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Google Glass Makes an Official Return ( 106

Alphabet's Google has officially launched the "Enterprise Edition" of its smart glasses hardware, which is now available to a network of Google partners. From a report: The company's developer partners range from logistics and manufacturing to patient care. These apps have long-been involved with Glass through the business-focused "Glass at Work" program. In a blog post Tuesday, Google Glass project leader Jay Kothari said partners such as GE Aviation, AGCO, DHL, Dignity Health, NSF International, Sutter Health, Boeing and Volkswagen have been using Glass over the past several years, and make up just a sampling of 50 companies using the wearable. Wired said several of these companies found the original Google Glass to be very useful in factories and other enterprise environments. Google discovered this and began work on a product built by a team dedicated to building a new version of Glass for the enterprise. According to Kothari, the Google Glass Enterprise Edition glasses are lighter and more "comfortable for long term wear." They also offer more power and longer battery life and, offer support for folks with prescription lenses, Wired said. The glasses, too, are stronger and do double duty as safety glasses. Further reading: Google Glass 2.0 Is a Startling Second Act.
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Google Glass Makes an Official Return

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    • by MachineShedFred ( 621896 ) on Tuesday July 18, 2017 @10:05AM (#54832899) Journal

      Honestly though - the workplace, and particularly manufacturing and industry, is where this product makes a whole lot of sense. Do you really want people reaching for a phone or tablet (or even looking away from what they are doing) when operating an industrial press, or some other dangerous machinery? And, because this product is likely completely controlled by the company that provides it, the worker wearing it is far less likely to be distracted by non-work text messages and other banal content not related to the hazardous activity they are performing.

      Google Glass for every day knuckleheads on the street just wasn't a useful thing, which is why it died. It was a solution looking for a problem that nobody had. This seems like a good use for that R&D, especially if the companies using it are seeing marked improvements in productivity and product quality, which TFA claims.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Honestly though - the workplace, and particularly manufacturing and industry, is where this product makes a whole lot of sense. Do you really want people reaching for a phone or tablet (or even looking away from what they are doing) when operating an industrial press, or some other dangerous machinery?

        What you said is a nice idea but it isn't really practical or safe to use in that environment. I do with lathes, mills and welding and you wouldn't even use these glasses while operating a machine. If I have to look at a design I step away from the machine and check the design. I'm not going to have a whirly machine of death running while I am looking at the design.

        • by Martin Blank ( 154261 ) on Tuesday July 18, 2017 @10:40AM (#54833141) Homepage Journal

          And that's your particular case, but not everyone's. Here are some things that could work:

            - A surgeon could monitor vital signs during surgery merely by glancing up at a display.
            - A factory worker could have a list of steps to follow to complete an assembly
            - A floor supervisor could monitor progress of the line before or after their location
            - Even you could step back a safe distance, triggering a reappearance of the display that you can check, which then disappears when you approach the machine to ensure that you have no visual distractions.

          All of this could also be recorded or streamed for training, troubleshooting, or performance checks.

          Glass was just ahead of its time and suffered from being the first to market, as many such efforts do. The same privacy complaints occurred as soon as cameras began appearing in phones, and got louder as smartphones became more common. Underskirt photos led to attempts to require that all devices make a sound when a picture is taken, even when the device is silenced. Now, no one bats an eye at smartphones. I could record everything in front of me just by putting the phone in my chest pocket, and you'd never know, compared to Glass with its LED. With augmented reality becoming easier to process and the applications growing, it's only a matter of time before Glass, HoloLens, and a dozen other products that rely on cameras are ubiquitous. The first app with universal appeal will be a game, but GPS directions will follow soon, and then you'll be able to pop menus out of restaurants in your field of vision.

          It's going to happen. It will probably be a few years yet, but it's going to be come the norm.

          • The #1 use case in the future will be personal security - so that even if the police "forget" to turn their body cams on, they'll know they're being watched. Give it 15 years.
          • Porn. It's first widespread use will be for porn. First person POV porn, to be exact.

          • And that's your particular case, but not everyone's. Here are some things that could work:

            - A surgeon could monitor vital signs during surgery merely by glancing up at a display.

            - A factory worker could have a list of steps to follow to complete an assembly

            - A floor supervisor could monitor progress of the line before or after their location

            - Even you could step back a safe distance, triggering a reappearance of the display that you can check, which then disappears when you approach the machine to ensure that you have no visual distractions.

            You can already do all this and more with regular ass displays. There's no need to wear it on your face, and no benefit to doing so. You still have to switch your focus physically and mentally.

            • There are a lot of things we can do with regular displays, and yet we choose to carry tablets and phones with us to handle them instead. It's lighter and more convenient to do so. The same thing will happen with this tech: it will become the lighter, more convenient way to do things, plus it will provide a free hand that's currently used to manipulate a device. There's also a difference between moving your head to look over at a monitor and glancing up with your eyes to see what's projected.

              You're also miss

        • by RobinH ( 124750 ) on Tuesday July 18, 2017 @10:47AM (#54833185) Homepage
          I do industrial automation. You're talking about non-automated machines like lathes, drill presses, band saws, and hand mills. Typically any machine that doesn't start automatically isn't covered by machine safeguarding regulation, particularly if it's used by a skilled worker, like someone with their tool & die maker's certificate. On the other hand, production presses, robot cells, assembly cells, and even a production mill need to have proper category 4 safeguards in place that would prevent someone from sticking their hand into rotating equipment. As a licensed engineer I'd be perfectly comfortable allowing computer, tablet, or google glass use around such a machine. These machines are intrinsically safe by design.
        • by Zak3056 ( 69287 ) on Tuesday July 18, 2017 @12:59PM (#54834029) Journal

          What you said is a nice idea but it isn't really practical or safe to use in that environment. I do with lathes, mills and welding and you wouldn't even use these glasses while operating a machine. If I have to look at a design I step away from the machine and check the design. I'm not going to have a whirly machine of death running while I am looking at the design.

          As far as welding goes, here's a slashdot story from five years ago []. The demo video [] is fantastic.

          Just because you can't see the use immediately doesn't mean there isn't one.

        • I'm no machinist, so excuse the analogies, but what about validation data while welding-- temperature, flow, speed tracking, etc. adding information that you cannot ascertain visually. Could help with learning the trade at a minimum, and manage complex tasks where thermal management and distortion comes into play.

        • A factory is bigger than your toy. Just because you work with one piece of equipment doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense in a factory especially where the equipment is interconnected as part of a larger system. Plant context is something every industry is working towards.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        It's not just that it wasn't that useful, it's that it was actively infringing on people's increasingly limited ability to disappear into a crowd.

        Ultimately, if they didn't have a camera attached, I don't think people would have had so much trouble with it. But, the included camera meant that there was no way that people could tell if it was being used for that or for just doing augmented reality. Which is a shame.

        I'd love to see an iteration of Google glass without the camera. Something that could do thing

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • In 1988 or 1989, a friend of mine wanted to get a cell phone in his car. Everyone told him that a cell phone was a useless gadget for ordinary people. Except for very few business people, no one needed a cell phone.

        Only twelve years ago, I remember a lot of people saying that smartphones were useless. Everyone agreed it could be useful to some business people, but not to ordinary people. Blackberry phones were called "crackberry" as a way to mock ordinary people using those smartphones.

        Only five years ago,

      • Google Glass for every day knuckleheads on the street just wasn't a useful thing, which is why it died.

        No the reason it 'died' was because luddites like yourself were being abusive about it. 'Glassholes', really? What did technology ever do to you? I bet there were a bunch of old people that said the same thing about cell phones when they came out a few decades back.

        I dont know any better than you what will become the killer app for this hardware, but there will be something cool that people do with t
      • My concerns:
        1. Does it work?
        2. Will I get my ass kicked wearing it in a bar?
        3. I wear glasses, can I have my prescription installed?
        4. I fly light aircraft, could this help me spot other oncoming aircraft?
        5. I drive a car, could this help me make a better decision?
        6. Taking my eyes of a mad dog will get me bit, is there another way to communicate to it?
        7. And dogs don't like people that wear glasses.
        8. Is the interface open source?
        9. Not under $150? I can wait.
        10. Can I connect it to my Raspberry
      • But.... putting it into the hands of the knuckleheads on the street was probably the fastest way to get it introduced into the industrial settings where it makes sense.

  • by sycodon ( 149926 ) on Tuesday July 18, 2017 @09:47AM (#54832789)

    Seems like these upgraded glasses would be perfect for Law Enforcement. See what they saw in High Def.

    Of course it has scary implications such as Face Recognition as they look at people...almost like portrayed in the Terminator movies.

    Actually, that'd be kind of cool if you were the one wearing them.

    • by grumbel ( 592662 )

      Battery life makes them useless. Glass lasted only something like 30min when recording video, a Taser Axon can lasts 12 hours in comparison.

    • Police body cams are already getting facial recognition, whether supplied by Google or others.

  • Now put them on, because the timeclock is integrated into them, too.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    up your arse
  • by sinij ( 911942 )
    This is exactly what we needed, more glassholes continuously uploading video feed to the largest data aggregator company in the world that has facial recognition, geo location, reads our email, and knows about our web searches.
    • I think your tin foil hat might have slipped off.
    • by mark-t ( 151149 )
      Or..... you might be less arrogant and not assume that people who have such recording devices are in any way interested in aincafing anyone's privacy, but are, in fact, simply using it to augment and enhance their own memory of the things that they happen to see throughout the day. For example, if you happen to witness an accident, your eyewitness testimony, if needed, will be greatly enhanced by the presence of accompanying video. I can't count the number of times in a week I wish I had been videoing so
      • by mark-t ( 151149 )
        Incafing=invading. Stupid autocorrect
      • by sinij ( 911942 )
        It doesn't matter what your intentions are, the end result is that you are uploading videos of me to the data aggregator. Celebrities have to deal with paparazzi following them everywhere they go. They get compensated for this by high earning potential and other perks of fame. Glassholes are equivalent to these paparazzi, only I don't get paid for the hassle.
        • by mark-t ( 151149 )

          Glassholes are equivalent to these paparazzi

          Only if the 'glasshole' had any intention to profit in some way from what they were photographing or videoing.

          I would positively love it if "whole-life" records were a viable thing right now as an aid to human memory, and I see concepts like Google Glass as a step in that direction.

          It doesn't matter what your intentions are, the end result is that you are uploading videos of me to the data aggregator.

          Anyone could be uploading information about you to an agrgegat

          • by sinij ( 911942 )
            I think your comparison is deeply flawed. Better analogy is signing you up for Facebook and posting into your timeline against your will.
            I am opposed to pervasive surveillance, by wearing Google glass around me you are removing that choice from me.
            • by mark-t ( 151149 )

              I am opposed to pervasive surveillance, by wearing Google glass around me you are removing that choice from me.

              By extension, you must be similarly opposed to anyone looking at you who happens to remember what they saw. As I said, video is simply one form of historical record. The written word, audio recordings, and even human recollection are other forms, some of which are considered less reliable than others, but at their core they are no different, since it does not violate any physical laws of this un

              • by sinij ( 911942 )
                I understand that your intentions are benign, this still doesn't change the fact that you are doing harm to me. Your memories stay in your skull, they are never extracted, aggregated, passed through pattern-recognition and attribution algorithms and then distributed as data points in the giant database.

                That is, if you happen to pass me on the the street, and you don't know me, you will never know I was there. Even if you know me, unless something memorable happened, you will quickly forget it happened. If
                • by mark-t ( 151149 )

                  I understand that your intentions are benign, this still doesn't change the fact that you are doing harm to me. Your memories stay in your skull, they are never extracted, aggregated, passed through pattern-recognition and attribution algorithms and then distributed as data points in the giant database.

                  So it's not my intentions that bother you, it's the intentions of those who might use the database...


                  Exactly like how it's not the intentions of developers like Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman w

                  • by sinij ( 911942 )
                    I do not see any similarities and your attempts to draw analogies are logically flawed. Your encryption does not take away anything from me. You recording me and uploading it to data aggregators takes away my privacy.
    • Yes, but these are Enterprise Glassholes. They have blue-er collars.

    • This is exactly what we needed, more glassholes continuously uploading video feed to the largest data aggregator company in the world that has facial recognition, geo location, reads our email, and knows about our web searches.

      So, don't go into a business that is using Enterprise Glass in their operations. Derp, what part of this is hard?

    • You might as well just give up and resign yourself to being on the losing end of this fight, just like the dummies who thought wristwatches were for assholes and would never catch on. Once the tech is miniaturized enough, smart glasses will be indistinguishable from ordinary glasses, and you and your kids and their kids and everyone else will have them.
      • by sinij ( 911942 )
        If you believe that this is unavoidable, have you considered societal implications of always being recorded?
    • Ubiquitous facial/object recognition isn't a bad thing. What is a bad thing is not having it and refusing to figure out how to integrate it with regular individuals.

  • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Tuesday July 18, 2017 @10:35AM (#54833107)

    Glass is a great idea for surgeons, mechanics, and any worker who needs a hands-free way of looking at reference material while working inside a motorcycle or a human heart. Niche applications would have given Glass a cool factor to take into the larger world, rather than having acquired an asshole factor in the outside world first and having to overcome that in the workplace.

    • The only "assholes" that are around are the ones that oppose Glass.

      • What we discovered with the public beta of Glass was that sousveillance, watching other people from within a scene, is deemed creepier than surveillance, monitoring a scene from outside it. Credit Google with discovering something new about human nature. Now we know how to do Glass, or its successor, right.

    • Best I can see the only people who contributed to the "asshole factor" was the media. For all the name calling the only people actually acting like asshole were the ones without Google glass.

  • I know if I had the money to throw around, I'd love to have these while cooking. I waste so much time looking back at the recipe, trying to find my spot again. Would also be great instructions of any kind.
  • Been there, done that, about 20 years ago. The issue is the killer app. PC's had spreadsheets. What's google glasses killer app? A lot of comments here betray a lack of understanding of displays. The FOV (FOV is proportional to resolution therefore data density) is small and its a see through display. I have yet to see a "I gotta have it". All the above has been addressed, years ago. Never took. There is just not a "gotta have it". What is a google glass going to let you do, what you can't do now? Or
  • In healthcare industry and we have been using a couple of pair that were provided to us with the purchase of some medical equipment. Since its very frequent to call in to the company to troubleshoot issues with these instruments the company has this service plan where you can talk to a tech on the line and they will see what you see and they can tell them exactly what to do over the phone instead of describing things back and forth. It was a really clever idea and showed some reasons to actually use this
  • It's one thing to have them available to the few, it's another to have them available to the rest of us.

    The concerns are too overblown to not allow mere mortals access to Glass in non-business settings.

  • The normal glasses I wear now for either my vision correction or as sunglasses have the tech with no added size or shape or noticeable by anyone else change to the lenses. Basically smart glasses that look like our normal glasses.

    Augmented reality will be awesome . . . but remember how Palm Pilot was around for a fifteen years and just never made it huge (never reached everyone's hands) and then Apple killed Palm with the release of the iPhone in '07?

    Google Glass will likely be like Palm. It will sit around

    • by ferret4 ( 459105 )
      Microsoft look like they're onto a good thing with HoloLense - it fully jumps into the Augmented Reality space, which is where I think the Killer App of these wearables is really at, not email status updates in the corner of your eye. []

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