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Rite Aid and CVS Block Apple Pay and Google Wallet 558

An anonymous reader writes CVS and Rite Aid have reportedly shut off the NFC-based contactless payment option at point of sale terminals in thousands of stores. The move will make it impossible to pay for products using Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Rite Aid posted at their stores: "Please note that we do not accept Apple Pay at this time. However we are currently working with a group of large retailers to develop a mobile wallet that allows for mobile payments attached to credit cards and bank accounts directly from a smart phone. We expect to have this feature available in the first half of 2015."
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Rite Aid and CVS Block Apple Pay and Google Wallet

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  • by Noxal ( 816780 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @12:54PM (#48235009)

    CurrentC seems way too involved for most people to ever give a shit about.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 26, 2014 @12:58PM (#48235025)

      Not only that, but it's a huge pile of data mining/theft. They requires direct access to take money from your current account (it bypasses the credit card companies, which is why they want to use it), and it requires access to your health data (for no known reason, but it requires it). Basically, it's a cluster fuck of ID theft.

      • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:16PM (#48235133)

        Current account? It's your checking account.

        There are bad ideas out there but few come close to this one. Allowing retailers the ability to directly deduct money from your checking account is a hackers wet dream.

        • by whoever57 ( 658626 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:52PM (#48235347) Journal

          Current account? It's your checking account.

          UK terminology.

        • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:56PM (#48235369)

          Because it's tapping your checking account directly, customers are not going to like this. And to use CurrentC, you have to open up an app on your smartphone and scan a QR code to make the transaction; with NFC, you just bring your phone up to a point near the register until the register recognizes a near-field chip, ready to ring up the sale as soon as you authenticate, which in Apple's case means placing your thumb on your phone's reader. NFC transactions are so fast that customers are going to want them used for everything. There are already vending machines that support it.

          • by theshowmecanuck ( 703852 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @02:32PM (#48235563) Journal
            Bullshit. Canada was using direct debit with Interac since the early 80s. It is run by a group of banks and hits your bank account directly. It doesn't go through credit card companies. It is the most common form of payment here. I could go into a mom and pop corner store and pay this way for 30 years. People like it. It is not for profit but was formed by the banks and run on a private network. People didn't and don't want single companies like Visa or Google or Mastercard or Apple having all the power doing this. Companies that are for profit that want to take an even bigger cut of your money, run on public networks, and make money selling your data. I have a debit card that is very thin. It even fits in with the rest of my ID that I take everywhere anyway, and it is only online on a private network when I make a purchase... when the card is in the machine. Please explain what is so fucking great about Apple or Google pay on phones that run all the time on public networks, open to possible hacks.
            • by GNious ( 953874 )

              We have a partially-sortof-almost-similar thing in Denmark - it has transformed into a beast of fuckeduppedness, stupidity, incompetence and security-flaws ...

          • by tlhIngan ( 30335 ) <slashdot@worf.TEAnet minus caffeine> on Monday October 27, 2014 @12:52AM (#48238363)

            Because it's tapping your checking account directly, customers are not going to like this. And to use CurrentC, you have to open up an app on your smartphone and scan a QR code to make the transaction; with NFC, you just bring your phone up to a point near the register until the register recognizes a near-field chip, ready to ring up the sale as soon as you authenticate, which in Apple's case means placing your thumb on your phone's reader. NFC transactions are so fast that customers are going to want them used for everything. There are already vending machines that support it.

            Actually, the QR code is because iPhones didn't come with NFC. And Apple isn't allow app access to NFC yet (most likely because the NFC APIs aren't stable yet, but we can pretend it's to kill bad ideas like CurrenC as well).

            The only reason for the fingerprint reader usage is because EMV demands it to access the secure element (Note: iPad Air 2 actually has an NFC chip in it, but no NFC antenna! It's suspected at least part of the secure element is the NFC chip, otherwise why have a completely useless chip htere?).

            Apple Pay is just a fancy implementation of the EMV payment spec - it actually doesn't really have much "Apple" to it other than spiffing it up to make it all shiny and usable Apple-style. The spec is from EMV and that dictates how it all works.

            People didn't and don't want single companies like Visa or Google or Mastercard or Apple having all the power doing this.

            Apple doesn't control squat. All Apple Pay is is a virtual credit card implementing the spec with EMV. That's why it works practically everywhere with ZERO retailer involvement - as long as their terminals can do NFC purchases, Apple Pay will work. It does require the payment processor and the banks to have their end of the EMV spec done, which is why it only works with a few banks right now.

            This is unlike Google Wallet, which is a payment system like Paypal - Google gets all your transaction information because they need to charge you. In Apple Pay, it's just using another representation of your credit card, which means Apple doesn't get involved in the transaction. It's why Apple Pay gets charged out at Card-Present rates, while Google Wallet only gets Card Not Present (higher fees because higher fraud).

    • by exabrial ( 818005 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:53PM (#48235357)
      Think of the soccer mom scenario...

      Lady enters checkout line with baby on hip and two kids in cart. She's tired of wrangling, wants to leave ASAP.
      Apple/Google: Using one hand, pulls phone out of purse, taps, enter pin on phone.

      CurrentC: Pull phone out of purse. Unlock phone. Launch CurrentC app. Due to poor cell signal in store, app takes a long time to connect. Enter app pin. Request new transaction. Wait for QR code to show. Explain to the cashier you need them to scan this code. Wait for the second code to appear on Casher's screen. Scan that. Wait some more. Kids screaming murder now. Poor lady begins to cry.
      • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @02:33PM (#48235569) Journal

        Think of the soccer mom scenario...

        Lady enters checkout line with baby on hip and two kids in cart. She's tired of wrangling, wants to leave ASAP.
        Apple/Google: Using one hand, pulls phone out of purse, taps, enter pin on phone.

        CurrentC: Pull phone out of purse. Unlock phone. Launch CurrentC app. Due to poor cell signal in store, app takes a long time to connect. Enter app pin. Request new transaction. Wait for QR code to show. Explain to the cashier you need them to scan this code. Wait for the second code to appear on Casher's screen. Scan that. Wait some more. Kids screaming murder now. Poor lady begins to cry.


        Credit Card: One hand. Swipe. Finished.

        Why does anyone think that it's "more convenient" to use NPC than swiping a credit card?

        • "Why does anyone think that it's "more convenient" to use NPC than swiping a credit card?" - who the fuck knows? its seems like a solution looking for a problem - unless its cheaper (customer or retailor) to use the phone based solution
        • Than opening wallet, removing card and swiping it, entering a pin / signing a signature, returning it to your wallet versus just touching a device to a reader and having your device authenticate via your fingerprint / continuous biometrics?
          Yeah, that is so much easier. Plus, there's the general liability concern with the transaction being biometric secured versus someone stealing your card. There's obviously some interest in why banks are interested in this detail for sure, hence why they even implemented
          • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @03:55PM (#48236041) Journal

            Yeah, that is so much easier.

            There must be something wrong with me. Not once have I ever purchased something in a store and thought, "Gee, conducting that transaction was incredibly difficult. I wish someone would make an easier way to pay for this bag of groceries than this complex and difficult process of swiping a credit card."

            • Yeah, that is so much easier.

              There must be something wrong with me. Not once have I ever purchased something in a store and thought, "Gee, conducting that transaction was incredibly difficult. I wish someone would make an easier way to pay for this bag of groceries than this complex and difficult process of swiping a credit card."

              In the name of progress:

              In the beginning people counted out change in chickens and goats, or other favors.
              Then came currency, where change was counted out in pennies and dollars.
              Then came bank checks, which were convenient, but took time to write out.
              Then came credit companies with a mechanical swipe tool in carbon copy. Too slow: add convenient swipe and sign. Gosh, who uses checks, they take forever!?
              Finally comes touchless. Precious seconds are saved! No swipe, no sign, no finding a pen - just touch

          • by N1AK ( 864906 )

            Than opening wallet, removing card and swiping it, entering a pin / signing a signature, returning it to your wallet versus just touching a device to a reader and having your device authenticate via your fingerprint / continuous biometrics?

            Went to London on Saturday. Got off my train, used my NFC credit card to tap onto/off all underground trains. Paid for lunch using NFC. Paid for dinner using Wahaca's app (you can pay and leave without having to wait for bill etc). Also went to the supermarket on Sunday

          • Than opening wallet, removing card and swiping it, entering a pin / signing a signature, returning it to your wallet versus just touching a device to a reader and having your device authenticate via your fingerprint / continuous biometrics?

            Credit cards must be different where you're from. Here retailers all have contact-less payment terminals. My credit card works through my wallet so the transaction consists purely of taking wallet out of pocket, swipe past the reader, putting wallet back in pocket. From transactions over $100 I have to type a four digit pin which takes all of 1 whole second. Interestingly, my bank has an app which already uses my NFC chip on my phone to perform the exact same transaction. But also lets me withdraw up to $20

  • This isn't the sort of thing that "the market" can decide. I expect that it'll end up in court.

    I wouldn't be surprised if patents come into it too, and since retailers aren't technology companies, they probably won't have the patents to even develop what they want without licensing, and tech companies with those patents are under no obligation to license them.
    • tech companies with those patents are under no obligation to license them

      I thought that in order for something to be incorporated into an industry standard, patent holders had to offer their essential patents for license under a uniform royalty regime (sometimes called "FRAND").

      • There are absolutely no laws that keep standards (or anyone else) safe from patent claims.

        Some standards organizations try to require members to license patents under "Reasonable and Non-discriminatory" terms, but the whole thing is nonsense. What is "reasonable"? The answer is, "as much as I can get from you!". And what is non-discrimantory? By definition most RAND terms discriminate against FLOSS, and they also always discriminate against organizations without the patents (since they have to pay fo

    • by silfen ( 3720385 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:09PM (#48235087)

      This isn't the sort of thing that "the market" can decide. I expect that it'll end up in court.

      Why can't the market decide this? Why should this end up in court? We currently have deeply entrenched market dominance by credit card companies. Alternative payment schemes are coming out and attacking that dominance, and that only works if a critical mass of retailers actually stand up to the currently dominant players. If courts intervene, it will lock in the dominance and monopoly profits the credit card companies are extracting. Why do you think that would be a good thing?

    • This isn't the sort of thing that "the market" can decide. I expect that it'll end up in court.

      Sure it is. Rite Aid & CVS will shortly discover whether or not their customers who use Apple Pay & Google Wallet are more loyal to them than they are to Apple or Google, and make their adjustments accordingly.

    • The market will decide this just fine. By the time CurrentC actually comes to market (likely 12 months late and missing promised features) apple pay will already be deeply engrained and driving traffic to participating retailers. Then, once CurrentC is launched there will be a massive pwnage. Then, the current CurrentC backers will flee, people will get fired, and the system will die. Yes, the market works.

  • Once competition decides what service we decide to favor. A bunch of services will fail, 3 or 4 will remain and be universally accepted. Just look at the credit card networks for reference as to how this will play out.
    • What I meant was many stores will have their own payment systems, and others will support the broad systems from Apple/Google, and some will be late to the "payment revolution", and so on and so fourth. Once it makes economic sense to adopt system X, they will adopt it. We still have to see how Apple Pay stands up to real world threats, heavy load, availability concerns, network issues (if the store is not in great cell range), etc.... We still don't know what happens when you take the big system you just m
  • No thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:00PM (#48235041) Homepage Journal
    A token based system vs. direct access to my personal data and bank account? I'll take Apple Pay, thanks.
    • Banking is based on TRUST, not POS security. The trust is that if something fraudulent happens, it can be fixed. Worrying about POS security like this is pointless.
    • by aurizon ( 122550 )

      The credit card people - where are they in Apple Pay? Are they out and apple pay is between you and apple and apple provides the credit and take the fee? Or is there an extra fee overlaid on the credit card fees that the retailer pays?

      These added fees now reach over 4%, which is a lot.
      No wonder Rit-aid and CVS are against it.

      • Re:No thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by CaptainDork ( 3678879 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @02:00PM (#48235383)

        Apple has negotiated a lower fee and banks are agreeable to absorb initial revenue loss in an effort to make NFC a standard.. The fees are needed mostly to pay off credit card fraud and Apple Pay reduces that liability (so the reasoning goes). Rumor has it that the Apple Pay user will be liable for fraud to a much larger degree because it's so hard for the process to be abused.

        The competing CurrentC standard, supported by major retailers, kills credit card fees and puts the fraud burden 100% on the consumer. For that reason, retailers favor CurrentC over Apple Pay and Google Wallet, both of which use NFC.

        While Google Wallet and Apple Pay are available now, CurrentC is going to be late to the party by about a year.

        That delay is what's prompting Rite Aid and CVS (supporters of CurrentC) to pull NFC from their POS.

  • by jpellino ( 202698 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:03PM (#48235051)
    To push away the two leading mobile solutions especially when you're in the midst of losing smokers in CVS (a good move health-wise but consequential for sales nonetheless)? Heck they wouldn't even do Passport.
    • CVS is giving up less than 2% of it's total sales by dropping tobacco while they are growing sales overall by 10+% a year.

      It does not have a significant effect on their corporation.

  • Good luck with that. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pla ( 258480 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:03PM (#48235053) Journal
    How does this not violate these stores' agreements with Visa (etc), which have explicitly partnered with Apple and Google to provide Pay and Wallet as a valid method of using their (virtual) cards at the register?

    And worse than simply not accepting it, they did so because they plan to come up with their own competing product??? WTF, Rite Aid, do you really think people will rush to use yet another crappy store-specific solution, rather than look confused at the cashier for a few seconds before walking away, leaving their stuff at the register?
    • by SeaFox ( 739806 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:48PM (#48235325)

      How does this not violate these stores' agreements with Visa (etc), which have explicitly partnered with Apple and Google to provide Pay and Wallet as a valid method of using their (virtual) cards at the register?

      Because their agreement is to accept credit cards issued by Visa/Mastercard? What makes Apple Pay more secure and private is you're literally not giving the store your card (information) in any form. It's more like Paypal -- you give Apple Pay permission to disperse the fund from your Visa/MC to the retailer, And Apple Pay is using a one-time payment code so you can't just make a nice little list of purchases by a customer from the number being given over and over.

      I don't know why CVS or Rite Aid would be so bent out of shape about this. Don't all drugstores nowadays have Loyalty Cards programs in place? Even if you don't have a credit card account number to use the customer is willingly giving them personally identifiable info to link their purchased items to.

  • The reason they are doing this is that they don't want to keep paying inflated fees to credit card companies because they are tired of getting screwed. They may also not be serious about it; it may simply be a pressure tactic to get credit card companies to lower fees "or else".

    Getting payment options other than the big credit card companies and their inflated fees necessarily involves inconvenience. Obviously, consumers are too lazy to do it by themselves, but retailers may have enough power to make this h

  • by kbonin ( 58917 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:07PM (#48235069)

    It appears that CurrentC moves liability exposure almost entirely onto the consumer, whereas Visa limits consumer exposure to $50 that most banks waive in actual fraud. Add full access to your bank account to make the worst-case liability exposure whatever you have in your account, and privacy terms that allow them to use health related data that could have been protected under HIPPA. Tell me again why I would want to use this?

    • by davecb ( 6526 )

      That's huge: in the UK the banks were temporarily able to do that by claiming chip-and-pin cards were secure (boy, was that not true). The courts threw it out, as you might imagine, but only after lots of people were defrauded.

      In Canada, the banks are on the hook, and have refunded me both times their "unhackable" pin-and-chip card got hacked. We and the US are looking at card-and-signature systems, which have good customer protection as humans can verify claimed forgeries, just like cheques.

    • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @02:32PM (#48235559)

      It appears that CurrentC moves liability exposure almost entirely onto the consumer, whereas Visa limits consumer exposure to $50 that most banks waive in actual fraud.

      They are two sides of the same coin. One shifts liability from the merchants to the consumer, the other shifts liability from the consumer to the merchants.

      If we really want security in the electronic transaction system, liability has fall upon the organization(s) operating the transaction system - Visa, the banks, etc. If they don't pay a financial cost for fraud, they have no incentive to improve the system to prevent fraud. Penalizing consumers just drives them to use cash. Penalizing merchants just drives them to stop accepting cards and electronic payment. It's only when you penalize the folks who control the electronic transaction systems that you'll see improvements to said system.

    • by AK Marc ( 707885 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @03:42PM (#48235957)
      HIPAA (note spelling) doesn't protect billing data, when properly signed away in the ToS. That you can figure out from someone's purchases that they are a teen on the pill doesn't mean that "health data" is being transmitted, or that the information transmitted isn't required for proper billing records.

      But then, someone who talks about HIPAA and doesn't know how to spell it, obviously doesn't know what they are talking about, but isn't afraid to post like they do, confusing others.
  • There are a lot of hidden costs associated with using cards and other technologies with payment terminals. When you pay $6.00 for your purchase, the retailer doesn't get all that money.The processing company that processes all the transactions paid for with cards at a retailer gets a cut of every transaction. If it is a credit card, like Visa or MC, then the credit card company also takes a small percentage.

    While Google Wallet and Apply Pay may be free to the end-user, I highly doubt that it is free for the

    • by gnasher719 ( 869701 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:31PM (#48235211)

      While Google Wallet and Apply Pay may be free to the end-user, I highly doubt that it is free for the retailer.

      Apple doesn't get a penny from the end user or from the retailer, so I suppose Google doesn't either. With Apple Pay the retailer pays the lowest rate available (percentages depend on how secure the payment method is; the more secure, the cheaper for the merchant). Apple gets some money from the bank; the bank saves money by having less fraud.

  • by Primate Pete ( 2773471 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:13PM (#48235109)
    Shitty customer service is not a strategy.
  • by dackroyd ( 468778 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:44PM (#48235289) Homepage

    Gruber at DaringFireball nails it: []

    What Apple gets and what no one else in the industry does is that using your mobile device for payments will only work if it’s far easier and better than using a credit card. With CurrentC, you’ll have to unlock your phone, launch their app, point your camera at a QR code, and wait. With Apple Pay, you just take out your phone and put your thumb on the Touch ID sensor.

    Tim Cook was exactly right on stage last month when he introduced Apple Pay: it’s the only mobile payment solution designed around improving the customer experience. CurrentC is designed around the collection of customer data and the ability to offer coupons and other junk. Here is what a printed receipt from CVS looks like ( It looks like a joke, but that’s for real. And that’s the sort of experience they want to bring to mobile payments. ...

    And the reason they don’t want to allow Apple Pay is because Apple Pay doesn’t give them any personal information about the customer. It’s not about security — Apple Pay is far more secure than any credit/debit card system in the U.S. It’s not about money — Apple’s tiny slice of the transaction comes from the banks, not the merchants. It’s about data.

    Apple's great strategic advantages over Google, is that they put their customers (i.e. the people who buy Apple's goods and services) needs over their partners needs to be able to data mine those users.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) * on Sunday October 26, 2014 @03:06PM (#48235747) Homepage Journal

      You realise Google Wallet is pretty much the same. Unlock your phone, touch the pad. No data handed over, one time code that can't be reused so cloning is pointless.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by pherthyl ( 445706 )

        Pretty much doesn't cut it. With Google wallet you need to unlock your phone (entering that pin) and then potentially enter the Google wallet pin to authorize the transaction. So two pins versus none. Google wallet hasn't taken off because it's more hassle than using a credit card, which was the point.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) * on Sunday October 26, 2014 @05:53PM (#48236683) Homepage Journal

          You don't need two PINs. In fact you don't need a PIN at all in some situations. It's up to you, you can configure it how you like. I use it often, it's very easy and quick.

          Google Wallet has some other advantages. You don't have to pay with a credit or debit card, you can use the balance from your Wallet. You can control the balance available to spend that way, and it prevents purchases being reported to the bank.

  • by exabrial ( 818005 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @01:47PM (#48235313)
    First, CurrentC involves scanning TWO QR Codes. Wow. It's almost like we should use a radio to exchange the data. Durr. Second, Target, KMart, and Walmart are involved with this... KMart and Target are idiots; Walmart has an empire, what are they colluding with them? Apple customers are elitist that will go out of their way to use their fancy phones to do anything (ex: boarding passes). Whichever one of these retailers wakes up first and embraces secure technology wins a whole lot of new business.
  • by grahamsaa ( 1287732 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @02:38PM (#48235609)
    I used to use Google Wallet / tap to pay at Rite-aid frequently as there's one across the street from my office. I liked it. The other day when I went in and tried and got a message about Apple pay not being supported, I was pretty confused. I don't use Apple pay. Why disable functionality that was previously working and that customers want to use? Google wallet does not charge merchants at all ( If stores want to set up their own competing wallet apps, that's fine, but disabling something that previously worked and that costs them nothing is really stupid.
  • by grahamsaa ( 1287732 ) on Sunday October 26, 2014 @04:27PM (#48236215) [] []

    Here's the message I sent. If you're lazy, feel free to use it:
    Disabling Apple Pay and Google Wallet, which were previously accepted is not OK. If you want to come up with your own competing system and give people rewards to use it, that's fine, but don't break existing functionality. Google Wallet just works. Apple and Google's solutions don't cost you any more money than a credit card transaction. Your payment app isn't even available yet and relies on QR codes, which means that when it does launch it will likely be very clunky by comparison.

    If you can't come up with a sane response to this, I guess I'll be switching to Walgreens.
  • by RubberDogBone ( 851604 ) on Monday October 27, 2014 @04:24AM (#48238817)

    Why would CVS or RiteAid want Apple Pay anyway? If a shopper has bothered to come to the store, select items to buy and then go checkout, chances are they want the items relatively more than someone who hasn't gone to that effort. The stores of course support several different existing methods of payment which work just fine from their perspective. The customer is likely to pay anyway.

    Perfect? No. There are middlemen involved in the transaction but it's a system everyone more or less tolerates. Extremely complicated financial deals are behind every card terminal you see in a store. None of that stuff just happens. It's all very carefully planned.

    Along comes Apple which puts themselves into play as yet another layer of middlemen, one which the stores have zero control over and one which is outside their established payment process. It also runs counter to their own payment initiative which they have agreed to support exclusively. So what Apple tried to do was an end-run around the established players AND they did it using the existing installed card terminals. NOBODY piggybacks like Apple tried to do without having some major skin in the game. You try stunts like that, you are going to get your hand burned.

    So, Apple is at once both another layer of middlemen interference and also potentially a contract issue for the other payment product. Apple was too late to the game. And from the store's perspective again, you have a cart full of stuff, you aren't going to just walk away, you'll probably pay with another method so they have nothing to lose really buy rejecting Apple Pay. Same for GooglePay which I never saw in the wild. Whatever.

    Apple has a habit of intruding on entrenched turf and taking on the existing players. They did it with phones. But payment systems are a much more spread out target where everyone has their own idea of what they want and most of them think it works just fine as is, including the customers. Nobody who mattered much was asking for NFC payments. Apple has been pushing this, suddenly, so it's up to Apple to tell everyone why they should want it. It's totally on them. Until they do that, until they make some inroads at the card terminal issuers, Apple Pay is going to be limited.

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
