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Google Android

Google Ordered To Make Sweeping Changes, Open Android App Store To Rivals (theverge.com) 15

A U.S. federal judge has mandated significant changes to Google's Android app store operations. Judge James Donato's ruling in Epic v. Google requires Google to allow rival app stores within its Play Store and grant them access to its app catalog for three years, beginning November 2024.

The order prohibits Google from requiring its payment system for Play Store apps and permits developers to inform users about alternative payment methods. Google is also barred from offering incentives for app launch exclusivity or sharing app revenue with potential app store competitors. The ruling restricts Google from providing financial perks to device makers and carriers for Play Store exclusivity.

Google Ordered To Make Sweeping Changes, Open Android App Store To Rivals

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  • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Monday October 07, 2024 @03:17PM (#64846311) Homepage Journal

    Story is paywalled and wapo stories aren't worth the effort of evading a paywall. Anyone have a link to a story that's worth reading on this subject? What does giving them access to their app catalog mean?

    • Anyone have a link to a story that's worth reading on this subject?

      Too lazy to look yourself?
    • Story is paywalled and wapo stories aren't worth the effort of evading a paywall. Anyone have a link to a story that's worth reading on this subject?

      Try pasting the link to TFA into archive.is to search for an archived version.

  • by SeaFox ( 739806 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @03:33PM (#64846363)

    First of all:

    ...ruling in Epic v. Google requires Google to allow rival app stores within its Play Store and grant them access to its app catalog...

    An app store within an app store? That won't confuse consumers at all! Especially when they will have the same apps in them.

    But really the main issue is the time table. Nov 2024? Nothing goes from courtroom to implemented in less than a month. There will be an emergency injunction and even if Google ultimately loses they will have a year or two to make the necessary changes.

  • I thought only the great evil of the EU was doing this...Huh....
    • It still hasn't happened yet but it's inevitable in the US. Overall, as a society, we prefer to take more measured approaches when heavy handed intervention is necessary. Europe's inability to take measured approaches is why they can't compete in basically everything. Take for example, they decided to ban GMO before they even understood it. Yet the scientific consensus on it being safe is even stronger than that of climate change. Now they're way behind the rest of the world in agriscience, they have a popu

  • by JBMcB ( 73720 ) on Monday October 07, 2024 @03:39PM (#64846377)

    In the lawyers heads:
    "Now people can buy stuff from the Epic, Microsoft and Sony stores while still in the Android store, and use Visa or Mastercard directly"

    In reality:
    "I bought something from the Sorny Megagames Store and paid with Versa, and now my bank account is gone."

  • If I were Google (Apple), I'd just say fine do whatever the heck you want. Writeup a EULA that indemnifies Google (Apple) and voids the warranty if you do something that is outside of their control. That way when your identity and money go to some scammer Google (Apple) can just shrug their shoulders and say wasn't our app store, wasn't our approved app, we didn't approve that app, wasn't our payment processor, you go sort it out.
    • by iwrks ( 6306230 )
      I fully agree, but when I made that suggestion for the Apple App store - people hated the idea They want all the coverage they have now, but with side-loading What could go wrong...
  • Look, I don't pretend to understand how it's possible that Google's Play store is a monopoly but Apple's App Store isn't, but whatever.

    This is good for Google and Google should embrace it. Google should start running ads bragging about opening up Android. This is Nashian Economics and will benefit everyone -including Google- if they play this right. But because everyone in Silicon Valley wants to have the next monopoly, you know they won't.

  • Has any third-party app store ever made money? Epic even testified in court that, after five years, they lose money on their Steam competitor store. Be careful what you wish for. I can't imagine a circumstance that I would use an app store not provided by the device manufacturer.
  • A paywalled new organization reporting on google being told paywalls are anticompetitive.
    Should paywalled news sources be forced to allow other news organizations free access to paywalled content so their competitors can resell it?

The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.
