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Brazilian Evangelicals Set Up a "Sin Free" Version of Facebook 293

An anonymous reader writes: With $16,000 and the help of the Mayor of Ferraz de Vasconcelos, the town he lives in, Atilla Barros and three other Evangelical Christians created Facegloria, a "sin-free" version of Facebook. Swearing is banned, along with about 600 other words, as well as any violent or erotic content, and depictions of homosexual activity. 100,000 users have signed up the first month. "In two years we hope to get to 10 million users in Brazil. In a month we have had 100,000 and in two we are expecting a big increase thanks to a mobile phone app," Barros says. Acir dos Santos, the mayor, adds: "Our network is global. We have bought the Faceglory domain in English and in all possible languages. We want to take on Facebook and Twitter here and everywhere."
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Brazilian Evangelicals Set Up a "Sin Free" Version of Facebook

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  • by Radak ( 126696 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @02:11AM (#50051501) Journal

    $ whois
    Domain not found

    To be fair, Finnish is an impossible language.

  • 'Faceglory' (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 06, 2015 @02:14AM (#50051505)

    Sounds a bit like some sort of sexual activity.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It's interesting that they claim it will be free from sin, and yet also homophobic. Can't be both, either it treats everyone like a human being or it discriminates and the users are going to hell.

      Must be kinda funny when they get up to the pearly gates and St. Peter's all like "you know God's son was gay, right? Where the heck did you get 'we should hate gays' from?"

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Oh, and by the way, God's Son is God.

          Are you saying that Jesus is his own father, as well as his own son?

          Is it Gods all the way down? ;-)

        • Ask a Christian, and they will say they hate the sin, not the sinner.

          They say that, yes. One of the hardest parts of Christian doctrine is actually living up to that ideal. It's a principle that I've tried to stick to even after I lost my faith - hate the actions, not the actor, or something like that.

      • It's interesting that they claim it will be free from sin, and yet also homophobic. Can't be both, either it treats everyone like a human being or it discriminates and the users are going to hell.

        That isn't so much interesting as confused. "Homophobia" is a contemporary political epithet used to attack people that don't accept various claims or goals of gay activists or the gay community whereas sin is violating God's law. Biblical morality considers some sexual conduct as sin, such a fornication (sex outside marriage), adultery (sex by married people with someone that they aren't married to), bestiality (sex with animals), and homosexual activity. God offers forgiveness of sin via the sacrifice

  • by morcego ( 260031 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @02:29AM (#50051555)

    Oh, I do hope they all move to facegloria, and leave us all alone.
    Better yet, they should make an internet of their own.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @03:08AM (#50051705) Journal

      they should make an internet of their own.


      with pop-up ads that say, "Sinned too much? Stay out of Hell for just 7 easy payments of $49.95 a month! And for an extra $10.00 a month, we won't even tell your church! All diddling, screwing, lying, or cheating can be removed from your heavenly record Now Now Now!"

      • by morcego ( 260031 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @03:15AM (#50051723)

        You know what they say: Small churches, big business.

      • If I weren't an honest, god-mocking atheist, I'd be really tempted into selling online papal indulgences. But seeing as I'm a much better person without god than I ever was with a god belief, I'll just stick to mocking the religious's absurd assertions directly to their faces.
      • by goose-incarnated ( 1145029 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @05:01AM (#50052043) Journal

        they should make an internet of their own.


        with pop-up ads that say, "Sinned too much? Stay out of Hell for just 7 easy payments of $49.95 a month! And for an extra $10.00 a month, we won't even tell your church! All diddling, screwing, lying, or cheating can be removed from your heavenly record Now Now Now!"

        You joke, but I (as a long-standing atheist) am quite curious to see how a facebook-for-evangelicals turns out. There are many questions that could be answered by examining faceglory(sp?). For example,

        Evangelising, by definition, needs the target party to be a non-believer; what happens when the entire audience are believers? When you are literally preaching the message to the choir?

        What happens in an echo chamber of significant size? Is there some madness event horizon that occurs when too many people do more socialising on godnet than on internet?

        What would this madness event horizon look like? Does the group fracture? Wage war on another christian group?

        For individual participants, does it reinforce the belief, reduce the belief or not affect belief at all?

        For group participants, does regular participation reinforce the group structure?

        Will it lead to more orthodox religious beliefs of the participants, or will they mostly just be another group with a shared belief.

        etc etc etc

        • History says that a code language will emerge that people can use to get around the filters and censoring. People will start using it and in short order, the site will become infamous as a hotbed of sin and vice.

          Nathaniel Hawthorne knew what he was talking about when he wrote that the worst sins are the ones committed in the most virtuous communities.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          My expectation is that it will be quickly overrun by trolls. Some of them non-Christians, but many of them Christian trolls pushing an extreme view and harassing others with it. The Bible is so contradictory that you can find a way to interpret some bit of it to support pretty much any point of view, and then batter your opponent over the head with it and scream about them burning forever in the fires of hell etc. The best part is that your opponent is full of self doubt and loathing so won't just dismiss y

    • OTOH... A Facebook without my 37-years-old cousin's incessant stream of junior-high-grade nigger and peepee jokes might be a Facebook I wasn't embarrassed to belong to.

    • The problem when you separate these people they will only be more extream, as well your side would get more extreme.
      Taking out the invisible men, and magic trick religions are still based on philosophies thousands of years in the making, where there are people who job is to study these philosophies. Vs the non religious folk unless they are a full time philosopher (and we don't have many of those on payroll) most of us have a system of belief based on short term ideas and can change when a political party g

  • Good luck to them (Score:5, Interesting)

    by greenreaper ( 205818 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @02:32AM (#50051567) Homepage Journal
    I'm sure Facebook will claims the use of the term "Face" infringes their trademark.
  • I can only prey that it gets rid of the religious zealots on Facebook.

  • Seen this before. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by SuricouRaven ( 1897204 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @02:37AM (#50051581)

    The 'Christian version' is a pretty common concept. []

    It'll fail, I expect, for the same reason that most social networks fail: They depend on users to draw users, so it's very hard to get them established. For every Facebook, there are thousand Orkuts.

  • Another POS website (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 06, 2015 @02:37AM (#50051583)

    Just registered. No verification whatsoever and it accepted "qwerty" as the password. No https. Not a far fetch to think this site commits other basic security faux pas, too. Easy prey for hackers.

    How does shit like this get publicity? It looks like a first project for someone just starting in web development.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by catsRus ( 548036 )
      Dont need no stinkin security, jesus is my IT guy, trolls and hackers will burn yada yada.................
    • by cdrudge ( 68377 )

      How does shit like this get publicity?

      You must be new here. Welcome to Dice where anything can be peddled for a buck or two.

  • It can't hurt to have multiple social networks. Maybe some agreement can be reached that user@socialnet1 can do messaging and interaction with user@socialnet2 [1]. This way, no cat or food pictures pictures go unmissed.

    Even without interaction between them, just having an alternative to what is out there is a good thing.

    [1]: Reinventing E-mail, IRC, and NNTP pretty much.

  • by Morpeth ( 577066 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @03:01AM (#50051677)

    Hmmmm, really? They must be on a different FB, mine is filled with friends on vacation, pics of their kids, and kittens... lot and lots of kittens.

    Sounds like they've been making a lot of effort into finding all this sinful porn and violence on FB...

  • by rebelwarlock ( 1319465 ) on Monday July 06, 2015 @03:08AM (#50051701)
    Oh wait, it would be totally empty. Everything I've seen on facebook is usually some form of circle jerk. It's pretty much only useful for tracking my D&D session events at this point.
  • I can see that as being every bit as successful as conservapedia []
    • I can see that as being every bit as successful as conservapedia []

      There's an eye-opener (pun on faceglory unintentional). I liked the entry for Evolution - well, I would have if I had a Fffacebook account.

      I'm guessing the FaceGlory crowd will have a banner sharing agreement with The Flat Earth Society [] (when the in-fighting between the various "true" FES groups ends), and Christian Porn [] (you know - the good stuff).

      "These Christian Fundamentalists want to get creationism taught in our science classes. I would have been all for it when I was in high school. - easy credits.

  • Evangelicals in a very Christian country are bound to be a bit weird for the sake of product differentiation.
    Forgive my cynicism since a founder of one very large group of that type near me has been revealed as being a pedophile on an industrial scale, setting up his group is such a way that he could get away with it on hundreds of occasions, and another group concentrated all of the wealth of it's members into the hands of one of the founders before they ended up in jail for it. Sometimes it's just about
    • by ihtoit ( 3393327 )

      now you're beginning to understand how con-merchants and paedophiles work. They insinuate themselves into positions of trust with promises of oranges and sunshine (to borrow from the Transported Children scandal). Once there, they operate in plain sight with the full support and blessing of the community who, by now utterly blind to the abuse they're being put through... well, it's like boiling frogs while you empty their wallets and fuck their babies.

      • by dbIII ( 701233 )
        The really sad thing is that is both cases, more so with the one that robbed it's flock blind than the other, there was plenty of community opposition but they had friends in high places until the end.
        After the fact one was called a "cult". The other still has some sort of functioning assembly of people now the monster than founded it is dead so not yet.
  • ... by contrast, in the US they'd be fined $135,000 for refusing to publish "rainbow" posts ...
  • Brazilian Evangelicals Set Up a "Sin Free" Version of Facebook

    You realise that as soon as they have this they will be able to cast the first stone [].....

  • domains (Score:5, Funny)

    by lkcl ( 517947 ) <> on Monday July 06, 2015 @06:44AM (#50052473) Homepage

    i'm surprised it's not called ""

  • As someone who attended a Catholic school, a supposedly more morally safe choice than the public school system, I can assure you: there will be plenty of sinning going on here. Get your repression on enough, and you're going to see some backsliding.

    And I mean, you're calling it "faceglory". That's a porn title if I ever saw one.

  • that the stuff they're filtering doesn't cover the biggest sins stemming from Facebook. Those being pride and envy.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
