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Google Bans 'Sugar Daddy' Apps From Play Store ( 119

Google's updated its inappropriate content policy to ban "compensated sexual relationships" -- i.e., sugar daddy or sugar dating apps. Ryne Hager writes via Android Police: If somehow you aren't familiar with the term, a "sugar daddy" is more than a caramel candy on a stick. In the more common vernacular, a sugar daddy is a person -- usually an older man, but you could have a "sugar mommy" or maybe a gender-neutral "sugar parent?" -- that spends or gives money in what is typically a transactional relationship, often for sexual favors.

I don't judge, different people enjoy different things, and if all parties are consenting with full knowledge, I don't see how an arrangement like that really harms anyone. But, it seems Google does care, though the company is clear it's not objecting to the nature of the relationship, merely the fact that they're often sexual relationships with a perceived compensation basis, and the company has a blanket ban on sexual content -- at least partly ignoring the primary impulse for many customers behind more generalized dating apps like Tinder and Hinge, as well as many of the messages that even mainstream dating app users swap.

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Google Bans 'Sugar Daddy' Apps From Play Store

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  • Marriage (Score:5, Insightful)

    by geekmux ( 1040042 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:47PM (#61635951)

    "that spends or gives money in what is typically a transactional relationship, often for sexual favors."

    Ironically, that's called marriage.

    Any married man knows this, starting with the pimp peddling of "two months salary" from the diamond cartels for the ring.

    • Re:Marriage (Score:5, Funny)

      by GFS666 ( 6452674 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:57PM (#61636029)

      "that spends or gives money in what is typically a transactional relationship, often for sexual favors."

      Ironically, that's called marriage.

      Any married man knows this, starting with the pimp peddling of "two months salary" from the diamond cartels for the ring.

      Yep. The Onion broke this heinous crime story years ago. Why won't people learn?! []

      • Re:Marriage (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @09:15PM (#61636617)

        "that spends or gives money in what is typically a transactional relationship, often for sexual favors."

        Ironically, that's called marriage.

        Any married man knows this, starting with the pimp peddling of "two months salary" from the diamond cartels for the ring.

        Yep. The Onion broke this heinous crime story years ago. Why won't people learn?! []

        I'm surprised there hasn't been a march on Onion HQ to remove that story.

        The lure of regular sex is almost irresistible for young men during that time they are thinking with their penis rather than their head. Seems like if a male can make it to 30-35 without getting hitched, he can largely resist the urge. Especially when they find out that the lure of regular sex is a myth.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Isn't regular sex what you get with your girlfriend, and then after you get married it kinda tails off? It's not exactly a secret that it can be difficult to keep sexual relations interesting for decades of marriage.

          • Re:Marriage (Score:5, Funny)

            by arglebargle_xiv ( 2212710 ) on Friday July 30, 2021 @07:36AM (#61637509)
            Sex with your girlfriend should be fine, unless your wife finds out about it...
          • Isn't regular sex what you get with your girlfriend, and then after you get married it kinda tails off? It's not exactly a secret that it can be difficult to keep sexual relations interesting for decades of marriage.

            No argument about that. But as an equal opportunity chop buster, I must say that guys are pretty stupid. In the throes of ealy "love" they tend to thing this is how it will always be. I know a fellow who married a woman that was as much as he could handle, and rather kinky even. After marriage she became missionary only, and after they had a child, they never had sex again.. And as the lady gets bored with the guy, she can eventually shut him down completely. Doesn't mean she isn't interested in sex, but af

      • Re:Marriage (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Friday July 30, 2021 @04:06AM (#61637145)

        I've been married... and I've been single.

        And I've known many married couples.

        Marriage (even a closed relationship) is not the path to regular sex.

        I've seen so many couples go down the path from regular sex to no sex due to random negative reinforcement. (I.e. one of the partners expresses interest and is rejected randomly or because they forgot to take out the garbage or because they are too tired from house chores or kids and enough of those rejections finally makes the other partner stop asking).

        Single with good but not completely secure relationships where you have separate places results in the most sex. And that's been true for other people I know too.

        Not to mention many women lose all interest in sex once married or after they have the number of children they wanted until the kids are grown again.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Sounds like you married the wrong person.

      • Even if you marry "the right person," it's still a transaction, as this [] clearly shows. Summary: now that women make lots of money, they can't find men who make 58% more than they do, so they are staying single.

        • Re:Marriage (Score:4, Insightful)

          by AuMatar ( 183847 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @11:25PM (#61636851)

          No, now that women make (almost) what men do, they aren't forced to marry someone in order to keep a roof over their heads and provide for their children, so they wait until the find some worth their time and affection.

          Sorry, that does mean you'll never get laid.

          • by etash ( 1907284 )
          • Re:Marriage (Score:5, Insightful)

            by geekmux ( 1040042 ) on Friday July 30, 2021 @05:29AM (#61637287)

            No, now that women make (almost) what men do, they aren't forced to marry someone in order to keep a roof over their heads and provide for their children, so they wait until the find some worth their time and affection.

            No, that unfortunately means the MGTOW ideology, is born. Along with many other societal issues created by single-parenthood and being fatherless.

            Sorry, that does mean you'll never get laid.

            Sorry, but that goes both ways.

          • No, now that women make (almost) what men do, they aren't forced to marry someone in order to keep a roof over their heads and provide for their children, so they wait until the find some worth their time and affection.

            Sorry, that does mean you'll never get laid.

            LOL at anyone that believes women are "waiting for the right one" because they make more money now. Women are waiting until it's almost too late to have children because the pop culture (and marketing, lets not forget) tells them that they can have it all, and that they deserve it all. As for "providing for their children", increasingly, they're not having any. Because they waited too long. Because they were told, you know, they could have it all.

            The Biological Clock is a thing, and it doesn't give a fuck h

          • IT does seem with everything that has transpired to date....that there really is no longer any upside for a man to get married.

            At least, I can't really think of one...

          • You began your post with "No," and yet what you said is completely compatible with what I posted. There is no contradiction. As was made clear by the article I linked, a man's income is one of the attributes that women use to determine whether or not that man is "worth their time and affection."

            I also observe that you felt the need to end with an insult. I wonder where that need comes from.

      • Sounds like you married the wrong person.

        Do you know how you find out if a woman will be a wonderful loving wife, or will leave and take you for everything you have?

        You put yourself in a position where she can take you for everything you have. Until you do that, you'll never know.

        It's like Wile E. Coyote jumping out of a plane. It might be a parachute in that backpack. But more likely, it will be a bunch of forks and spoons. He doesn't know until he pulls the cord.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Nah it's easy, just make sure your relationship is based on companionship and mutual respect rather than just on sex or medium term life goals like having babies or buying a house. Also date for at least 5 years first, and none of that abstinence before marriage crap.

          • Nah it's easy, just make sure your relationship is based on companionship and mutual respect rather than just on sex or medium term life goals like having babies or buying a house. Also date for at least 5 years first, and none of that abstinence before marriage crap.

            If you have all of that going and working well....

            ...why bother with marriage at all?

            What's the upside of bringing "the state" into your relationship?

            • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

              I don't disagree with you necessarily, I probably wouldn't have bothered with marriage if there were not certain legal advantages to it.

              It doesn't get you off the hook though, in the UK if you have been living with someone in what could be considered a marriage in all but name the rules on dividing up assets when you split still apply. And actually you can get most of the legal benefits of marriage just by showing you are in a marriage-like long term relationship, it's just that if say the Home Office decid

          • I'm not convinced. People change. You can vet a person for five years, get married, and then watch them change into a different person over the next 15 years. Now with new preferences, new life goals, and new financial incentives to divorce, they may simply up and leave. And take enough of your money with them that you are forced to work a shitty job after your retirement age in order to pay for their lifestyle.

            And I would consider that attitude paranoia if it wasn't for the very high divorce rates. Th

    • Any Dating app... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 )

      As you quoted... "that spends or gives money in what is typically a transactional relationship, often for sexual favors."

      I agree that covers marriage but how does that not cover all dating? Men are still expected to pay for dates.

      You cannot date without the whole thing being inherently transaction to some degree, since both of you are at least spending time which has value too.

      • Romance: []

        (noun) "something (such as an extravagant story or account) that lacks basis in fact"
        (verb) "to exaggerate or invent detail or incident"

        In our culture, we have an exceedingly romantic idea of man-woman relationships. We want to believe that they are drawn together by an altruistic and enduring emotional connection that transcends all mundane realities. That story makes us happy. But there is a reason why we call it "romance!"

        From a practical perspective, wealth, wealth potential, and the utility

        • Romance: []

          (noun) "something (such as an extravagant story or account) that lacks basis in fact" (verb) "to exaggerate or invent detail or incident"

          In our culture, we have an exceedingly romantic idea of man-woman relationships.

          To put it as bluntly as needed:

          Evolution has molded men and women in two different ways. Men want sex. Women want a support structure because of vulnerability with bearing and raising children.

          Modern social mores have messed with that a bit, but in general: Men want sex, and women are the gatekeepers of that.

          Women want relationships, and men are the gatekeepers of that.

          While those social mores I spoke of have young ladies extending their period of "wild oats" much later than it once occured, when t

          • It's not that simple. With the pill, now women can (and do) have sex until they are close to 30. By the time they decide to get married, they've probably dated a richer guy, a guy with a bigger piece, a guy with a nicer car, and their "number" could be easily above 20. As the saying goes, "half the number for a man; double the number for a woman."

            Their ability to bond is compromised. And then on top of that , they are heavily favored in divorce court (you could really say they are incentivized to divo

            • It's not that simple.

              That's why I noted I was putting it bluntly, which tends to be simplifying things. I don't disagree with anything you say below.

              With the pill, now women can (and do) have sex until they are close to 30. By the time they decide to get married, they've probably dated a richer guy, a guy with a bigger piece, a guy with a nicer car, and their "number" could be easily above 20. Their ability to bond is compromised.

              Yes - While I expressly do not adhere to the old idea that the woman be a virgin, and a woman who's had a couple intimate partners can be a wonderful woman - the high body count woman is damaged goods. This is not conjecture. In addition, one does not go from a high body count to suddenly a committed exclusive relationship as if hitting a switch. If she likes sex with lots of diff

        • by PPH ( 736903 )

          It DOES happen that some marriages last until death.

          In other cases, it just seems like it.

    • Re:Marriage (Score:5, Funny)

      by PPH ( 736903 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @07:10PM (#61636309)

      This guy comes home from the factory one day and breaks the bad news to his wife. "Honey. I just got laid off. I'm in my fifties, with no hope of another job and I haven't been saving much for a retirement. I don't know what we will do."

      His wife responds, "It won't be a problem, dear. Remember that cute little practice you started on our wedding night? Where you'd leave a $100 bill on the nightstand after every time we made love? Well, I saved all that money. Better than that, I opened a brokerage account and made some very wise investments. So in reality, we are set for life."

      After sitting there, dumbfounded for a few minutes, he says, "Gee honey. If I'd known you'd do that, I would have given you all my business."

      That's when she shot him.

    • You really don't need an app for sb's

    • Re:Marriage (Score:4, Funny)

      by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @09:11PM (#61636605)

      "that spends or gives money in what is typically a transactional relationship, often for sexual favors."

      Ironically, that's called marriage.

      Any married man knows this, starting with the pimp peddling of "two months salary" from the diamond cartels for the ring.

      A guy was sitting at the bar. Another guy walks in and sits beside him the new guy says "A round of drinks for everyone Bartender!"

      The first guy asks him "What's the celebration , Buddy?"

      "I'm getting married - now I can get sex any time I want!"

      First guy says "That's funny. That's why I got divorced.."

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      We didn't even buy a wedding ring until a couple of years after we were married. Because we were both adults who talk to each other about stuff we decided it wasn't a priority and would spend the cash on more important stuff until a bit more settled.

      In fact I still don't have one because I just don't care, our marriage is not about rings it's about companionship and mutual support. She likes jewellery though and well I can hardly complain with all the rubbish I've accumulated over the years.

    • Beat me to it. I can only add: marriage should be available to everyone . . . it's not illegal to hit you in the hand with a hammer if you pay them to do it . . .
    • The sugar daddy girls are mere amateurs. The wives are the real pros.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:48PM (#61635961)
    Join Congrassman Matt Gaetz in demanding accountability for this outrage!
  • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:50PM (#61635973)
    Couldn't you rename it to...I don't know, something like, say, Candy Crush?
  • by rogersc ( 622395 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:52PM (#61635989) Homepage
    My guess is that people will just insert the word "sugar" into their profiles on other dating apps.
    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      That has been the case for pretty much entire duration of existence of said apps.

    • I used to hear commercials for one called Seeking Arrangement.

    • by _merlin ( 160982 )

      Another common one is to just superimpose a phone number on the profile picture. Escorts in Dubai do this all the time on the Tagged social media network. If you see a profile picture with a UAR phone number superimposed on it, she's a Dubai escort.

  • by b0s0z0ku ( 752509 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:53PM (#61636001)
    ... thankfully, sideloading is a thing and Android hasn't become as much of a morality-prison as iOS.
    • by fred911 ( 83970 )

      "sideloading is a thing"
      I hate that term. But I assume you mean that in android, you
      can execute processes that aren't obtained from a walled garden? And yes, shouldn't you be able to control an OS you own or license? Or am I just too hippy?

      • by bjwest ( 14070 )

        "sideloading is a thing" I hate that term.

        Your hatred of a term has no bearing on that term being valid and used throughout the world. You simply stating openly of your hatred could be the beginning of a movement to eliminate something that causes no harm to anyone and is only offensive to a few people, causing hate and discontent among people that would otherwise never interact with each other. I'm a firm believer that no one has the right to not be offended, and everyone offended by something just needs to shut up about it and deal with that fa

        • by fred911 ( 83970 )

          ''no bearing on that term being valid''

          It's actually a term that is incorrect. There's no need to use other than the OS to run any executable you grant permission to run, regardless of the origin (on Android). The mere fact that the process (or executable) wasn't obtained from the "official' repository, doesn't require any modifications to the OS for one to call it "sideloaded'. iOS on the other hand, is a completely different matter.

          I dislike the term because it's inaccurate.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      ... thankfully, sideloading is a thing and Android hasn't become as much of a morality-prison as iOS.

      Forget Sideloading... All they'll do is re-release it as a web app. Bypassing any store completely unless Apple decide to block it at the network or browser layer.

      Apps haven't been a "must have" for years now as most companies have realised that they can get the same performance out of a website and have it cost far less. A lot of apps these days are just single site browsers anyway offering no benefits over just using the web browser (and a few downsides like no ad blocking). The only thing they offer is

  • by ChatHuant ( 801522 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @05:58PM (#61636033)

    Well, I'm glad Google is stepping up to regulate the behavior of their adult customers. Where would we be without a corporate Miss Manners telling us what we're allowed to do and what not?

    Yeah, I know, their platform, their rules and all that. I still derive a bit of fun from imagining the Google leadership, their pursed mouths looking like chickens' asses as they nose through their customers' activities and cluck disapprovingly at their shenanigans.

    • Re:Miss Manners (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Frank Burly ( 4247955 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @06:14PM (#61636089)
      Potential upside: a few dollars, probably.
      Potential downside: "Tonight at 11, Is Google trying to pimp out your daughter?"
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Wild imagination. What really happened is their corporate lawyers explained what would happen when one of the sugar babies got raped and killed and Google hadn't even paid lip service to addressing the problem.

      Google is *very* happy to learn all about your peccadilloes. They make great advertising fodder.

    • Well, I'm glad Google is stepping up to regulate the behavior of their adult customers.

      You sure they're all adult customers? There's no way a sixteen year old could sneak in to make some extra cash? Or maybe a fifteen year old?

      Where would we be without a corporate Miss Manners telling us what we're allowed to do and what not?

      Considering what goes on in corporate headquaters [], you don't have to worry about them telling you what to do.

      However, they are covering their ass when it comes to prostitution and chil

      • by hawguy ( 1600213 )

        You sure they're all adult customers? There's no way a sixteen year old could sneak in to make some extra cash? Or maybe a fifteen year old?

        That shows how much you know about Google, they made me enter my birthdate on my account so they can set age appropriate settings which will let them stop bad behavior like this.

        I just turned 121 on Jan 1st of this year.

    • Wait, you mean you don't get your morals from what Google tells you?

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Pffft. This has nothing to do with sexual content and everything to do with anything on their platform looking like prostitution.
  • by SJ ( 13711 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @06:27PM (#61636139)

    Google doesn't care about the sexual side. They just want to make sure all the transactions are done through the Play (see they even have the right name for it) Store, so they can take their 30%.

    If Tiffany gets are new diamond necklace, then Google better get their tennis bracelet as well.

    If Boris gets laid, then Google better get... yeah I don't want to finish that thought.

    • Google doesn't care about the sexual side. They just want to make sure all the transactions are done through the Play (see they even have the right name for it) Store, so they can take their 30%.

      If Tiffany gets are new diamond necklace, then Google better get their tennis bracelet as well.

      If Boris gets laid, then Google better get... yeah I don't want to finish that thought.

      Google as pimp. It would be pretty cool if the execs all dressed like those awesome 80's pimps too.

    • They just want to pull Boris' bed a leg out.
    • Actually, they're probably worried about the weird US laws about trafficking women that could get the CEOs in prison. Hard to imagine it extending to the Google executives, but the laws are truly draconian, and easy to see why they consider it just too hard.

  • I though government and big business had no right to interfere with what happens between consenting adults.
    • I though government and big business had no right to interfere with what happens between consenting adults.

      That's because prostitution isn't legal in most places. And this is exactly prostitution with extra steps. Two consenting adults could kill people - likewise, murdering is illegal.

      • That's because prostitution isn't legal in most places.

        Actually, prostitution is either decriminalized or fully legal in most places.

        America and Islamic countries are the main exceptions.

        • Number of countries prostitution is Illegal: 109
          Number of countries prostitution is restricted: 11
          Number of countries prostitution is Legal: 77
          Number of countries with No laws for prostitution: 5


        • That's because prostitution isn't legal in most places.

          Actually, prostitution is either decriminalized or fully legal in most places.

          America and Islamic countries are the main exceptions.

          Many would disagree with your statement. LenKatgetsu beat me to the punch.

          121 illegal or restricted, 77 legal, ad 5 not voting would seem to show in most countries it is illegal.

          There is of course, the concept that prostitution is a crime without a victim, which assuming that both parties in the transaction are free entities, and the person taking the money is not involved in sex trafficking. As long as it's voluntary, I don't care much.

          Now to be certain, the concept of Sugar daddies and sugar babie

      • The difference is that killing is always illegal, but sex is only illegal when there is either A) money transferred or B) the penetrated does not consent. The idea the prostitution is illegal in ANY supposedly free country is ridiculous.
  • That's a shame (Score:3, Interesting)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Thursday July 29, 2021 @07:30PM (#61636373)

    In my younger days, with a huge surplus of funds, I started a practice of finding a qualified woman and offering to pick up the tab for her college education in return for a dating (including sex) relationship. Books, tuition, spending money, etc. And there was no b.s. about the college part either. Maintain a suitable GPA working toward a degree or the deal is off. All (more or less) structured as a legitimate scholarship. There are tax advantages for scholarship contributions. As long as the IRS doesn't raise an eyebrow over the sex part.

    Some years later, a friend of mine (familiar with my scholarship deal) told me that her TV news program would be doing an expose on me (sort of joking). They did a story on "evil older men financing young women's college education". I wasn't named (whew!) So the next time I saw her, I asked when they would be doing a story on evil older men financing young women's jewelry purchases and cocaine habits. She said, "Probably never."

    In my opinion, it's more about how the funds will be used than how they were earned. Often 'Sugar daddies" are also about maintaining control of a woman. Living above her means, she is hooked. And it's pretty easy for guys to claim "I paid for that." College degrees belong to the people that did the work. And they don't have a "paid for by ..." label attached.

    • You are a John who pays prostitutes for sex. Deal with it. There is no other definition. Did she take money for sex with other men? Let's face it, hookers can make beaucoup buck by finding men like you who will be their John.

      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        You are a John who pays prostitutes for sex. Deal with it. There is no other definition. Did she take money for sex with other men? Let's face it, hookers can make beaucoup buck by finding men like you who will be their John.

        The OP sounds like a bit of a sucker for falling for the GPA thing (like that'll be hard to fake)... But you sound like a 40 yr old virgin Incel who couldn't manage to get laid in a brothel with a compass and map to the vagina.

        Who the fuck cares if he was a "John", as long as he was polite, nice and both parties got what they wanted.

        • You are a John who pays prostitutes for sex. Deal with it. There is no other definition. Did she take money for sex with other men? Let's face it, hookers can make beaucoup buck by finding men like you who will be their John.

          The OP sounds like a bit of a sucker for falling for the GPA thing (like that'll be hard to fake)... But you sound like a 40 yr old virgin Incel who couldn't manage to get laid in a brothel with a compass and map to the vagina.

          You might be wrong there spunky. Been married a long time, had my share of sex both before and after marriage.

          By the way spunky, the stupid and counterproductive tactic of manshaming unless being an utter slave to women is pretty much useless any more. Jumping to the conclusion that unless supporting prostitution, a male is an incel is pretty lame, and just makes the accuser look like a weird sort of milquetoast person.

          Who the fuck cares if he was a "John", as long as he was polite, nice and both part

      • Yes. So your point is ...?

        • Yes. So your point is ...?

          You're a man who consorts with women that take money for sex. If you had a daughter, would you support her fucking men for money? Would you be friends with the man who is her sugar daddy? Would you give him a loan if he was a little strapped for cash, and needed that loan to pay for for her fucking him that month?

          The point is sugar daddies and the women they fuck are the sleazy end of prostitution. Any other questions?

          • by PPH ( 736903 )

            The point is sugar daddies and the women they fuck are the sleazy end of prostitution. Any other questions?

            Yes. Have you seen the women walking Aurora Avenue in Seattle? Because that's the sleazy end of prostitution IMO.

            • The point is sugar daddies and the women they fuck are the sleazy end of prostitution. Any other questions?

              Yes. Have you seen the women walking Aurora Avenue in Seattle? Because that's the sleazy end of prostitution IMO.

              I've seen hookers before. There are all levels from awful skanks to really beautiful. My point about sleazy is that I can differentiate from a man or woman deciding to get a little strange once in a while, and a person who has an employee they pay to lay. You did make a W2 for her didn't you?

              Anyhow - it's your life, your values, your notions of what laws you obey and what laws you don't, and doesn't matter what I think. If you are fine with having an employee you specifically pay for sex, and she has th

              • by PPH ( 736903 )

                You did make a W2 for her didn't you?

                All handled in compliance with regulations for scholarships. Not a W2, since I am not an educational institution granting scholarships for teaching or research.

          • by PPH ( 736903 )

            If you had a daughter, would you support her fucking men for money?

            I'd support her in getting at least as much out of her relationships as she puts in. That's better than fucking Chad to boost his social standing and then ending up as a used up Stacey [].

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      While it sounds like you were trying your best not to mistreat those women, the bottom line is that they needed money to avoid huge debts and acquire the degree they needed for future financial independence. Because there is a very strong incentive to enter a relationship it can't be said that consent was freely given.

      It's much like bosses dating their subordinates, while the subordinate may in some cases be happy with the relationship the power dynamic and strong incentive to say yes to avoid negative repe

  • Implicit: Woman seeks wealthy bachelor, marries him. Then dumps him when he goes bankrupt. []

    Implicit/Explicit: Woman and man accept that part of his attraction is his finances, work out some kind of spending scheme.

    Explicit: Payment is rendered per flagrante delicto.

    I think the first two are sugar-daddying and the last is prostitution. But I get Google's point: while these might be a legal gray area, it's more headache than it's worth (until prostitution is explicitly legalized).

    • Implicit: Woman seeks wealthy bachelor, marries him. Then dumps him when he goes bankrupt. []

      Implicit/Explicit: Woman and man accept that part of his attraction is his finances, work out some kind of spending scheme.

      Explicit: Payment is rendered per flagrante delicto.

      I think the first two are sugar-daddying and the last is prostitution. But I get Google's point: while these might be a legal gray area, it's more headache than it's worth (until prostitution is explicitly legalized).

      We have to figure where the line is. Strictly speaking Marriage is prostitution. On both people's part. But people forming couples as prostitution is simply going too far. Marriage is best looked at as a dual partnership - that's the argument that allowed gay marriage. Presumably a husband or wife isn't going to give their SO money for a roll in the hay.

      So a much better definition of prostitution is based on one person paying another specifically for sex. Doesn't matter if it's two people hooking regular

      • "Strictly speaking Marriage is prostitution."

        Damn son, who hurt you?

        • "Strictly speaking Marriage is prostitution."

          Damn son, who hurt you?

          What's with the manshaming? You not read the rest of my post where I was replying to another person that marriage really isn't prostitution? That both people are getting something out of it. That having sex with your husband or wife is not prostitution, other than for dopey pedants.

          Seriously though, what have we come to as a society where a person has a knee-jerk manshaming reaction as some sort of what - virtue signalling? Where trigger words cause an internal uproar that must be crushed - damn homie,

  • It's faster to say "Prostitution"

  • Back to Tinder and Okcupid with the compensation-seeking people and their counterparts, is what Google is doing. Nice going there moralfags.

Friction is a drag.
