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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Says Follower Count is Meaningless 58

In a fireside chat in New Delhi, India, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said Monday the "follower count" metric on the social platform is meaningless. Talking in front of a live audience, the Twitter co-founder said it was probably unwise to include and emphasize on the follower count on his social network, a move he said the company did not realize while implementing it back in the day. "Back then, we were not really thinking about all the dynamics that could ensue afterwards," he said.

"One of the things we did was we had people follow each other -- so you can be a follower of someone," Dorsey said, explaining the thinking that went into carving some of the core features of Twitter. The company listed the number of people you had, and "made the font size a little bit bigger than everything else on the page. We did not really think much about it and moved on to the next problem to solve. What that has done is we put all the emphasis, not intending to, on that number of how many people follow me. So if that number is big and bold, what do people want to do with it? They want to make it go up."

"So when you open Twitter and you see that number is five. It is actually incentivizing you to increase that number. That may have been right 12 years ago, but I don't think it is right today. I don't think that's the number you should be focused on. I think what is more important is the number of meaningful conversations you're having on the platform. How many times do you receive a reply?"

Dorsey's remarks comes as he has publicly acknowledged that the company is rethinking about some of the core features of Twitter. late last month, a report claimed that Twitter was also thinking about discontinuing the "likes" feature -- Twitter neither confirmed nor denied it. On Monday, Dorsey reaffirmed that focusing on number of likes and retweets is not healthy.

Dorsey is not the only Twitter co-founder who has, of late, shown disdain for the follower count. Last week, Ev Williams expressed a similar sentiment. "I think showing follower counts was probably ultimately detrimental. It really put in your face that the game was popularity," he said at a conference.
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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Says Follower Count is Meaningless

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 12, 2018 @03:24AM (#57629336)

    So what the hell have I been paying the click-farms for?!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      When President Trump has 55.6M followers and Hillary Clinton has 23.6M followers, then followers don't matter.

      If the numbers were reversed, they would matter.


      • President Trump has 55.6M followers and Hillary Clinton has 23.6M followers

        Barack Obama has 103M followers, so apparently size does matter. Size of the number of twitter followers, I mean.

  • Everyone knows (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 12, 2018 @03:33AM (#57629362)

    Winning opinion wars is all social media is about nowadays, and having a higher number of echoing shitheads is what makes you win.

  • It really put in your face that the game was popularity,

    Oh, really?

    • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
      Oh, that was absolutely the game alright, but you have to keep in mind who the "users" and "product" are when applied to Twitter, or any other social media platform. By making that number front and centre they basically incentivised their product to encourage more product to join the platform so Twitter would become a more appealling platform for their actual users, the advertisers. Now that their product is starting to lose faith in traditional social media platforms of course Twitter wants to make it al
  • by Anonymous Coward

    That arrogant way they talk about their sheeple. Quite disgusting. I don't want to be treated that way.

  • by bobstreo ( 1320787 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @04:30AM (#57629478)

    You need more numbers to indicate:

    Bot Followers

    Paid Followers

    Creepy stalkers

    • Also, the number of followers that like what you have to say (@FredRogers), and the number of followers who call you an idiot for anything you say (@POTUS)
  • by Crashmarik ( 635988 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @04:32AM (#57629486)

    He obviously doesn't like the idea of users taking their numbers to advertisers and cutting a deal directly with them, instead of twitter grabbing every red cent that comes out of the platform. He also probably doesn't like the idea of having the fact he suspends the accounts of people with millions of followers continuously thrown in his face.

    Expect this to be eliminated or subtly fudged, maybe a new number like "Validated Followers", something mostly useless for people to negotiate with.

    • Jack can say what he wants about the "meaningless" follower count; it still means more than the arbitrary (and partisan) "verified" blue checkmark.

      More generally, I can see why Jack, who's made so many partisan and unpopular moves (and no doubt has plans to make plenty more), would downplay the idea of popularity in this way.
  • Reputation Society (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mrwireless ( 1056688 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @04:36AM (#57629490)
    I think he's right. Increasingly our society is becoming a reputation society [] where the digitital mediation of behaviour and social interaction allows our social capital to be quantified.

    A similar example would be the "snapstreaks []" on Snapchat. This is basically quantifying how good friendships are, and it's causing a lot of stress in teenagers.

    Digital technology allows social pressure to be designed on a hitherto unknown scale. The Stasi was a beta-test. China embraces this with its social credit system. We should not let our culture slide in the same direction.
    • by Kiuas ( 1084567 )

      Digital technology allows social pressure to be designed on a hitherto unknown scale. The Stasi was a beta-test. China embraces this with its social credit system. We should not let our culture slide in the same direction.

      China is doing this with a clear intent to track its citizens and to silence any possible dissent. In the west the trends are molded by large corporations that are doing this for profit. The more addictive and socially pressuring you make the platforms, the more time on site user spend whi

  • Remove it then (Score:4, Interesting)

    by dromgodis ( 4533247 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @05:03AM (#57629538)

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said Monday the "follower count" metric on the social platform is meaningless.

    Well, he if anybody should be able to have it removed then.

    Then we will see if it really is meaningless to others than himself.

  • by sonoronos ( 610381 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @06:01AM (#57629644)
    Frightening. Jack just equated "meaningful conversation" with "what statements provoke the most responses". Welcome to the future of Twiiter, where clickbait and trolling is considered "meaningful" simply because they provoke the most responses.
    • Frightening. Jack just equated "meaningful conversation" with "what statements provoke the most responses". Welcome to the future of Twiiter, where clickbait and trolling is considered "meaningful" simply because they provoke the most responses.

      I believe that has been Twitter's modus since day one. Having meaningful conversation within Twitter's system simply doesn't happen.

      Although it is a great place to commit career suicide.

    • I don't think clickbait and trolling is even twitter's biggest problem. No, the original 140 character limit made having a meaningful conversation so difficult most people weren't even going to bother and even after they increased it to a slightly less meaning-restricting 260 the culture was already set.

      As much as Dorsey may talk about how what matters are the meaningful conversations, the reality is that it's always been a narcissistic point scoring game where what really matters is your popularity, whi
  • by Jarwulf ( 530523 )
    What the heck is Twitter for if not popularity?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      What the heck is Twitter for?
      I have never been able to work that out.

  • whatever figure you use to indicate something, will be played and abused.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Never understood why people so frantically use twitter. I can understand why companies are on it, as companies will be anywhere they see potential buyers or can efficiently communicate with customers. But why in the world would anybody be on it as a private citizen?

    • Some people require a toilet because they are full of chit. That's the purpose of twitter, and in many ways facebook and instagram. Their lives have no meaning, so they use a site that has no topic.
  • Why stop there (Score:4, Informative)

    by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @07:32AM (#57629878)
    Why stop there? The whole of twitter is meaningless.
  • massive drops in their followers. Elon Musk is one. So what to expect of Twitters response. Its a feature not a problem!.

  • How will I measure my self-worth now?

  • When a company's most visible user is allowed a platform to launch hate attacks against both groups of people an individuals, there is indeed a problem.

    Are their people doing meaningful things with Twitter, that far outweigh the damage done by the twitter president using twitter as his main propaganda outlet?

    What would Trump do, if twitter either banded him, or if twitter had to close their doors, because half of all subscribers, unsubscribed, just like I did?

  • It's why every Youtube video ask you to comment on the video now. It tells the Advertisers you were paying attention to the content and therefor were more likely to notice the adverts. Otherwise you might have just scrolled right past their ads, or worse if you're a paid "influencer" folks might be ignoring you.
  • he'll get back to us on banning the neo-Nazis. I mean, one thing at a time, seriously, you guys.

  • ... is for social networks like this to hide follower/fan counts. Show it only to the owner of the account, make the world a better place.

The best defense against logic is ignorance.
