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CRUX PPC Goes 2.0 15

Jaime writes "The CRUX PPC port reached version 2.0 yesterday. The announcement has been done during the SND Forum in Frankfurt, Germany. This is a new nice piece of software that has a PPC port."
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CRUX PPC Goes 2.0

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  • by byolinux ( 535260 ) * on Wednesday September 29, 2004 @11:45AM (#10384855) Journal
    CRUX PPC is a lightweight GNU/Linux distribution targeted at experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is "keep it simple", which is reflected in a simple tarball-based package system, BSD-style init scripts, and a relatively small collection of trimmed packages.

    Debian PPC still available [] folks. apt is the only way to fly when it comes to package management, I feel.
    • well, it isn't the _only_ way. arguably the best, but be careful dismissing gentoo
    • Damn. (Score:3, Funny)

      by Udo Schmitz ( 738216 )
      CRUX PPC is a lightweight GNU/Linux distribution targeted at experienced Linux users. [...]

      I already had my plan carefully laid out on how to not RTFA and asking stupid questions about that CRUX thingie. Thanks for totally spoiling my evening ...

    • As a Crux user, I feel I must step in and defend this.

      Why can't we have a release without someone piping in with how Crux is inferior because it doesn't have something like portage or apt?

      Crux isn't for everyone. Besides, it does have ports+prt-get.

      • For me, I feel that effort would be better spent on something like Debian, rather than yet another distro... especially for something like PPC.

        If the goal is to provide a free software drop-in replacement for OS X, then as a community we should concentrate our efforts on one distro...

        I'll plead ignorance when it comes to Gentoo, but I don't like the idea of a lot of compiling - I'm sure there are ways to not have to compile everything, but then I think 'Why bother, when there is Debian'

        I'm not a Debian d
      • So you're saying that if a product is lacking a particular feature that users have come to expect as standard, then we should just politely ignore the omission and say nothing of it?

        If I'm in the market for a new car, and the model that I'm interested in doesn't have power stearing, I'd like to know.
      • Ugh. Gentoo zealots.

        Tell me, have they fixed the whole no-comments-in-the-Apache-configuration-files annoyance yet, after several years of people filing it as a bug?
  • I tried installing Linux on my Dual G4, and I must admit this is the hardest arch to install linux on. My best luck has been with Debian, but setting up X11 was a pain. Especially since NVidia doesn't supply PPC drivers for the GeForce 2 MX card. It's been a while, have things changed much? Anyone have any other recommended distro's?
    • Don't forget Mandrake. User friendly, Autodetects hardware quite well(especially X11). Works OK for servers, but Debian would be a better choice for that. You can't beat apt-get.
  • Airport extreme (Score:2, Informative)

    by paz5 ( 542669 )
    I had good success setting up crux recently on my g4 ibook. Everything worked well and they way it was supposed to. Unfortunatly Airport extreme is still not supported, and from what i heard it will be a while untill it is. Hope someone with the skills to write drivers does...

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