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Latest Windows 10 Update Breaks PowerShell ( 212

whoever57 writes: According to a report via InfoWorld, the latest Windows 10 update [KB 3176934] breaks Desired State Configuration (DSC) functionality in PowerShell. Some things that were broken in the prior update, such as support of many webcams and a freeze issue, don't appear to have been fixed in this update. Windows PowerShell Blog reported last night: "Due to a missing .MOF file in the build package, the update breaks DSC. All DSC operations will result in an 'Invalid Property' error. If you are using DSC from or on any Windows client, take the following steps: Uninstall the update if already installed [...]; If using WSUS, do not approve the update. Otherwise, Use Group Policy to set the 'Configure Automatic Updates' to '2 -- Notify for download and notify for install' [...] A fix for this issue will be included in the next Windows update which is due out 8/30/2016."
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Latest Windows 10 Update Breaks PowerShell

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 24, 2016 @06:15PM (#52765453)

    A fix for this issue will be included in the next Windows update which is due out 8/30/2016

    I dread to think what that update will break.

    • by Angeret ( 1134311 ) on Wednesday August 24, 2016 @08:15PM (#52765995)

      There was a time when windows update would give you a list of what was fixed. Now it seems to be a list of what was/will be broken.

      • There was a time when windows update would give you a list of what was fixed. Now it seems to be a list of what was/will be broken.

        But t's like a new surprise each time. the fun part is listening to the shills try to blame it on the victims, So we have audio drivers, Ethernet adapters, Cameras, Powershell and more. I wonder if the dreaded predicted XPocalypse is actually going to happen instead with a windows 10 update bricking everything. The shills might have to use Linux or OSX to post their defense of the bricking as a good thing.

        Windows 10 - the gift that keeps on taking.

        • OSX has had it's bad updates as well. Didn't they mess up email a few years ago?

          • OSX has had it's bad updates as well. Didn't they mess up email a few years ago?

            Nothing on OSX that didn't get fixed readily. Having lived through the Mail problem, it pales in comparison to say, my W10 machines that were updated, rebooted, then could no longer access ethernet. Windows 10 update experience is "What's next to break?" Because at this point, the day after updates, the web comes alive with what got hammered.

            Assuming of course, the machines still have access to the web, or boot.

        • What's really funny is that the apologists/shills (I think most of them are really apologists, not paid shills) have long trotted out the tired old meme about Linux "not having drivers", even though it's mostly BS. Yet Linux never has problems like this where drivers actually get broken in new releases, whereas apparently it's now a real issue with Windows.

          • What's really funny is that the apologists/shills (I think most of them are really apologists, not paid shills) have long trotted out the tired old meme about Linux "not having drivers", even though it's mostly BS. Yet Linux never has problems like this where drivers actually get broken in new releases, whereas apparently it's now a real issue with Windows.

            I suspect many of the people who Installed Linux but it didn't have drivers either tried that in 1999, or haven't ever touched a Linux powered computer.

        • by TroII ( 4484479 )

          Windows 10 - the gift that keeps on taking.

          Linux: Free as in speech.
          BSD: Free as in beer.
          Windows 10: Free as in herpes.

    • I suspect that Microsoft's plan here is to save money by making Windows 10 Home edition users be the QA team.

      • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday August 25, 2016 @12:29AM (#52766875)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by donaldm ( 919619 )

          Actually, Barancles Nerdgasm used to work for Microsoft and has a few Youtube videos on Windows 10 which he fully admits is a reasonably fine operating system. However, he pulls no punches when it comes to the privacy features of windows 10 [] which he finds appalling.

          I installed Windows 10 Genuine Malware edition :-) on a virtual machine running under Linux and even after turning off all the privacy features the OS still likes to call home ( Wireshark [] is your friend here) and that is even before I log in

          • by RDW ( 41497 )

            ...and "You Guessed it" they were all owned by Microsoft.

            It would be rather more worrying if they weren't.

          • Needless to say, I don't trust Windows 10 and I have not started up its virtual machine since then.

            I won't argue that Windows 10 calls home or that it may or may not collect sensitive data. I will however say that if one owns are smart phone or uses one of the major search engines, Windows 10 is in no way worst.

            I'm one of those that moved to Windows 10 because I live in the MS world and I honestly like it. I didn't care much about the call home AS LONG as it doesn't ruin my experience using the OS and doesn't send my files just because it can. All signs point to usage data being collected for both OS imp

        • I'll have to disagree on that. Windows 10 has many many warts and even more bugs, but Windows ME was actually self destructive. It was an OS we always joked where you did not turn your computer off and on again because a soft reset would make things worse.

          For all the Windows 10 bugs I've seen and heard of, it pales in comparison to Windows ME where I'm not sure I've ever seen or heard of an installation that got through it's life without complete system crashes and re-installs.

          I'm finding Windows 10 tolerab

        • Hopefully by the time 8.1 (if not 7) is reaching EOL they will have given Nutella his walking papers, if they haven't? Well I don't think there will be a Windows business to worry about really, it'll just be legacy installs while everyone is on Google or Apple OSes.

          I'm sorry, I completely disagree.

          First, I applaud Nadella; he's doing a great job. I for one am really enjoying watching this shit-show. It's very entertaining watching Windows users suffer.

          But this idea that MS will go under due to this is si

          • Hopefully by the time 8.1 (if not 7) is reaching EOL they will have given Nutella his walking papers, if they haven't? Well I don't think there will be a Windows business to worry about really, it'll just be legacy installs while everyone is on Google or Apple OSes.

            I'm sorry, I completely disagree.

            First, I applaud Nadella; he's doing a great job. I for one am really enjoying watching this shit-show. It's very entertaining watching Windows users suffer.

            But this idea that MS will go under due to this is silly. We're already seeing it now: Win10 is a semi-disaster, but it doesn't matter because customers are sticking with it anyway. It really doesn't matter what MS does, as long as Windows mostly works (just like old British cars mostly worked, they only needed to visit the mechanic a few times a month or so, but they could probably be counted on to work about 50% of the time); most customers simply will not abandon the Windows platform, no matter what. Some home customers might, going to either OSX, iOS, Android, or Chomebooks, but enterprise customers absolutely will not. After all, if your business gets its IT support from HP Enterprise, you already have bigger problems with reliability than Windows 10.

            I'm just surprised it took MS this long to realize they had free reign to screw over their customers without any repercussions. It's about time. This will be good for their profitability and their stock price.

            Windows 10 was almost awesome! It could have been the next XP/7 if MS kept the QA team and didn't spy on everyone. Yes he did awesomeness with Azure, linux interopibility and Visual Studio, but Windows is freaking trash now and is the glue that holds their ecosystem together.

        • Sorry Hairy but did you read the news earlier this week>?

          Windows 7/8 will get the same updates starting in October! So will server too! All cumulative.

          What I do is use the Windows 10 pro and setup defer updates. This will delay 3 to 4 months any upgrade besides security. It is the only option by October for stability.

    • I dread to think what that update will break.

      I don't; I look forward to it with glee. I'm having a lot of fun watching Microsoft users being tormented by Windows 10.

  • Well (Score:4, Funny)

    by John Smith ( 4340437 ) on Wednesday August 24, 2016 @06:15PM (#52765455)
    I guess BASH was put in just in time, eh?
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Permanent headline?

      It's not going to end you know.

  • by skaag ( 206358 ) on Wednesday August 24, 2016 @06:28PM (#52765509) Homepage Journal

    Mark my words: The day will come when an update from Microsoft will nuke the Windows installation beyond repair. ISPs will suddenly see a massive drop in traffic. Downloads and streaming will suddenly be super fast for everybody else. Spam, Ransomware, DDoS Bots and Trojans will vanish from the planet for 24 to 48 hours until people reinstall Windows on their machines and will access infected sites, get infected again... and the whole thing will start all over again :-)

    • by zlives ( 2009072 )

      24-48 hours of good dsl service is worth it.

    • DDoS Bots and Trojans will vanish from the planet for 24 to 48 hours until people reinstall Windows on their machines and will access infected sites, get infected again... and the whole thing will start all over again :-)

      Quite likely, it'll be worse than before. Many of those machines will be browsing the web without the benefit of all the updates from Microsoft, so a very high infection rate is to be expected.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They did say that Windows 10 is going to be the last version of Windows.

      If they keep this up, then maybe enough people will dump Windows to make that a reality!

    • perhaps you have also just described the cyclical nature of the entire universe, including what the big bang (our local one) was. on a cosmic scale, of course.

      • by skaag ( 206358 )

        I actually wrote about this a few years ago (2008) in my blog:

        I think it's kinda silly and a bit stupid. I did have a few beers while thinking it up. Don't take it seriously please :-)

  • by Dracos ( 107777 ) on Wednesday August 24, 2016 @06:46PM (#52765589)

    This is the latest demonstration of why the all-or-nothing forced updates coming in October are a terrible idea.

  • Windows code is such a mess, don't try to modify it. Just take Windows 7 code (the CD with the code must be in the same drawer as in 2009, 2nd from top), recompile it, and put a Windows 10 sticker on it.
  • Nothing of value was lost.

  • by brxndxn ( 461473 ) on Wednesday August 24, 2016 @07:22PM (#52765783)
    Anyone that attempts to sue Microsoft is a hero, IMO. Their business model is basically to piss off users and waste peoples' time.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      "Because the defendant has demonstrated a clear and blatant history of low quality, problem-riddled products, and of generally pissing off users, the plaintiff had no reasonable expectation that a mandatory update would permit the computer equipment to continue to function. Case dismissed."

  • Lately the quality of the updates reminds me of Windows ME. I was affected by this mess [] just recently, now dealing with broken PS.
  • Windows ain't done until Powershell won't run!

  • LOLOL (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    And that's why my Win 10 installation process goes:

    1) Install
    2) Run updates once, make sure everything's ok
    3) Disable updates, Cortana, scheduled maintenance, and antimalware from the registry, and disable Windows Search and Superfetch from Services
    4) Never worry about an update breaking my system or the never effing ending HDD grinding or SSD wearing

  • I read where MS "opensourced" PowerShell and are gonna provide it for Linux.. Geez.. Keep that MS garbage off my computer.. I dumped Windows about 6 years ago for 100% Linux, and it will be a sub-zero day in hell before ANYthing MS writes goes on ANY machine *I* control..... (shudders)

    • Just wait till BaSH has the same problem. You won't be able to boot! [/sarcasm]
    • by rastos1 ( 601318 )

      I read where MS "opensourced" PowerShell ...

      See? This is a proof that once something goes opensource it instantly becomes less secure more buggy!

  • But then, on a Mac I guess everything Just Works, including Microsoft products... :-)

    I think Microsoft constantly breaking Windows is a sort of technological freudian slip. Even they are tired of Windows.

    • by Z80a ( 971949 )

      Until the foxconn mobo gives in, or the thing overheats.

    • by chrish ( 4714 )

      Other nice things about being on Mac are that you're not distracted by popular video games anymore, and you don't have to worry about new hardware making your laptop obsolete, since Apple seems to have completely abandoned their computer business a few years ago...

      • Other nice things about being on Mac are that you're not distracted by popular video games anymore,

        Neither are PC users; popular games these days are all for consoles.

        Only niche FPS and tactical games ever come out PC only anymore.

    • by Bert64 ( 520050 )

      First time i ever saw OSX crash, it was down to microsoft software (msoffice) being installed... I had similar problems with their RDP client too.

  • Maybe this will accelerate Bash integration. I tried to play with the Powershell years ago... YUK! Lets take a shell and make it Object Oriented... Huh? Why? it's a F*ing command prompt. Why oh why make it so complicated?

    • Microsoft makes everything so complicated.

    • by Bert64 ( 520050 )

      Not only complicated, but different for the sake of being different...
      Pretty much every other system has the same standard shell with the same standard commands, maybe adding a few of their own but the basics still all work the same. Why reinvent the wheel (poorly) rather than starting with a standard unix like shell and maybe adding some extras?

  • MS wans to go back to the bad old days where their products were really crappy, but their revenue was king. So, since Win8, they have tried to fix the damage they did by releasing the actually reasonably good Win7, first by breaking the GUI and now by regularly breaking other things. Of course, this cargo-cult approach will not bring their revenue back, but it will remind everybody what MS really stands for quality-wise: Cheapest possible.

  • I understand that sometimes bad things come with updates. Old bugs get back in, compatibility breaks, new bugs are introduced. It happens to every software package sooner or later.

    But if Microsoft wants to make updates fully automatic and even put them outside of the user's control, then they need to perform due diligence to minimize the risk of problems. Screwing up your build process in new, exciting, and trivial ways is not cutting it.

Economists state their GNP growth projections to the nearest tenth of a percentage point to prove they have a sense of humor. -- Edgar R. Fiedler
