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The Military The Almighty Buck United States

US Defense Secretary Mulls Rapid Grants For Tech Companies 58

itwbennett writes: The push for greater cooperation with tech companies has been a big theme for the DOD in the last year, but many big tech companies so far have been wary of the government's overtures following NSA spying revelations. Now, the government is taking a more 'if you can't join them, build your own' approach. The U.S. Department of Defense is considering offering rapid seed funding to private companies as a way to encourage more work on technology projects with the commercial sector, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said Wednesday. 'The DOD has to tap into all the streams of innovation and emerging technology and it has to do so much more quickly,' Carter told DARPA's Wait, What? conference in St. Louis, Missouri.
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US Defense Secretary Mulls Rapid Grants For Tech Companies

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  • I forget which conference is being co-hosted this year -- is it O RLY or Srsly? Do I get a discount if I also register for "Yeah I Went There"?

    • by Snufu ( 1049644 )

      Keynote speech at this year's LMFDARPAO conference: "My missile defense array feels. I can't even."

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The DoD has been reaching out to the tech sector for decades and has found that even outright dropping money into the laps of tech companies is not enough to get them to do business with the military, er, government. So they're trying again, hoping the new generation is dumber than the last. Hint, kids: no one helps them unless they have a gun to their heads for [] very [] good [] reasons. []

  • on the what.
  • Crony capitalism... on speed! What a great idea!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Crony capitalism worked pretty well for obamacare, oh wait nevermind

  • get up with fleas.

  • The push for greater cooperation with tech companies has been a big theme for the DOD in the last year, but many big tech companies so far have been wary of the government's overtures following NSA spying revelations.

    This is called reaping what you sow.

  • So essentially they want to bypass all forms of spending oversight, and want to be able to freewheel spending money on long bets with nobody telling them how they can spend it.

    A paranoid DoD jumping at shadows, and looking to throw money at the private sector for whatever buzzword someone comes up with. Yeah, like this won't lead to massive amounts of utterly wasted money without any adult supervision. This is a license to spent like drunken monkeys on whatever random shit gets in someone's head.


  • Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said Wednesday. 'The DOD has to tap into all the streams of innovation and emerging technology and it has to do so much more quickly,'

    Question 1: Do we spend more on military than the rest of the world combined []?(*)

    Question 2: Is our military already 1,000 times stronger [] than the next strongest power?

    Question 3: Is there an immediate threat to the US from... anyone?

    We're killing our country with all this needless spending.

    Can't we just sit back and relax for a couple of years?

    (*) This doesn't count militarization of the police, or internal police forces such as Homeland security, DEA, TSA, National Guard, and others.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Can't we just sit back and relax for a couple of years?

      Depends on how many shares of the military industrial complex you own.

    • by spauldo ( 118058 )

      1) Not as a percentage of GDP, no. And we do more with our military than the rest of the world combined.

      2) I question that statistic. So do people in the comments on that page you linked to.

      3) Depends how you define "threat." And we don't just protect ourselves; we also protect S. Korea, Japan, Germany, and various other places by treaty. S. Korea, and to a lesser extent, Japan are definitely under constant threat. And our politicians are under threat; if a terrorist attack happens on our soil, no m

  • Begin the "foundation" work to create the "3 Laws of Robotics." How would this be presented to the DOD?

Only great masters of style can succeed in being obtuse. -- Oscar Wilde Most UNIX programmers are great masters of style. -- The Unnamed Usenetter
