wizard was incomplete, but the art was good, but "My name is Kandalf"??? OH PLEASE. The wizard doesn't need a name, much less such a god-AWFUL corny (Korny?) one. Just a nitpick, but I just about gagged. Really.

    Anyhow, slightly less trivial notes: I certainly hope it's not the default QT 2.0 look that I saw there. There *is* too much of a thing as "too much 3d". The buttons had these ultra-rounded edges, and the radio buttons looked not only way too bumpy, but ... rough. Almost like they were hand-drawn (though a true "hand-drawn" theme that introduced little variances in each widget would be COOL, if a little slow)

    Kicker wasn't terribly impressive. I do not like having my taskbar crunched into a little, or even large applet space. I like to smack my mouse to the top of the screen (yeah i keep it at the top) and have the whole edge to select my app. yes, the idea of the "K" menu is also awful, I guess it's a necessary concession to people used to the equally awful "start" button. This is a gripe I had with gnome, and now KDE replicates it.

    BTW, what the heck is krootwm called now? It was really crashy when I was using it, and I would have liked to be able to restart it.
  • by osu-neko ( 2604 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @06:54AM (#1523052)
    screw the newbies. make them learn how to use Linux like we all did. If they really want to learn, they will on their own. I personally don't want to use an OS that products that cater to the lowest common denominator.

    Then don't install KDE. Sheesh! It's not like your perfectly-configured-for-your-needs OS will suddenly become less perfect because some newbie somewhere else on the planet installs a GUI over the top of his or her installation.

    Free software is about choice. Why do you want to deny other people a choice just because you personally wouldn't choose it?


  • My experience with gnome/E was so bad with the version that shipped with RH6.0 that, even though I loved the way it looked, I probably won't try it again for quite a while.

    Yah, even the GNOME people admit that the version that shipped with Red Hat 6.0 had way too many bugs. But I can say that the October GNOME release, which I am currently running, is very stable, and works quite well.

    I do think GNOME needs to drop Enlightenment in favor of another window manager. I mean, E! has some great eye candy and is very feature-filled, but it really isn't designed to integrate with GNOME the way kwm integrates with KDE.
  • Windows, meanwhile, now comes with a bug submit program -- they just bury it real deep.

    A bug submit program for Windows? Wow, that's kind of like a windshield wiper on a submarine. Run it all you want, and things still aren't going to get any better.
  • I also question where the GUI areas of Linux have been heading.

    They are aiming for the sorts of features Microsoft claims's windows has: Integration, easy-to-learn, drag-and-drop, object embedding, that sort of thing. Generally, power users are only minorly interested in these sorts of things, which is why, up until recently, Unix programs often did not have them. This explains why an bare-bones Xlib program is faster: Because it is a bare-bones Xlib program. TANSTAAFL, and you're not going to get all of those new features for free, either. Fortunately, power users are generally quite content to continue to use their bare-bones Xlib programs, while "home users" get their pretty icons and such.

    Fotunately, Linux is still about freedom and choice as much as it is about performance and stability.

    When I started using Linux, it was touted as being an entire OS that could live in 40 megs of HD space and 16 megs of RAM on a 286.

    Minor nit-pick: Linux requires protected, virtual memory, something the i286 cannot do. So an i386 is the minimum processor Linux runs on. (While there are other projects based on Linux that are targeting the 286, they are not Linux.) Additionally, no one ever claimed you could run Enlightenment on a 386. :-)

  • This was on Slashdot the other day, but we only got one screenshot of the elusive Konqueror browser. Follow this link for lots more. From what I see, it's pretty amazing - if this really was conceptualized and designed less than two weeks ago, that's very impressive that they already have a functioning browser that displays Slashdot and other sites perfectly, and has built in support for PDF and DVI. Not bad.
    "Some people say that I proved if you get a C average, you can end up being successful in life."
  • Yes. I think the good idea is to start everything from scratch. All our current toolkits is based on X and Berlin will never need toolkits. The widgets themselves can be replaced and any language can be used that has a CORBA binding.

    Berlin is not as far but has the superior design. Once it gets started I think you will see development speed up.

    What do you mean by wasted effort? Are you saying we should only have one windowing enviroment forever? If there was a project I was interested in developing I would work on it and I wouldn't give a damn about production value or how well it competes with Microsoft or how much it furthers the movement. I think Berlin is wholly remarkable in design. I am looking forward to a more usable release.

    Linux? That's GNU/Linux [] to you mister!
  • by NatePuri ( 9870 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @10:31AM (#1523111) Homepage

    Please see this document on Ompages [] that describes how to set up a very functional graphical desktop based on Debian and Windowmaker specifically for use with low end hardware. If you are running debian you can 'apt-get install package1 package2 ...' these packages and you will have a nice fast desktop for your 486. I wrote this as part of the the Ompages Project [] it is my contribution to the project to put together a software selection that people with low end and legacy hardware can participate in modern computer culture. Let me know what you all think.

    Needless to say, I'm a huge proponent of retaining feature parity between legacy and modern desktops. It is essential to proliferation of computers throughout the world. It is also quite feasible. You sacrifice no functionality, but you will sacrifice some ease of use and look and feel qualities in some applications. But that is not such a bad thing, people who are forced for financial reasons to use older hardware are getting the added benefit of an opportunity to learn about computers in a much more thorough way than his/her counterpart with KDE, W2K. I greatly admire how far KDE has come. But we must remember who they cater to. KDE is to woo people away from W95/NT in the corporate/business setting. What about the rest of the world with an old computer? If you read and apply the above document you will have a very useful desktop that gives away *no* functionality and is based _mostly_ on free software. I have a fairly powerful desktop but love the speed and stablity my system has after applying what is in that document. I have applied it to my girlfriend's 486 and it is not all that much slower. I enjoy it; I hope you all do too.

  • by Chris Johnson ( 580 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @11:07AM (#1523114) Homepage Journal
    I boot _MacOS_ for that sort of thing.
    Linux offers me things that I CANNOT get from MacOS or Windows, in a million years, not in Jobs and Gates' wildest dreams. At this time, mostly what it offers me is an escape hatch. I am typing this in MacOS, from which I've been reading interesting news such as the fact that newer MacOSes are bringing in auto-update behaviors that are the antithesis of what I can tolerate on my computer.
    I don't think either KDE or Gnome are remotely comparable to MacOS for usability. I don't _ask_ Linux to be as usable as what I pay for with MacOS. Instead I ask different things of Linux: first, I ask that it be there if I need it, and second, I ask it to be something I can completely control and audit, the power to reconfigure the system being in _my_ hands- lastly, I ask it to not forget this, but I am thankful that the nature of Linux is to preserve areas of difference and iconoclasm where I'd be able to settle.
    I dispute that a desktop environment adds functionality. I _totally_ dispute that. I use one every day in MacOS and I still dispute that claim... what's happening is that the desktop environment is _attempting_ to provide _other_ _interfaces_ to data and ideas that might otherwise have to be jotted down as notes or interacted with by words and sentences.
    This is a far cry from providing _added_ functionality. Particularly with the Windows paradigm, it's actually a loss of functionality in many ways- the attempts at other interfaces end up so strange and convoluted that the 'visual' environment has more unwritten rules than the old CLI environments had. This all must be memorized, just as CLI rules were: another nasty gotcha is the tendency to assume that the GUI approach is inherently so 'intuitive' that controls and objects can be strewn around and reshuffled arbitrarily.
    These new desktop environments are not remotely new- they are simply implementations of 'the other paradigm' in computer interaction. First there was language-based interaction, and 'talking' to the computer with words, commands, and remembering what it said in reply. Then there was the graphic-based interaction, which was originally intended to convey the sense of a logical, consistent environment like a physical object such as a desk, 'mapping' to direct physical manipulation of realworld objects, and operating on specific rules worked out in advance., things didn't exactly work out that way...
  • What more could a windows user want?
    An interesting question to some, perhaps, but even so, I suspect that this is far from the optimal forum in which to pose it, assuming you're interested in useful answers. :-)

    But I have a question that might stand a chance of being answered here. It is this: What more could a Unix user want? Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that KDE suffices to mollify those vendors and users who are really just interested in Winix. But what about the real hackers? What do they want?

    Obviously, it's not Winix. But what is it?

  • If having only one desktop would make it anything like CDE I would say THANK GOD we have a bunch of competing ones.

    Drag and drop is nice, but it is not a must have feature. A desktop looking slightly more modern than Windows 2.11 (yes, I meant 2) sort of is...

    We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality. All we can do is learn the art of being irrational in a reasonable way.
  • they have large amounts of code hidden inside which radically simplify tasks which used to be extremely complex

    Like what? I use 'plain old WindowMaker.' I'm a law student and computer enthusiast and tend to deal with mostly all documents, html, ps, pdf, etc.

    My ideal 'desktop environment' needs an emailer (mutt)(non-kde/gnome), a browser (netscape/soon to be mozilla)(non-kde/gnome), a text editor/word processor (nedit/wordperfect)(non-kde/gnome), a file manager (mc)(non-kde/gnome), a presentation tool (mgp)(non-kde/gnome), and a figure drawer (xfig/gimp) (non-kde/gnome).

    What is KDE making easier in my life? I've used it, and found that it is pretty nice, but after about 12 hrs of use, my memory is is really bogged down at 144MEG of RAM.

    I believe in spartan simplicity. In WMaker with the combination of keybindings and edited menus, I can move around my desktop and my most frequently used applications in eye blinks. Clicking around is such a waste of time and energy, I think it actually raises my stress level to have to click my mouse more than twice. I prever hitting F12, have my menu pop up, use arrows to find my app and launch it. This takes about two seconds.

    To be really fast, I have my terminal, editor, browser and file manager in a custom menu that I have attached key bindings to. So alt n starts netscape, alt t starts terminal (wterm -tr -wm) (for a beautiful transparent term for wmaker that takes only 1K of RAM), ctrl alt m start midnight commander (gmc is no where near the functionality, kfm is closer but what a mem hog at 11K, gmc is only 6K. MC is 1.5K and in wterm there are clickable areas for everything. It's so fast.

    The only functionality I miss is being able to drag files to a trash can before I decide to permanently delete them. But I use the OffiX-files and OffiX-trash applications to get that functionality.

    What I would love to see is GNUstep get a lot more attention. Applications based on GNUstep and WINGs are fast, light and pretty. Linux should be optimized for stablity and speed first and ease of use second. Feature parity with Win is a waste of time. We need feature parity with NEXT and Apple.

  • I don't know if I'm a typical Unix user. Compared to most Slashdotters, I suspect I have a touching ignorance of what's under the hood. But I've used a Unix-style operating system as my primary computing platform since circa 1994, so I think I can give you some hints.

    Right now, the environment I most like is SGI Irix. Buy a used SGI Indigo2, plug it in, turn it on and there it is: Once installed, everything works. Fonts work. Cut and paste works. Netscape works (well, it crashes too, but less than on other platforms). Xemacs works. The fonts work; I can read most of them without eyestrain. The user interface looks nothing like Windows95, so I can immediately get the feeling I'm not a Microsoft drone. The system is reliable; other than running out of disk space, I've had exactly zero problems with it.

    I'm not going to say my SGI machine is perfect - the 2GB system disk is a travesty, to tell the truth, and their upgrade prices are a comedy routine in and of themselves. But you can buy an old SGI for about the same as a similarly equipped PC, and if you upgrade it using off-the-shelf memory and disk, it's not expensive to feed.

    So, what would make me want to move on from Irix? Probably something like Enlightenment, something where the creator rethought everything from the start and produced a truly unique brainchild. Enlightenment also looks pretty, and I doubt that I'd have a SGI box if I didn't like pretty.

    But I'm not in a big hurry. If commercial software wasn't so expensive on the platform, I'd have no complaints whatsoever about SGI (other than the fact that SGI the company appears to be deserting loyal users such as myself).

    To get closer to an answer to the original poster's question, I think what "real" hackers want is a user interface that's not difficult to use, but which doesn't remind them of Windows. I think that to many, a different system should look, well, different. I miss the colourful world of operating systems of the past, from LISP machines to TENEX to ITS, where every machine was an intriguing new challenge.

    Now, it's more or less to Unix and Windows, and I daresay few hackers appreciate the latter. So we're left with just one OS to call our own. Depressing.

    (But Be's looking interesting. And I think that if you read the above, you can see Be's appeal quite clearly).


  • by Chris Johnson ( 580 ) on Thursday November 18, 1999 @12:44PM (#1523137) Homepage Journal
    I'm not sure whether to be pleased or insulted that my arguments are so memorable to top KDE people without having them actually convice said top KDE people ;) ("insulted!" ;) )
    It _is_ a matter of thinking. And yes, I _have_ tried both KDE and Gnome. KDE let me log onto the net using kppp before I'd even sorted out pppd. I owe KDE lasting thanks for being an important part of my Linux adoption process.
    That said, you're completely, stubbornly wrong about your assumption that it's all just a matter of habits. That's a crock: it's also both uneducated and insulting that you're claiming I hated KDE simply because it was unfamiliar- if that is the case, why did I enjoy bash? My objections to _BOTH_ KDE and Gnome are simply that they attempt to do desktop interface _badly_. They bring nothing new and make little or no effort to actually present a consistent, predictable visual 'picture' of the computer.
    In fairness, I will point out one of the major points that always leads me to this conclusion- I have never seen _any_ file manager, other than the MacOS Finder, that behaves as though the user's placement of an icon or object is in any way significant or worthy of notice. It's always 'and now we sort everything and line it up in neat rows, because we can'. I _realise_ that's what everybody but MacOS does, but can't you see that it screws up people's orientation? That's not how a desk behaves. On a desk, you put stuff down and it stays where you put it- witness the cluttered workbenches of a thousand techies all over the world. If someone came in and organised everything alphabetically, they would be _lost_. Why do you and just about every other GUI maker insist on taking control of the graphical objects and reshuffling them?
    To add to this, you may well do better than most X developers (particularly singling out the GNU developers, who should know better!) at providing keyboard shortcuts to operations. However, you seem to not have a clue as to how prevalent and consistent this is in the environment I'm talking about- it really loses you credibility to claim that my switching to KDE and doing everything that way is merely a matter of habit. You don't seem to know what you're talking about... so you insist, repeatedly, that it's just a matter of my being personally prejudiced against your way of doing things, which you maintain is not merely comparable but equal. Do you have _any_ _idea_ of how many millions of dollars a company like Apple spent on human interface design? On how many hundreds of hours designers like Bruce 'Tog' Tognazzini spent designing and testing and working to make these things sensible and usable? Have you actually read the work of others in this area? Hell, you could read _Microsoft_ Human Interface Guidelines- they don't obey their own rules, but they too have put the effort into this area, and that's for just one reason: it's not just a matter of what people are used to, there are actual rights and wrongs involved.
    I don't care if you say 'I personally believe your mac is probably better in usability'. I am saying this: as somebody who is concerned with human interface design, I would like to see you making less assumptions. Yes, the world is heavily biased (polluted?) due to the vast numbers of people who have been extensively taught Windows HI rules. Yes, I personally am out in left field using a Mac but espousing purely CLI human interface guidelines, something I haven't even really begun to properly develop on a large scale. Still, every time (and it's been several times, hasn't it?) I see you come back at a critisism with 'That's just your habits speaking, there's no difference so just try it and lose your other habits', I cringe. You CAN'T learn anything if you deny there's anything to learn. KDE is ill served by those assumptions. Keep them if you must- I choose to challenge them.
  • Disclaimer: I am far from "top" anything, and wether you want to feel insulted by what I say or not, I'm not sure I can fix, since I don;t think I was insulting. Whatever.

    "It _is_ a matter of thinking." Nonsense. You can't judge without experiencing.

    People hate unfamiliar interfaces. If you feel insulted by having that generalization applied to you, then I'd say you are too easily insulted to be worth arguing with.

    You are finding fault on KDE and GNOME at the same time for not being original and for not being identical to MACos. That's schizocriticism.

    KDE does make an effort to present a coherent representation of the computer. If you find the effort a failure, that's a whole different thing.

    "I have never seen _any_ file manager, other than the MacOS Finder, that behaves as though the
    user's placement of an icon or object is in any
    way significant or worthy of notice. It's always
    'and now we sort everything and line it up in neat
    rows, because we can'. I _realise_ that's what everybody but MacOS does, but can't you see that
    it screws up people's orientation? That's not how a desk behaves. "

    This paragraph by itself shows how prejudiced you are. Face it: your computer is not a desktop. You are not finding here that KDE or windows doesn't present a coherent representation of the computer, you are finding that they are not coherent to what you expect, because you expect them to behave like a MAC!. It's habit, TRAINING. Feel insulted already?

    If you think you are presenting a real problem a real windows user ever had, I challenge you to find me ONE reference to this that is not from a MAC user. Go ahead. My email is available.

    "your way of doing things, which you maintain is not merely comparable but equal"

    Go reread my post. Now understand it. Let it enter your pedantic brain. Now reread the part where I specifically say MACos is superior from a usability point of view. Now apologize.

    "You CAN'T learn anything if you deny there's anything to learn"

    Where the HELL did I say that? I suggest that, if you want to argue with voices in your head, you do it in a private place. All I am saying is that for most practical purposes, most people can adapt to one thing or the other without giving a damn, as soon as they had time to adapt.

    That's why there are 300 million windows users who would hate using a mac if it was placed in front of them tomorrow, but wouldn't care in 3 months.

    Now, reread your post. If you felt insulted by mine, how the fuck should I feel about yours?

    BTW: I don't know why, considering the pedantic ass you are, I always end helping you. Did you read my response to you on Usenet about your mail server thing from yesterday?
  • Granted right #3 says that all your modifications (which to port to win32 would be a LOT of changes) must be distributed as patches. A similar restriction on minix hamstrung its development and was one reason for linux. Why the Open Source definition allows these games to be played is beyond me. Requiring changes to be distributed as patches is, for me, only one step above running the source through cpp before release.
  • "3. You may make modifications to the Software and distribute your modifications, in a form that is separate from the Software, such as patches."

    A form that is separate from the Software? So yes, a CVS server is allowed, but this prevents you from making tarballs for people who don't want to use CVS. My original argument stands unmodified. Source tarballs are the standard distribution method for free software. I can see no reason for trolltech to disallow that other than to prevent independant development forks.
  • Bonobo is the GNOME component model. It is similar (albeit not as far) as the KOpenParts thingy I think. So in effect, it is a Gnome App.

    Linux? That's GNU/Linux [] to you mister!
  • Right now, all these systems are very Winix oriented. People have asked what a Unix user would want in a windowing system. Here are a few suggestions for how to make something that feels like Unix instead of Winix:
    • Make sure that in optimizing the program interface for the two-minute beginner, you haven't pessimized it for the two-year daily-user.
    • Keep it touch-typist friendly.
      • Let me keep my eyes on the screen at all times, not on the input peripherals.
      • Mimimize the context switches between mouse and keyboard. It slows me down. I can type much, much faster than I can mouse around.
      • Minimize all required mouse use, because it causes RSI. Let me keep my hands on the homerow as much as possible, not dancing around the funny keys that require me to look down to find, like HOME, END, PAGEUP, etc. Put those on real keys.
    • No prior Windows knowledge expected, required, nor in fact, even beneficial.
    • All programs, configurations, library functions, and interfaces must be completely documented.
    • Never make me do anything tedious and repetitive, like holding some an arrow key or a mouse for a long time just to move a large distance.
      • I shouldn't have to read the library code to figure out how Gtk works, nor existing themes to figure out how to make a new one
      • nor should I have to click on happycons to get some dribbled out set of web pages for how to run or configure a program
      • The documentation should searchable, indexable, typesettable, and printable.
      • Follow POSIX 1003.2 requirements that all commands have a minimal manpage.
    • Scriptability. Automatability. All the knobs need to be exposed either via raw text files or else normal CLI programs.
    • Respect for the user's existing preferences where applicable.
      • X defaults -- If I have *visualBell: on, then that should suffice for all applications.
      • stty settings -- If I think ^H is what I want to erase a character, don't make me use DEL or ^?, or worse still, the BACKSPACE key (which sends a ^H anyway) yet not Control-H). And if I have my werase set to ^W, pay attention to that, too.
      • Preferred editor -- if I have an editor setting in my environment, don't make me learn a new one just for your program. Most toolkits' text widgets have insultingly idiotic editing abilities -- pop up my preferred editor instead, or at least, give me that option. Perhaps prefered newsreader, shell, mailer, etc should come into play as well, but the sorry excuse for an editor is the most annoying thing.
    • A way to leverage existing knowledge of words. This may sound bizarre, but nothing is more frustrating to this Unix user than to have a program pop up a set of seventeen tiny graphical stickpin icons. Don't make me guess what your cutes idea of a neat bitmap for an exit or reload or search button is. Allow me the option of using real words, not happycons. And allow for keyboard shortcuts on all functionality.
    • Don't make me suffer through a tedious manual search through scads of cascading menus each time I want to find something. There is no way to search, analyse, or print a cascading menu system. This is insane. A common mechanism provided by the low-level toolkit and managed by the desktop or window manager must be invented. Life is too short for hunt and peck. For example, the window manager could provide a way to search the menus of the current focussed program for a particular text string. That way you never have waste your life on an idiotic recursive but linear visual search.
    That's enough for now. I'm sure it's far too late to expect almost anyone to read this. You might want to check out the short Unix as Literature [] or the longer In The Beginning [] for more background on Unix culture.

Your own mileage may vary.
