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Tim Berners-Lee Says World Wide Web Must Emerge From 'Adolescence' ( 281

The fraying World Wide Web needs to rediscover its strengths and grow into maturity, its designer Tim Berners-Lee said on Monday, marking the 30th anniversary of the collaborative software project his supervisor initially dubbed "vague but exciting." From a report: Speaking to reporters at CERN, the physics research center outside Geneva where he invented the web, Berners-Lee said users of the web had found it "not so pretty" recently. "They are all stepping back, suddenly horrified after the Trump and Brexit elections, realizing that this web thing that they thought was that cool is actually not necessarily serving humanity very well," he said. "It seems we don't finish reeling from one privacy disaster before moving onto the next one," he added, citing concerns about whether social networks were supporting democracy. People who had grown up taking the internet's neutrality for granted now found that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump had "rolled that back."
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Tim Berners-Lee Says World Wide Web Must Emerge From 'Adolescence'

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  • Humanity (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Luthair ( 847766 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:04AM (#58260382)
    needs to do it first....
    • Re:Humanity (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:55AM (#58260858)

      It is the side effect of Free and Open information.
      Before the Web, While legally had the freedom of speech, being able to publish your viewpoints was expensive, and/or tightly controlled.

      A lot of our opinions (including my own, so take what I say with a grain of salt) are just based of our experiences and what we grew up with with learning on what is right and wrong. So me as someone who grew up programming computers, tend to see other problems like a programming problem. Setup a user experience to direct people to make the right choices, put in faults if they go too far off the stray, try to accommodate for variances, and normalize them.

      In the past our freedom of speech was mostly limited to our personal communication with other people, Family, Friends, CoWorkers, and guys at the Bar. Many of the founding ideas of American Democracy was discussed and plan at the taverns per-Revolutionary War. Talking to these small groups had smaller amount of impact. However now I can post my idea and be read all around the world, for people to either change their mind or at least consider my idea, just outwardly reject it and argue my points or failures, or complement me if it matches what they are think too.

      The problem is every opinion is not edited and we have no good way to fact check all our opinions. I could have the Opinion of an Anti-Vaxer (I don't) then spread my opinion to the general discussion. While 30 years ago, such information I may have written to the editor, and they would have not posted mostly because it doesn't fit the facts, or at worse, doesn't jive with his view. Or I could spend thousands of dollars to public my ideas myself.

      Today it is like everyone has their own newspaper, that they can publish for free, with the content of a bar room half drunk discussion.

      • Re:Humanity (Score:4, Insightful)

        by lgw ( 121541 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @11:23AM (#58261428) Journal

        It is the side effect of Free and Open information.
        Before the Web, While legally had the freedom of speech, being able to publish your viewpoints was expensive, and/or tightly controlled.

        Don't worry, the big social media sites are fixing that. Tightly controlled is the new normal.

        Facebooks latest bans? Senator Warren's ads calling for the breakup of Facebook (yeah, no one's going to believe that one was "community standards"), and the deplatforming of ZeroHedge, a crazy/fringe investment site that is routinely vocally critical of Facebook.

        The problem is every opinion is not edited and we have no good way to fact check all our opinions. I could have the Opinion of an Anti-Vaxer (I don't) then spread my opinion to the general discussion. While 30 years ago, such information I may have written to the editor, and they would have not posted mostly because it doesn't fit the facts, or at worse, doesn't jive with his view. Or I could spend thousands of dollars to public my ideas myself.

        The new normal is that you can't spend money to buy an ad if the publisher disagrees with your views.

        Today it is like everyone has their own newspaper, that they can publish for free, with the content of a bar room half drunk discussion.

        Sadly, that's not the case on social media. However, the web as a whole is still remarkably open if you want to make your own web site, and of course gopher and usenet still exist, largely under the radar now.

      • I don't know? I think the problem is the internet is now full of noise and advertising, but very little actual information. I think censoring is not the way to go, who is going to do that? Companies like facebook, and google? Yeah right, I don't want them to be the guardians of our mortality. Governments? Of course they would never abuse that power.

        Maybe we just need a chain of trust, to be able to tell what a posters credentials are? If references are given, then be able to tell the credentials of those

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:11AM (#58260440)

    If there's something particularly chilling, technologists thinking their task is to "solve" politics is pretty high on the list. (Among politicians and politically motivated public commentators the parallel approach is to claim their political stance is pure scientific truth without a whiff of political stance.) My personal take on such approaches is that the cure may be more dangerous than the problem that has been framed to be the problem.

    Politics is politics. There are no solutions that turn it into something else. Or at least solutions that would really fix it, but there are plenty of "solutions" which break things that actually work as a side effect, while mostly replacing the problem with another, trendier problem...

    • by CaptainDork ( 3678879 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:57AM (#58260870)


      The guy says the Internet is contaminated. You know it is. It's not just propaganda. That's just ONE of the pollutants.

      Data grabbing and advertising are in there as well.

    • Politics is politics. There are no solutions that turn it into something else.

      Yes, exactly.

      Politics is the solution, at least in the sense that it sure beats tribes under warlords just hacking each other up.

    • by bigpat ( 158134 )

      If there's something particularly chilling, technologists thinking their task is to "solve" politics is pretty high on the list. (Among politicians and politically motivated public commentators the parallel approach is to claim their political stance is pure scientific truth without a whiff of political stance.) My personal take on such approaches is that the cure may be more dangerous than the problem that has been framed to be the problem.

      Politics is politics. There are no solutions that turn it into something else. Or at least solutions that would really fix it, but there are plenty of "solutions" which break things that actually work as a side effect, while mostly replacing the problem with another, trendier problem...

      We should be allowed to have private conversations and interactions with our friends.

      This isn't about politics, this is about Liberty. If you believe in Liberty then you should be concerned with corporations and governments mediating, manipulating and censoring your communications.

      Especially at a time when so many people are using electronic communications to reveal minute aspects of their lives.

      Look at the communications providers today. At one level it is just about spying on your communications in orde

  • The US and UK (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:12AM (#58260450) Journal
    voted for the politics they wanted and for the UK to exit the EU.
    Humanity enjoys the freedom to vote.
    • Re:The US and UK (Score:4, Insightful)

      by thereddaikon ( 5795246 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:27AM (#58260596)
      I'm still baffled by how many supposedly smart people can be so easily manipulated into thinking its the end of the world. I shouldn't be surprised I suppose, when Bush was re-elected some major UK newspaper had a on its cover the question how 300 million people could be wrong. Europeans and wannabe Europeans have always felt some kind of weird superiority over us. Jokes on them, Obama was the same shit. Continued the same wars and economic policies for the most part and the major social changes attributed to his presidency were all done by the courts.

      Trump's presidency has been pretty mundane truth be told. Nothing is on fire. We have less war for a change. My 401k is looking good. The price of gas is too. Oh yeah and nobody is in concentration camps like so many claimed. Yet clearly the guy is somehow at the same time both Hitler and incapable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time.

      I'll tell you what he actually is, a centrist who has a focus on economic policy. 99% of the whining and bitching about him is manipulation by the other party because they are mad they lost.

      • Re:The US and UK (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:47AM (#58260782)

        Oh yeah and nobody is in concentration camps like so many claimed.

        Don't worry, they've changed the definition of "concentration camp" to include "people who have committed crimes and are in jail."

        I'm not even joking, I've heard people call ICE detention facilities where people are held until they can be deported "concentration camps" which is just so crazy I can't even put words to it. You'd think that would count as some form of Holocaust denial but given liberals love to attack Israel, apparently not.

        Yet clearly the guy is somehow at the same time both Hitler and incapable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time.

        You see that a lot with conspiracy theorists. The enemy must simultaneously be incredibly strong, and capable of pulling off vast conspiracies, while at the same time being dumb enough that their conspiracy is easily spotted, if only you're willing to look at it right. Since the left has gone all-in on the whole Russian conspiracy angle (just scroll up in this very thread!) it's not surprising we're seeing this common trope applied to President Trump as well.

        • Re:The US and UK (Score:4, Insightful)

          by meta-monkey ( 321000 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @12:28PM (#58261772) Journal

          Same thing with "dog whistles." I'm a right winger. Trump says something like "Make America Great Again" and leftists say "dog whistle for white supremacy!" but I can't hear it, and I'm the dog. Maybe that means it's not a dog whistle, and the leftists are just hearing whatever they want to hear.

          • Dogs never know it is a dog whistle, it is just a regular whistle to them.

            Just like, the racist shit is just regular political speech to you, so you quibble about the words instead of the racist shit.

      • Re:The US and UK (Score:5, Insightful)

        by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @10:10AM (#58260996) Journal

        the guy is somehow at the same time both Hitler and incapable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time.

        That more-or-less describes Hitler: charismatic, but basically a failure at everything else.

        • That is of course, a very incorrect view of history. He was a very formidable man as was Mussolini believe it or not. They may seem bumbling and ineffective now but they came to rule nations and were responsible for a terrible war. Real life isn't hollywood were the bad guys are some comically evil mustache twirlers. Hitler was nuts and evil but he wasn't stupid. If he was then he never would have gotten half as far as he did and someone else would have brought germany to ruin.

          Now his predecessor, Kaiser

          • Hitler was very charismatic, so people who were competent (but less charismatic) flocked to him. As long as he followed their decisions, he did OK. There are many military decisions he made (for example) that show the depth of his incompetence.
        • He did succeed at not being captured.

          He was better at suicide than most who try, and none had more success.

          Always look on the bright side; everybody has talents. Everybody is Special in their own way.

      • Re:The US and UK (Score:4, Interesting)

        by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @11:09AM (#58261348) Journal

        Yet clearly the guy is somehow at the same time both Hitler and incapable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time.

        Yep, just like Reagan somehow "was" both an evil mastermind and an imbecile, all at the same time.

        I've lived through all this before.

        • Yep, just like Reagan somehow "was" both an evil mastermind and an imbecile, all at the same time.

          The imbicile part was all a ruse. []

      • Oh yeah and nobody is in concentration camps like so many claimed.

        Are those usually advertised? Just wondering.

    • Re:The US and UK (Score:5, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:47AM (#58260780) Homepage Journal

      Democracy isn't a vote, it's a process. The original vote didn't even define what brexit is, it just said "leave the EU". Years later and the democratic process has been unable to translate that into a plan that can be agreed on.

      • The problem is 1/3 want a hard Brexit, 1/3 want a soft Brexit and 1/3 was to cancel Brexit, but it requires a majority to make a decision in democracy.

    • Yeah, but they don't enjoy the freedom from collusion and interference.

      You're picking one jewel. The other he offered is the goddam constant breaches.

  • I think we prefer having adolescent humor.

  • by Hentes ( 2461350 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:12AM (#58260458)

    It seems we don't finish reeling from one privacy disaster before moving onto the next one

    If only there was something Tim Berners-Lee could do about privacy vulnerabilities being included into web standards...

    • He doesn't control the standards; if the W3C took a position against industry they'd just make their own "standards" and either claim to be a standard by monopoly or lousy published specs which they wholly control for their own unfair advantage (MS.)

      WHERE ARE THE DISCUSSIONS ON MOB BEHAVIOR? All the worst social human nature is being amplified by social media. Virtual lynch mobs are terrorizing people to the point where we are changing our behaviors lest they come at us.

  • by magarity ( 164372 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:13AM (#58260462)

    Tim Berners-Lee: World Wide Web, you must emerge from adolescence
    WWW: I didn't ask to be born!
    Tim Berners-Lee: ...
    WWW: You're not my real parent anyways!

  • Tim Berners-Lee (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:13AM (#58260468)

    The man who gave us a closed-source DRM blob in our browsers.

  • Power brokers (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Shotgun ( 30919 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:16AM (#58260498)

    Power brokers and the "learned scholars" seem to always think the system is broken when normal people get more information and then don't bend to their will. Maybe the solution you envision from your ivory tower surrounded by your walled gardens isn't the world we want to live in.

    • Re:Power brokers (Score:4, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:30AM (#58260622) Homepage Journal

      Do you not consider people not vaccinating their children to breakage?

      In a perfect world everyone would have the time and ability to carefully research an issue like vaccination and come to understand that there are vast amounts of evidence supporting the conclusion that they are safe and effective, with a few small caveats that any competent doctor administering them would be well aware of.

      In practice that's a completely unrealistic scenario and failure to address the issue results in human rights violations.

      Worse still, the "power brokers" you mention use fear and doubt to exert control, and any democracy should rightly try to prevent that from happening. Democracy based on fear and lies is not democracy, it's what happened in Europe in the 1930s.

      There has to be a balance, otherwise it's just exchanging one type of tyranny for another.

      • I agree and would like to add this:

        In the US, when DST rolled out from 2-3 am Sunday morning, a hell of a lot of Fitbit devices went motherfucking squirrely because the athletic watches (across all models) missed the midnight reset event Sunday night. Ramifications included bricked devices, steps from Sunday weren't reset to zero and became additive, scheduled hourly steps from Sunday were added to Monday without a break ...

        Using that example, here's my additional concern:

        In the Fitbit community, suggestion

    • Re:Power brokers (Score:5, Insightful)

      by doconnor ( 134648 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:30AM (#58260630) Homepage

      The Ivory Tower may be far from perfect, but truth and reality is, at least superficially, the overriding concern. It usually win out, often in battles fought long ago.

      What a lot of people get on the web are falsehoods crafted (or created by meme evolution) to appeal to human irrationality.

      • truth and reality is, at least superficially, the overriding concern. It usually win out, often in battles fought long ago.

        Yeah but sometimes it takes a thousand years for truth to win.

        • Yes, but horoscopes no longer have standing in academia, but there are widely available on the web.

      • The Ivory Tower may be far from perfect, but truth and reality is, at least superficially, the overriding concern. It usually win out, often in battles fought long ago.

        Rudyard Kipling foresaw and addressed the current political/societal/ideological problems in a famous poem.

        The Gods Of The Copybook Headings

        AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,
        I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
        Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
        And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

    • Perhaps the "we," to whom you refer are not scientists?

      TFS and TFA was not scripted by the unwashed masses. Scientists (and "we,") would sure like to have a goddam Internet that wasn't polluted with special interest bullshit and that is data-porous to the casual intruder.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Yeah sure and all the vitriol and bile and 'fake news' and propaganda from state actors and crime and [insert miscellaneous internet bullshit here] that the internet is chock full of now is just so fucking great. It's just so fucking wonderful that the Corporate World has de-facto taken over control of the internet and turned it ironically into the 'walled gardens' (with invisible walls so the sheep don't get panicked) you accuse so-called 'learned scholars' of pontificatiing from. It's just such a fucking
  • Disconnected (Score:5, Insightful)

    by macraig ( 621737 ) <mark DOT a DOT craig AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @09:24AM (#58260564)

    Berners-Lee is so fully disconnected from reality now that he's no longer credible. He talks about the Web "saving humanity", yet he has personally participated in crafting standards for it that serve corporate interests rather than the rest of us. Under his "guidance", the Web has transitioned from a network where people participated in its development and had control over how they consumed it to one where they no longer participate, have no control, and have become passive consumers. Corporate Web developers now view their target "useless eater" audiences with the same disregard as eugenicists of the last century.

    He's lamenting his own utter failure to guide his own creation in the way that he claims he really wanted it to progress, while doing the precise opposite? What a bloody hypocrite.

    • Berners-Lee is clearly an optimist but his great power is in starting the web, he only has the slightest influence after it exploded out of control so it is not fair to say he has guided us to where we ended up today. He's not responsible for human nature and our culturally ingrained evils; he can go around saying don't use my invention for evil/weapons etc like most every scientist throughout history. He can wish he never gave us the ideas but somebody would have eventually done something similar. Sinc

    • Under his "guidance", the Web has transitioned from a network where people participated in its development and had control over how they consumed it to one where they no longer participate, have no control, and have become passive consumers.

      The "old" technology hasn't been removed. I would even argue that it is more easily accessible than ever.

      But human laziness, quick Dopamine fixes and broken net security, all exploited by corporate greed, make *us* choose to transition away from that mode of participation. If you live in a relatively non-repressive country you should blame the consumers, not the producers or innovators.

    • Yeah sure ONE MAN is responsible for the cesspool the internet has become. Read this: []
      • by macraig ( 621737 )

        He's the One Man who invented it. He was in an utterly unique position to shape it. He failed. Now in his waning years he's trying to rescue his legacy after decades of sleeping with the corporate enemy.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Um, what? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @11:07AM (#58261328) Journal
    We need a new internet because there were some election results he didn't like? Seriously?
    • We need a new internet because there were some election results he didn't like? Seriously?

      Yup. He's mad because the web isn't structured in a way that directly and permanently empowers leftist politics while suppressing everyone else. So, it clearly needs a reboot into a more authoritarian version that will control people to his liking. In the name of freedom, of course.

  • This feels like the classic case of a technologist so enamored with his vision for how his creation would be used that when people don't use it as intended, he can't understand why. While I'm not one of those people who believe in the liberal arts mantra of having them involved in technological development, there is a case to be made that it helps to get a different perspective on how technology might ACTUALLY be used versus their creators' utopian vision. After all, technology rarely changes human nature,
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Brew Bird ( 59050 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2019 @11:35AM (#58261484)
    The internet/web is a mirror of humanity. No matter what kind of control system you try to impose on it, human nature will be reflected and sometimes magnified by the tools we use. The Web, and the social media system that grows on it, are a great example of the fun-house mirror result you get when people's thought processes and discrimination ability lag behind technology. I first wrote about this in 1999, as the net.sheep effect. People have been conditioned by 100s of years of text-as-truth to trust anything they READ (because putting things down in writing was once an epic effort, requiring not only a great deal of money, but also the expectation that the quality of the words would be worthy of the effort to put them down and publish them). It's only when a small portion of the user base begins to leverage that habit, that the abuse of being able to reach the entire planet with a rumor begins to become clear... not because gossip is new, but because making gossip seem not only true, but authoritative (by virtue of being written/published/repeated by thousands of sites) is. The only way to address that with technology is by bringing back the one thing that makes a modern society civil : Personal Accountability. Virtual Reputation needs to not only be a 'thing', but a 'thing' that has consequences. Facebook has been a little slow on this, because they recognize their site is a huge rumor mill... if they start squashing rumors, what will that do to their numbers? All in all, the answer to this issue is the same as it was when the printing press was invented, when radio came out, when TV came out: People who are going to report/spread information have to be held accountable for the accuracy of that information as well as the damage they create by doing rumors instead of facts.
  • Tim Berners-Lee simply laments the balkanization of the Web community, the creation of walled gardens, and the death of net neutrality. Who can blame him? It is the open standards and open borders that have given us the World Wide Web as we know it today. I shudder at the idea of an alternate timeline where the only sites I could reach are the ones are on whatever network I've sworn allegiance to, be it AOL or CompuServe.
  • As long as anonymity is a staple of the Internet, it will never 'grow up' or mature.

    It's that very anonymity that encourages people to be on their worst behavior because there's absolutely no consequences to that behavior.

    As much as I love the anonymity afforded to internet users, I can freely admit, it's a root cause of a lot of the trouble we're having.

    It probably needs to go away. Humans have shown they can't behave in a responsible civil manner with anonymity on the table.

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
